Sam woke up early, she had a couple more hours before she had to start her shift at the diner so she took a long relaxing bath. Last night’s date with CJ turned out to be better than she expected. He was charming, funny and made her laugh. What really got to her was the way he helped that woman, the way he was with her. Maybe she was wrong about him, so he played the field, what was so wrong with that? After all, he was single and someone that looked like him would have the women coming onto him. Still, she didn’t want to get too close to him, her heart couldn’t take being broken again and he surely had the power to do just that.

Putting on her uniform she went down and made some coffee. Seeing the roses she went over to smell them. Her thoughts went back to last night, she knew he was going to kiss her. Part of her wanted him too, but his kiss could be dangerous, leaving her wanting more. No way was she going to let that happen, never again will she fall for a player.

Work was slow that day so Ward let her go home early. It was close to three in the afternoon when she pulled into her driveway. She wasn’t alone, CJ was there and he was shirtless, working on the fence. Her mouth watered when he turned around and waved to her. His muscles and six-pack glistened from the sweat under the hot sun.

Taking a deep breath and trying to avoid looking at his body went over. She too was hot, but not sure if it was from the anger of finding him at her place or from how her body was reacting to seeing his hot body. “What do you think you’re doing?”

His smile turned into a frown when he saw how mad she was. “I dropped by to give you the book I promised. You weren’t here so I thought I would wait and when I saw the lumber laying here I thought I’d get started on the fence.”

“Did it not occur to you that I’d be at work?” she asked, her voice shaking a little.

“I wasn’t sure if you were working today or not. But since I’m here I might as well finish what I started, we both know you can’t do it yourself.”

Sighing she shrugged her shoulders. “You win. I’ll go change and come back out to help you,” she said and walked away. She knew he was watching her so she shouted over her shoulder. "And stop looking at my ass.”

Now how did she know I was checking out her ass? he asked himself, chuckling as he went back to work.

She returned wearing jeans and carrying a glass of iced tea. “I thought you might be thirsty so here you go.”

Taking it from her hand he smiled. “Thanks, I needed this.”

Backing away she cleared her throat. “So what would you like me to do?”

Finishing the tea he set the glass down. “If you can hold this piece of wood up I’ll be able to nail it, but first put on these gloves.” He handed her the extra pair he had brought along with him. “You really don’t have to help me, it’s not a job for a woman.”

“Just because I’m a female doesn’t mean I can’t do the things that a man can.”

A couple of hours later CJ hammered the last nail in the board and winked at her. “There you go, all done. I’m starving, what say we go into town and grab a bite to eat.”

“You bought me dinner last night. I could whip us up some stirfry if you want to stay. I do owe you for all this work.”

“I’d like that,” he said, putting his shirt on. “Is there somewhere I can wash up?”

“You can use the downstairs guest bathroom while I start the meal. Thanks again for helping me. I really couldn’t have done it on my own,” she said as they walked into the house. Going into the kitchen she started preparing dinner. Ten minutes later when he walked into the kitchen she offered him a beer.

“You have beer?” he asked with surprise.

“I like beer sometimes, open one for me too will you?”

Taking out two bottles he opened them, handing one to her. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No, just sit and relax.” She looked at the book he laid down on the counter. “Thanks for bringing this over. I’ll give it back as soon as I’m done reading it.”

“You can keep it, I have another copy. Are there any other chores around that you need help with? I’d be happy to help.”

“Just the roof but I’ll hire some men to do it.” Dishing out the food she brought out some dinner rolls and placed everything on the table. “Let’s eat,” she said, sitting across from him. A smile appeared on her face when he took a bite and moaned, saying how good it tasted and hoped there was more in the pot.

He later insisted on helping her with the dishes. It was awkward being so close to him. He had that manly scent mixed with sweat that she found sexy. “Thanks for the help but it’s getting late so maybe you should leave now. I’m excited to start reading your mother’s story.”

When she walked with him over to the door he put his hands around her waist and pulled her close, only to be pushed away.

“Don’t CJ.”

“I was only going to kiss you. What are you so afraid of?”

“I can’t get involved with you, can we just be friends?”

“Just friends, is that all you want?”

“Yes,” she said nervously.

“OK, if that’s what you really want then I’d love to be friends. Enjoy the book and I’ll see you around.” Placing his hat on he left.

Sam changed into her nightgown, poured herself a glass of wine and settled in bed with the book and started reading. Once she got started she couldn’t stop, that’s how good it was. Over halfway through her eyes kept closing so she figured she’d finish it tomorrow night.

