On the drive home, he held her hand, she was being so quiet and he knew the reason why. She for the first time saw another side of him, one that was dangerous and violent. It took a lot to push him to that point. He pulled over to the side of the road and turning off the car he reached over. Taking her chin in his hand, turned her so she had to look at him. “Sam, I.” He never got to finish his sentence before she spoke.

“What happened to you back there? Your eyes looked weird, they were glazed over and you had this murderous look in them. It was like it wasn’t you, that you disappeared and someone else took over you. I have to say it scared me.”

Letting go of her he sat back, running his hands over his face. “When I was eighteen I got into a fight and almost killed a man. He was attacking my mother and I lost it. I only saw red and something came over me. I had no control over what I was doing. I’m so sorry you had to see that side of me. After anger management, I thought I was over it.” He looked at her, his eyes begging her to understand. “But seeing that man, knowing what he had done to you and the way he was looking at you I snapped.”

Her heart went out to him, she could understand.

His head snapped towards her. “I would never hurt you, Sam.”

“I know,” she said, leaning over she kissed him. “I trust you CJ. But you have to promise me that if something ever happens you will not go to that dark place.”

“I won’t, I give you my word.”

The next morning he was set to go to the hospital, it was the last day until after the honeymoon. He took her in his arms. “I won’t be gone long. If you need me just call and I’ll come running.”

“I’ll be OK.”

“I’m serious Sam. If you hear or see Jonathan, call or call my dad, he’s closer.” Moving from her he ran his hand through his hair. “Oh hell, I can’t leave you alone. I’m going to call the hospital and have them get someone else to take over my rounds.”

“CJ, your patients need you. I’ll be alright and if I need help I’ll call you. He wouldn’t dare come here to the house, not with your father’s men constantly riding by.” She went and put her arms around him.

“Alright, I’ll be back before noon.” Giving her a kiss that started off slow and tenderly turned more passionate.

She finally had to put a stop to it before it got out of hand. “Go on now doc,” she said, pushing him towards the front door.

Fifteen minutes later she was just finishing up the dishes when she heard the front door opening and closing. “What did you forget,” she shouted out, thinking it was CJ. Drying her hands she put the towel on the dishrack and walked out into the other room. Her eyes widened, her heart was pounding and she was frozen to the spot when she saw Jonathan. She knew she had locked the door behind CJ so how did he get in?

“Hi, Sammy, surprise,” he said, his eyes moving down her body and back up till he reached her face.

That was when she saw the gun in his hand. “CJ will be back any minute so you better leave.”

He laughed, throwing back his head. “No, he won’t. I checked and he’s doing rounds at the hospital and won’t be back until noon. I thought you and I could catch up on what we’ve been up to this past year until he returns. I have a score to settle with him before we leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she shook her head.

“Yeah, you are,” he said, waving the gun at her. “I haven’t had breakfast yet. Let’s go into the kitchen and you can make me something and some coffee. MOVE,” he shouted.

On legs that felt like they were made of lead, she walked back into the kitchen. Her hands shook as she took eggs out of the fridge and popped bread into the toaster. She poured him a cup of coffee and took it over to where he sat at the table. She thought of throwing it in his face and running but he kept the gun pointed at her. She cringed when his hand touched her arm.

“You still remember how I like it, black with one sugar. Now make me some food.”

She went back to the stove and started scrambling the eggs. She let out a cry of anguish when he came up behind her. His hand went over her waist and moved up to her breast, he started caressing it and she felt the gun when he pressed it against her back.

“I’ve missed these babies,” he whispered against her ear. “So round and firm. If I wasn’t so hungry I’d bend you over right now and fuck you. There will be time for that before the good doctor gets back.” He slapped her ass hard and went back over to the table, sitting down drank his coffee.

Tears stung her eyes, just having him that close made her skin crawl. As she buttered the toast she kept glancing out the window, wondering where the man was that Calvin Sr. had hired to watch the place. His words made the blood in her veins go cold, she knew what he meant.

“If you’re looking for someone he’s no longer out there. Well, he is but unable to help you I’m afraid.”

