She scared the shit out of him when she screamed, jumping off her with his heart in his throat. He stood staring down at her, there was a haunted look in her eyes. “Sam, did I hurt you?”

Sniffling she crouched up in the corner of the sofa, hugging her knees to her chest. “I’m sorry CJ. I can’t do this, I just can’t.” Tears fell, leaving a trail of wetness down her cheek.

He sat down next to her, his hand reached over and lifted her chin up. “Sam, if you don’t want this it’s ok, I’m not mad. I’d never make you do anything against your will.” He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her, but something was scaring her. Being a doctor he had seen many women who had been abused by their other half and Sam had all the signs. What he didn’t know was who hurt her and the extent of it.

Grabbing a cushion she held it over her chest to cover her breasts. “Please go CJ,” she said through sobs.

A sharp pain ripped through his heart. He wanted to hold her in his arms, to tell her everything would be alright. The thought of someone hurting her made him so angry he felt sick to his stomach. He picked up his shirt and as he did up the buttons looked at her. “I’ll go, but if you need to talk you know where to find me.”

When he reached the door and was about to turn the knob she called out his name. He turned to see what she wanted.

“I am sorry CJ, it’s not you, it’s me. I’m a mess and you should be with someone who’s not as screwed up as I am.”

“You’re not screwed up Sam. I think you had a bad experience, someone hurt you and when you’re ready to talk about it I’ll be here for you.” Going over to her he leaned down and kissed her forehead before leaving.

Lowering her head into the cushion she cried, her shoulders shook and her whole body ached. She wanted CJ, her body ached for his touch. Her eyes felt raw and scratchy from crying as she crawled into bed. An hour later she was still tossing and turning, thinking about CJ. Getting out of bed she threw on a cotton top and jeans, grabbed her keys and headed out the door. After a short drive, she reached CJ’s place and turned off the car and got out. There was no light on inside and just as she was about to knock she changed her mind. She was about to leave when the door swung open and he stood there in only a pair of pants.

“Sam,” he said her name so quietly she barely heard him.

“I shouldn’t have come here.”

“You’re here now so come on in.” Opening the door wider he stepped aside to let her enter. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Maybe some water.”

Handing her the glass filled with ice water he sat down beside her. “You want to talk?”

She nods. “I’m sorry I freaked out earlier. I got scared.”

“Of me?” he asked.

“Not you exactly, only of being hurt.” She saw him looking at her quizzically and knew he was waiting for her to continue. “I was with a man for two years, Jonathan Stone. In the beginning, he was so sweet, so tender. Tall, dark and handsome. Somewhat of a playboy but I thought once we got together he would change. I was wrong. He had been sleeping around the whole time we were together.”

CJ’s brows lowered, his hand reached for hers and was happy that she didn’t pull away. “The man was a fool to cheat on someone as beautiful as you. Is that why you stopped me earlier? Are you afraid I’ll do the same?” He knew there had to be more to the story from the way she had reacted.

“When I found out I told him I was leaving. He said I belonged to him and that he wasn’t letting me go anywhere. That’s when the violence started, in the bedroom. For a year I endured him forcing himself on me.” She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from falling. “He hurt me really bad. The more I cried and begged him to stop the more he liked it. He was so rough and there was nothing I could do to stop him.”

“Why didn’t you leave and report him for raping you?”

“I was scared that if I left he’d find me and kill me. He said he would if I ever left him. I did go to the police and told them about the rapes. They laughed at me and said since we were married it wasn’t considered rape.”

This news shocked him, his eyes wide he stared at her. “You’re married?”

“I filed for a divorce but he won’t sign the papers, so yes, I’m legally still married.”

He didn’t give a damn that she was married and never told him. What angered him was the fact that the bastard beat and raped her and that the police wouldn’t do anything about it. He pulled her into his arms, his hand stroking her hair. His bare chest was wet with her tears but he didn’t care. “Oh Sam, I’m so sorry baby. That monster needs to suffer for what he did to you. You have to know I would never hurt you in any way.”

Her heart felt as though a weight was pressing on it and her head ached. She let him comfort her in his arms, she felt safe with him. “Thank you for understanding and not judging me.”

“Why would I judge you? You did nothing wrong, how were you to know he would turn into a monster? I’m just sorry you suffered because of that man. We’ll figure out a way to get you that divorce.”

They stayed that way for a long time till she finally moved away. Standing up she walked towards the door. “It’s late, I better go home.”

CJ followed her to the door. With his hands on her arms, he looked down at her shoulder where her top had slid down. “You don’t have to leave, stay with me tonight.” He lowered his face, his lips landing on hers. He felt her hand on his chest as she returned his kiss.

