Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Carmine gasped. “I-I am so sorry!” she rasped as her cheeks turned red. “Is the pilot experienced?”

“Yes, very experienced.” Theo replied, holding her tightly against his b*dy even though it wasn’t required.

“The plane will be on its course now,” the pilot announced on the speaker.

Theo clenched his teeth. This would mean that he had to leave her. He literally shouted through his mind, ‘Make another sharp turn!”

‘I can’t!’ The pilot begged. ‘If I do it, the authorities will come after me.’ Theo answering growl was enough to make him wince. So he replied, ‘I will, Alpha Theo. The plane turned to the right side again. The pilot risking his license to fly.

Carmine hadn’t recovered from the shock of being held by him and now she found herself completely wrapped in his arms, as if he was protecting her from the big evil world. “Th-thank you,” she mumbled. Plane journeys were terrible, and she decided this was the last time she flew. She closed her eyes in fear and remained in his embrace until the plane stabilized.

With her blushing so hard, her smell of coffee and melting chocolates was mixed with honey. It washed all over him and he wanted nothing more than to sink his fangs and co ck so deep in her he wouldn’t know where he started and where she ended. He was giddy, his eyes at half-mast. “You’re welcome,” he said in a husky voice, but it came out more as a purr. It was his wolf, Thunder, who was purring when usually he stayed in a grumpy and dangerous mood. “The flight to Oregon isn’t that smooth. There are a lot of weather variations up in the air.”

“Oh!” she replied, as she looked at him with innocent wide eyes that rounded at the


Thunder was so close to the surface that he had to clench his jaw to stop Thunder from licking her because that’s what he was forcing him to do.

The plane stabilized, and Theo left her… partially. Though she moved away from him, he continued to hold her in his arms. He was convinced that it wasn’t him, but his wolf, who wanted this closeness. He could still feel her hands on his chest and how her wee claws dug into his skin. As if he would leave her, ever.

“I am fine,” she said, removing his arms forcibly away.

He clenched his jaw, not liking the distance she was putting between them. The pilot announced now they could remove their safety belts. She unclasped hers and went to sit next to Thor. Even though he wanted her back, he tamped down his desire. He had a

Chapter 12

long time in front of him to woo her. “So, do you plan on setting up a new boutique?” he asked, watching her cradling Thor in her arms.

“I do as soon as I get settled.”

“That’s nice. I can help you with it.” He offered her with his breath lodged in his throat. He hoped she agreed to his proposal because that would mean that he stayed with her


“No, thanks,” she said hesitantly. “I will do it. Moreover don’t you have to go after you. drop me in the Gold Moon town?” She scratched her n*eck. “There’s another thing that I would like to say, Mr. T. Wilson.”

Her words alerted him, and he straightened. “Sure, what is it?” He knew he was walking on thin ice with her and that he had to be very careful.

Carmine couldn’t thank him enough that he was helping her so much, but was he thinking that he could use her S**ually? She knew many women in the human world who would try to climb the beds of those who benefitted them. “I don’t want to cross the line and would rather keep our interaction as professional as possible. I am not the kind to pay someone’s kindness with S**.” Although, his vicinity affected her, and she didn’t know why was it she felt attracted towards him, but she had met him only a few days back. It would be pretty inappropriate to…

He didn’t like what she said about putting distance between them, but he sat back in his seat with a satisfied smile. He was happy that his mate wasn’t a typical she-wolf who would jump at his offer at the drop of a hat. And to say that he could get any girl for himself it wasn’t an understatement. So many wanted to climb his bed or pleasure him. Many had offered to keep him S**ually satisfied, even if he wasn’t interested in them. But his mate- well, he loved the challenge that he had to woo her. She was a dignified woman. His chest filled with pride. “I understand what you are saying, Carmine, and I am sorry if you felt that way, but I was just trying to protect you. I believe this is your first flight?” said the sly wolf.

She bit her l*p. “Yes, this is my first time to fly in a plane.” She berated herself internally for being so hard on him while he was doing nothing but helping her. “However, now I think I can manage myself when the plane takes a sharp turn.”

Theo nodded and smiled. This was going to be an enjoyable journey. If she wasn’t willing to come to him, maybe he would go to her. “The plane is on its course,” Why don’t you make Thor sleep in the cabin at the back?”

“Ah yes!” she rasped. After unclasping his seatbelt, she took Thor to the cabin and put him on the bed. It was a small and cozy cabin with a queen size bed. The interior screamed of money, lined with mahogany wood. There was a bathroom on the right, which she used after tucking Thor in a soft blanket. When she opened the door of the

Chapter 12

bathroom, it shocked her to see him in the cabin.

“You can also take a bath if you like,” he said. “The bathroom is well-equipped.”

Her cheeks pinkened, making her smell delicious. He could have her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, taste her honey and make her taste him.

“I don’t have my luggage with me.”

He knew, and that’s why he had already ordered his stylist to send a few dresses for her. He had gauged her the moment he saw her. She was size twelve, with a generous amount of flesh on her hips and breasts. He was dying to cup them both. “There’re some dresses hanging in the wardrobe.” He pointed to one on the left.

Unsure, she rolled her l*ps in between her teeth. The way her l*ps rolled between her teeth, he stifled a groan. How would they look around his co ck? “I will wait outside. The hostess is going to serve us breakfast soon.” Saying that, he walked out and closed the door behind him in order to make her feel comfortable.

Carmine needed a bath. When the hot water from the overhead shower fell on her, she groaned in pure bliss. Tension that had flooded her b*dy seeped out. She was going very far away from the hunters. The wardrobe had five silk dresses that still had price tags on them. She felt jealous that he had female clothes in the wardrobe, but then who was she to feel envious? He was a rich man and he could have any girl he wanted. Maybe he had S**capades in this plane. The thought filled her with rage and envy. She tamped it down and selected a pale blue dress that matched her eyes. She k*ssed Thor on the head. He stirred a little and went back to sleep. When she stepped out, she gasped. Theo was standing just outside the door.




bathroom, it shocked her to see him in the cabin.

“You can also take a bath if you like,” he said. “The bathroom is well-equipped.”

Her cheeks pinkened, making her smell delicious. He could have her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, taste her honey and make her taste him.

“I don’t have my luggage with me.”

He knew, and that’s why he had already ordered his stylist to send a few dresses for her. He had gauged her the moment he saw her. She was size twelve, with a generous amount of flesh on her hips and breasts. He was dying to cup them both. “There’re some dresses hanging in the wardrobe.” He pointed to one on the left.

Unsure, she rolled her l*ps in between her teeth. The way her l*ps rolled between her teeth, he stifled a groan. How would they look around his c ock? “I will wait outside. The hostess is going to serve us breakfast soon.” Saying that, he walked out and closed the door behind him in order to make her feel comfortable.

Carmine needed a bath. When the hot water from the overhead shower fell on her, she groaned in pure bliss. Tension that had flooded her b*dy seeped out. She was going very far away from the hunters. The wardrobe had five silk dresses that still had price tags on them. She felt jealous that he had female clothes in the wardrobe, but then who was she to feel envious? He was a rich man and he could have any girl he wanted. Maybe he had S**capades in this plane. The thought filled her with rage and envy. She tamped it down and selected a pale blue dress that matched her eyes. She k*ssed Thor on the head. He stirred a little and went back to sleep. When she stepped out, she gasped. Theo was standing just outside the door.


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