Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Scarlet gazed at Carmine with large, doe-like eyes, trembling slightly for added theatrical effect. Carmine became awkward, her b*dy tensing. But she knew that if she showed her feelings about how she felt towards the situation, Scarlet would take advantage of it. From what she perceived, right now every omega who was working in the main hall thought her as the snake who got Scarlet almost thrown to the dungeons.

Realizing that this could be very disadvantageous for her, Carmine started thinking of ways to counter Scarlet in the most effective way. Carmine had experienced similar challenging situations before where she was subjected to a lot of insults, whether from her family who abandoned her or her workplace.

Sensing her silence, Scarlet observed how awkward Carmine was feeling. This was the best time to strike her. From the corner of her eye, she saw how everyone was sympathetic towards her while they watched Carmine with trepidation and hatred. “I know you are thinking about last night, and that’s why you refuse to talk to me. Last night, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have left you in the first place. I swear I didn’t lock you from outside.” She hurried to her, ready to ask for more forgiveness with teary eyes.

So Carmine did what no one ever thought she would. When Scarlet came to her, she left Thor’s hand and caught her in a tight hug. “No Scarlet!”

Scarlet froze, her mouth dropping to the floor. Carmine closed her eyes and hugged her tightly, even squeezing her warmly. She heard someone dropping a precious glass. statue that shattered on the impact. Several gasps emanated and when she opened her eyes, she saw Beta Winn standing in the doorway, staring at them with a confused expression. Perfect. She wanted someone to witness this.

“Scar,” Carmine said as she distanced herself from her. “Is it okay if I call you Scar?” It was a low blow because Carmine actually meant it literally while she sugarcoated the word to sound like a nickname she gave to her.

Scarlet stuttered, “Y-yes.”

“Great,” Carmine smiled sweetly. “Why do you think I am going to blame you again for last night? It was sorted out, wasn’t it? I have already forgotten it, okay? Please go ahead with all the work you’ve been doing.” What she meant was that since Scarlet was an omega, her work was to clean the house like other omegas and that was what she should continue doing, “I have to drop Thor to school.” She couldn’t help but look at the omegas who were working, They were all stunned and their harsh expressions cracked a little. She smiled at the one who had dropped the marble statue. “Would you like me to clean it for you?”

“Oh no, Miss Carmine,” she said, blushing a little. “I’ll do it. And I am so sorry about it.” She started cleaning the glass pieces hurriedly when she saw Winn sauntering inside

Mon, 22 Jan

Chapter 2.5

with a grin on his face.

Scarlet knew that Carmine was Theo’s mate, but she also knew that Carmine didn’t know about the fact. If that came out, everyone in the room was going to hate her. She had to let the fact stay hidden for as long as possible until they threw Carmine out of the pack. Suddenly, Scarlet sank to her knees again in front of Carmine. “Oh no, Carmine. I’ve hurt you, and yet you chose to forgive me. You are so kind.”

Carmine clenched her jaws, wanting to remove her, but she remained calm and patted her back, not really understanding why she would repeat this act. However, when she saw Theo standing on the top landing of the floor, she got the picture.

Carmine let out a desperate sigh. “It’s fine… Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to drop Thor at school. He is getting late.” She walked towards the exit, hoping that she found a taxi to go to the school because she hadn’t instructed the bus to come here. The moment she stepped out, a gust of wind blew her hair. She jerked back and saw that Theo was standing right behind her.

“I’ll drop him to school,” he offered, panting.

She blushed slightly. “Oh, thank you, but I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“It’s no inconvenience!” he insisted. Right then, a black Mercedes stopped on the porch and a uniformed driver stepped out of it. He bowed to the Alpha. “I’ll drive the car,” he instructed the driver.

“Yes Alpha!” The driver handed him the keys with surprise on his face.

“Come,” Theo said softly to Carmine as he caught Thor’s hand. When he made Thor sit on a baby seat that he had bought a few days back, he had all this planned.

“You have a baby seat!” Carmine exclaimed.

“Yes, I do,” he said, c ocking his face with a smirk.

She chuckled, and he started the car. His chest swelled with pride and love as his little family sat beside him in the car. The day just looked so beautiful.

Back in the house, Scarlet couldn’t believe it when she saw how Alpha Theo rushed down the stairs and then jumped half of it over the rail, neatly landing on his feet, to reach Carmine. Everyone else was also shocked but scared as hell of the Alpha, they contained their shock and continued to do their work.

Jealousy reared its head and Scarlet felt like running to Carmine and throttling her n*eck. She had to break the mate bond between them. But what? As she watched them leaving, she remembered what Alpha Kade had told her last night.


Chapter 25

Alpha Kade had brought her back to her room in front of everyone in his arms. The moment he closed the door, he put her down on the floor and said, “Enough of your drama, Scarlet. You locked her, but you forgot to put her in a room without windows. Did you think she wouldn’t figure it out? How could you be so st upid?”

Scarlet wiped her tears. She saved herself this time from Alpha Theo’s wrath, but she knew that Alpha Theo won’t spare her the next time. After all, she was against his mate. Scarlet was playing with fire in which she could burn or become gold. Rather, get all the gold. To think of it, it was worth it. Alpha Theo was the richest Alpha amongst all the werewolves. To be his Luna meant her life would be a continuous holiday.

“I didn’t know that she would escape!” Scarlet hissed as she walked to her bed in her small room. “She’s too clever.”

Kade closed the gap between them and made her turn to look at him. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “Carmine is no ordinary wolf. I want her at all costs. And you are going to help me with that.”

Scarlet’s eyes widened. “But how?” She wanted to say that Carmine was Theo’s mate, but not now. She kept that card hidden in her chest because she would use it when the time comes.

Kade gazed at her l*ps lustily. “Stay in the house and keep your ears open. Tell me about Carmine’s actions. Make sure that you don’t provoke her.”

“Okay…” Scarlet’s l*ps lifted into a smile.


Kade leaned down and k*ssed her on the l*ps. “Both Carmine and Theo are to us. So let’s plan on separating them and do it in a way that both won’t come to know.”

She chuckled. “I will monitor her.”

“Good,” he said. “Tomorrow I will leave in the afternoon. How about you come to meet me to plan this thing at midnight?”

Scarlet knew what Kade meant. She stroked his semi-hard erection, and in a husky voice said, “Wait for me, Alpha.” In all her life, she had never had S** with an Alpha.

Kade chuckled and left while she stayed in her room till everyone went off to sleep. It was way past midnight when she tiptoed her way out of the manor.

Alpha Kade was relentless. He f ucked her hard, and she enjoyed every bit. If this Alpha was so good, she couldn’t even imagine what it would be to be f ucked by Alpha Supreme. She couldn’t wait to tear apart Carmine from Alpha Theo.



Chapter 25

Standing in the main hall, she stared at the car until it disappeared. Suddenly, a thought came to her mind. She knew of a witch who sold her potions on the black market. And the witch knew many spells. Her l*ps curled up. She might ask her to break their bond

even if she had to pay a heavy price. Alpha Kade would supply her with the money.


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