Their kiss turned more passionate, their bodies touching as their hands roamed. Reluctantly he dragged his mouth from hers. One arm around her back, the other one going around behind her knees he lifted her up and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom. There he put her down and lifted the top up and over her head. He smiled in appreciation when he saw what he thought were the most amazing breasts he’s ever seen. “Beautiful,” he whispered softly as he lowered her down onto the bed. “I will show you how a real man makes love to a woman.”

She honestly thought her heart would burst right out of her chest by the way it was pounding so fast. The feel of his weight on top of her as he kissed and sucked on her neck had her squirming in anticipation. Their naked chests pressed together she felt her nipples getting hard and her panties getting wet. She raked her fingers through his dark, thick hair which felt so soft to the touch.

When he shifted his weight, his mouth claiming hers she moaned when his fingers began playing with her nipple.

CJ moaned into her mouth when his hand moved to her breast, her nipples felt like ripe berries rolling between his fingers. He was overwhelmed by the need to taste her, to draw her nipple deep into his mouth. His mouth wrapped around it, licking and sucking. Nothing could compare to the way she tasted. He then went to the other breast, giving it the same amount of attention as the first one. Moving slowly down he savoured every inch of her. Reaching the top of her jeans he straddled her, staring into her eyes and his fingers undid them, pulling the zipper down with expertise. Her breasts were heaving, eyes closed and lips parted as she ran her tongue over them.

He slid her jeans down over her hips, his lips leaving soft, wet kisses along the way. Pulling them off he tossed them to the floor. He placed his hands on her knees and opened her legs, his mouth moved up to her inner thigh. He thought he was in heaven when he saw how wet she was for him and when he put his mouth on her pussy she arched her back and moaned his name. His tongue dipped and swirled, bringing her to an orgasm that had her twisting and squirming and screaming his name.

Sam twisted her fingers in the sheets, her body slick with sweat as she felt the ripple of her orgasm coming. She had never felt this much pleasure, he knew exactly what to do to bring her to a climax. If he was this good with his mouth and fingers how would he be once inside her? She wanted his cock inside and begged him for it. She watched and waited while he got up and took off his pants and briefs. Her eyes widened and she smiled when she saw that his manhood was hard and standing at attention. He was teasing her as he took a condom out of its package and slowly rolled it over his cock, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Getting back into bed he got on top and started kissing her, rubbing his erection against her wet pussy. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to be inside her, needed to be buried inside her warmth. He entered her slowly until he filled her then started moving up and down, rotating his hips. Just when he was about to bring them both to the brink he would slow his thrust, making her whine loudly.

“Stop teasing me,” she cried out. She wanted him to take her, to feel him pounding his cock into her, fast and hard.

He looked down at her, brushing a strand of hair that was sticking to her cheek from sweat. “I could stay inside you like this all day.” But when she clenched her muscles around his cock and raised her hips and started grinding into him he lost it, no longer could he control the situation. His thrusts became faster, harder as he pounded into her, going deeper. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist he could feel her nails scratching his back, it felt good and added to his excitement.

Sounds he couldn’t recognize filled the bedroom and they were coming from him as he brought them to a new height of sexual fulfillment. Sex for him had always been good but didn’t compare to making love to Sam, it was on a whole new level. Rolling off her he removed the used condom, tossed it into the waste bin and then pulled her into his arms. “What are you thinking about?” he asked when she remained quiet, her head resting on his chest.

" I’m thinking how earth-shattering this was and how good it felt knowing that making love doesn’t have to be rough or violent. I also wished we had done it sooner.” It had been so long since a man made love to her with such tenderness, but even way back then it was not like it was with CJ.

Cupping her chin he lifted her face up so that he could look into her eyes. A small chuckle escaped his lips. “I’m sure you already know that I’ve been wanting you since I first laid eyes on you.”

She too laughed. “Yeah, I kind of figured that. So where do we go from here? What I mean is am I just a one-night stand?”

“No, you are not a one-night stand. I’d like very much if we could keep seeing each other on a dating level.”

Smiling she looked at him shyly. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

He shrugged his shoulders and grinned from ear to ear. “I guess I am. Samantha Cain, will you be my girlfriend and promise not to date anyone else?”

“Why yes I will CJ Fisher, I would love to be your girlfriend.” Climbing on top of him, her hair fanning the sides of his face she licked her bottom lip seductively. “I think we should seal the deal with some really hot sex. Are you up to it doctor?”

Flipping her onto her back he laid on top, his shaft getting hard. “What do you think?” he asked, his mouth going to hers, his cock pressing into her, there was no doubt he was up to the task.

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