Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Standing in front of him, she could clearly see the hardness to the line of his jaw as he stared at her. When he spoke to her again, there was a roughness in his voice, “Did you like this place?”

The water reached Carmine’s hips, and it fizzed and bubbled around her. Despite the cold water lapping her skin and the chill in the air, her b*dy was heated. A different kind of nervousness rose within her when her gaze lifted to see him. There was hunger in his eyes. He desired her, and she knew it. He walked her back slowly towards the edge. and caged her between his b*dy and arms. “I’ve been thinking about you crazily, Carmine,” he said and his breath coasted over her cheek. “Do you want to hear what I’ve been thinking about?” He lowered his l*ps and grazed the curve of her jaw.

She gasped when his damp hair touched her cheek. “Yes,” she found her voice somehow.

One of his hands left the rock and slid down her waist. The contact made her tremble. He shifted so close that their chests brushed each other. Her n*pples puckered to the point of becoming pebbled. She took a ragged breath when his hand lowered and went to her hip. Heat curled inside her core. Every sensation was more enhanced than ever.

He lowered his mouth to her n*eck and k*ssed her where he was supposed to mark her. He sucked her skin over there, drawing it between his teeth. Her back arched as she inclined her n*eck for him to give more access, as if asking him to mark her. When her b*dy arched, her hard n*pples dragged across his chest and a shudder passed through her. Goddess.

His chest rose and fell against hers in anticipation as he lowered his hand between her thighs. His fingers rose slowly, torturously higher and higher. Her hips jerked when he touched her core as a moan came through her throat. He brought his mouth over hers and at the same time eased a finger inside. She rose on her toes as his eyes flashed golden.

When he lifted his gaze to her, he pressed his finger further inside. “G ods, you are so wet,” he said in a h o ar se voice. “I can feel your muscles clenching around me.”

She lifted her hips off the rock and bucked them towards his hand. In doing so, her belly pressed against his hard erection. He pushed her back to the rock with his b*dy, flattening her chest against his. And then he slowly started pumping his finger inside. He rested his forehead on hers as he pumped her.

She could barely breathe. In this moment, she realized that whatever was happening between them was real. She was tired of running away from her destiny and wanted to be with him. This was what the Moon Goddess wanted from her, for her.


12:3 Thu Tà Jan

Chapter 61


When he saw that she had stopped responding, he stilled his finger inside her. “What are you thinking, Carmine?”

Her glassy gaze met his. “I am tired of running, Theo,” she whispered. “I want that whatever is happening now is real and goes forever. Can you-” she bit her l*p because what she was going to ask next was gargantuan. “Can you mark me as your mate?”

His eyes closed for a heartbeat as every line on his face became tense. “Always,” he whispered back. “Yes.”

She pulled closer to him and curled her arms around his n*eck, tilting her head up. The moment their l*ps touched, electricity zapped through them. He opened his l*ps for her and she delved her tongue inside. She took what she wanted as sh

tasted him, licking over his sharp fangs that had sl*pped from the gums. Guided by her instincts, she moved her l*ps against him, nipping them, sucking them and exploring him again.

He increased the intensity with which he pumped his finger inside. She moaned as she chased the liquid pool of heat inside her belly that was going to destroy her.

“Come for me, Carmine,” he said, nibbling her ear. As if on his cue, she let out a scream as she came all around his finger. “F uck! I can feel your pus sy fluttering around my finger.” He grabbed her by her waist as she hit her or gasm while watching her face and eyes. “You are so beautiful when you come for me, baby.” He lifted her by her waist and placed her on the rock above. “Spread your legs for me.”

She was still breathing heavily after her last or ga sm, but she spread her legs for him. His heated gaze went straight to her wet core and his nose flared as the smell of her sweet arousal filled the air. Placing both his hands over her thighs, he parted her a little more and then lowered his mouth to her core. “Ah!” she bucked her hips when he sucked her pus sy, grazing it with his fangs. Licking her between her pink l*ps, he went to her c lit and circled his mouth over there. He sucked her c lit hard, and she moaned, grasping his hair for dear life.

Finally, his mate recognized him as hers, and she asked him to mark her. That satiated his wolf to the level that Thunder was in a frenzy, to sink his fangs inside her and mark her as his mate. Nevertheless, Theo longed to savor his love further. So he devoured her with crazed abandon. When he would mark her, he wanted her to be a jelly. He was the Alpha Supreme and to carry his mark would not be easy. The Shaman of his pack had said that because of his strong blood, it was possible that a human or an omega wouldn’t even survive his mark.

He swirled his tongue around her cl it and bit it softly. She cried as her muscles clenched. He could feel the shudder in her thighs and knew that she was closing in on her or ga sm. He went down to her core and as soon as he grazed it with his fangs, she came all over again on his tongue. As she reached org asm, he licked up every last drop of her honey.



06:49 Thu, 25 Jan

Chapter 61

When he looked up at her, she was looking thoroughly f ucked up and beautiful. He pulled her to him and said, “Wrap your thighs tightly around me.”

Her limbs had gone weak, but she managed to wrap her thighs around him. “What are you going to do now?” she asked in a dulcet voice, lifting her heavy-lidded eyes meeting his.


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