CJ was looking forward to kissing her but she stopped him, saying she just wanted to be friends so he agreed. Little did she know he still planned on being more, much more. Pulling into his driveway he saw lights on in his house and wondered who was in there. It was too late for his parents, and Parker was sure to be home with his wife and kids.

Going inside he looked around the room but no one was in sight. “Who’s here?” he shouted out, getting no reply in return. He turned when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He saw Donna, wearing nothing but one of his shirts, the buttons were undone halfway down.

“Hi lover,” she said in a sexy, sultry purr.

“What are you doing here and how did you get in?”

“You gave me a key, don’t you remember?” she asked, walking over and putting her arms around his neck. “I was feeling a little lonely and in need of some cock,” she said, her hand going to his crotch.

He had forgotten all about Donna and had given her a key to his house ever since he laid eyes on Sam. Removing her arms from around his neck he backed away, getting some distance between them. “Sorry, but I’m not interested.”

“Not interested, since when? CJ? We have an understanding remember? When one of us is horny and we have no one else we satisfy that person, well I’m horny.”

“Not anymore. This arrangement we had is over, now go get dressed and go find someone else to fuck.” Maybe he was being a little crude but he didn’t want her here, didn’t want Sam to find out about them. It wasn’t as if they were in love or a couple and it had to end at some point.

Donna unbuttoned the remaining buttons and let the shirt drop to the floor.

She had a great body and was sexy as hell, being a healthy male with strong sexual urges he couldn’t help getting a little aroused when he looked at her standing there naked. But it wasn’t the same as before, this time he didn’t want her. All he could think about was Sam. “Look, I mean it, it’s over so please put your clothes on and get out.”

“You’re serious, you’re actually turning me down,” she hissed as she picked up the shirt and threw it at him. “Well fuck you, CJ Fisher, don’t come running back to me when you want a piece of ass,” she yelled as she hurried upstairs to get dressed.

Well, that went better than he thought it would, he figured she’d yell and break things, or even try harder to seduce him. He waited patiently for her to return, wanting her gone. Grabbing a beer from the fridge he sat.

“Who is she?”

CJ jumped when she yelled and he turned to face her. “What?” he asked, innocently.

“The one you traded me for. You would never turn me down unless you found someone else to screw. Tell me who the bitch is so I can kick her ass.” She would be damned if she would let some bimbo stop her from having sex with him.

CJ pressed his lips together, he didn’t like her talking about Sam that way. “I’m not sleeping with anyone. I just don’t want to keep on this way”

“You’re a liar, there has to be another woman. I’ll find out who she is and I will let her know what a dirtbag you are.” She saw the way his body tensed up, how his lips were pressed tightly together, a sign he was pissed. “Wow, you should see your face right now. I knew it, there is someone. Oh my God, you really like her, don’t you?”

In his fit of anger, he grabbed her arm and practically dragged her towards the front door. “My personal life is none of your business so stay out of it. Now hand over my house key.” He held out his hand.

Taking the key from her purse she handed it to him. Little did he know that she had another one at her place. She leaned in close, her hand moving up his chest. “How about one last fuck, for old-time sake and I’ll leave you and your little girlfriend alone. We were good together CJ, the sex was great.”

“Oh baby, the sex wasn’t all that great.” He realized too late that he shouldn’t have said that, it would only make her even madder than she already was.

She slapped him as hard as she could across his face. “You bastard, I hate you.” She opened the door and stormed out.

Rubbing his face he shuts the door. She had slapped him so hard that for a split second, he saw stars. He had never seen such fury in a woman’s eyes as he did in hers. He hoped she wasn’t going to be a problem. He was sure that once she calmed down she would forget about going after Sam. Not that she knew who she was, no one did except Parker and Dakota, and he knew they wouldn’t say anything.

Locking all the doors he went up and took a shower, pushing all thoughts of Donna from his mind. He let his thoughts wander to Sam and how it felt when he put his hands around her tiny waist. Her scent was so sweet, her hair smelled like fresh flowers on a warm summer day. Those lips were so inviting, ready to be kissed. If only she would let him kiss her at least once he was sure she wouldn’t be able to stop him from kissing her again. At the risk of sounding like a conceited jerk, he knew he was a great kisser and women couldn’t resist him. But Sam was different, pushing him away. He would give her a couple of days before seeing her again, giving her a chance to miss him.

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