When she brought his food over he grabbed her wrist. “Sit the fuck down and don’t try anything or else you will regret it.” He grabbed her hand to look at the diamond. “This rock must have cost him a fortune. I can get a lot of money for it when we get to where we’re going.”

“Where do you think you’re taking me?” she asked, moving her hands and placing them on her lap.

“Far away from here where no one will ever find us.”

“Then why don’t we go now? What are you waiting for?”

He shoved a fork full of eggs into his mouth, then smiled at her. “I’m going to kill the man who has been fucking my wife.”

“I’m not your wife,” she snapped. She looked around for something to use as a weapon, but there was nothing. The rifle was in the closet and she had no way of getting to it. She couldn’t let him kill CJ. “Forget about him, let’s just go.”

“Nice try sweetheart, but he’s a dead man.” He pushed the empty plate away and stood up. “Let’s go into the other room and get comfortable.”

When they got to the living room he pushed her, making her fall back onto the sofa. “Why are you doing this Jonathan? You got paid a lot of money for the divorce and you don’t love me, you never did.”

He snapped, jumping on her he straddled her, putting his free hand around her neck and squeezed. “Because you are mine and you had the nerve to pack up and leave when I wasn’t home. Putting an order of protection against me and filing for divorce. Now I find you with another man, fucking him.”

She clawed at his hand. “Stop, I can’t breathe,” she cried out, tears filling her eyes.

He let go and getting off her he stood looking at her. “Get on your knees.”

“What?” she asked, her eyes widened in horror.

“You heard me, get on your knees and suck me for old-time sake,” he said as he pulled down his zipper.

“No,” she said, shaking her head.

He reached down, grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her off the sofa. He then shoved her, making her fall on her stomach.

She looked up at him, tears falling down her face. “Please don’t do this.”

He cocked the gun and pointed it at her. “I said, get on your fucken knees.” He pulled her up, slapping her across the face.

She closed her eyes as she got on her knees, where was everyone who was supposed to be watching over her?

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway had them both turning toward the door. He pulled up his zipper, and placed a finger on his lips, warning her to keep quiet. He walked over and peeked out the window. “Well, well, looks like the Doc. is home early.” He winked at her. “We’ll finish this later.”

She watched from the floor as he hid behind the door, she couldn’t let CJ walk into a trap. Knowing that Jonathan could shoot her she yelled out just as the door started to open. ” Watch out he’s behind the door with a gun.”

She screamed when she saw Jonathan knock CJ over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, out cold. She crawled over to him, sobbing she tried to touch him but was yanked away and pushed over against the wall.

“Stay there,” he ordered her. Shutting the door he dragged CJ further into the room. Rolling him onto his back he looked back at her and scoffed. “This is what you’ve been spreading your legs for. Grant you, he’s not bad looking but I’m so much more handsome than he is.” Using his foot he kicked CJ in the gut several times, her cries for him to stop fell on deaf ears.

Sam knew that if she were to save the only man she had ever loved she would have to move quickly. With Jonathan’s back to her and he raised his gun to shoot him she rushed over to the closet and taking out the rifle didn’t stop to think, she just raised it and pulled the trigger.

The gun fell from his hand and he turned to look at her before collapsing, his body lay still on the floor, eyes wide open with a look of shock in them.

She stood, staring at his body, the rifle still in her hands. Everything became hazy, her mind frozen with fear. She had never shot a man before, she didn’t even know if she had it in her to do so.

CJ came too and saw Jonathan laying next to him, blood oozing from his head. He looked over and saw Sam standing there like she was in a trance. The rifle was still in her hands, her eyes were blank and her lips quivered. He checked the man for a pulse, there was none. Getting to his feet he went to Sam, saying her name softly as he took the rifle from her, placing it against the wall.

Her eyes came into focus, she looked at CJ and the tears flowed when she felt herself being engulfed in the folds of his arms. Her sobs were gut-wrenching, and her shoulders shook violently as he tightened his hold on her. “I killed him, oh my God I killed a man,” she said, stuttering as she spoke.

He held her so tight, feeling her trembling. “You saved my life, Sam, you did what you had to.” He loosened his hold so as not to crush her and lifted her face. He saw the bruises on her face and brushed his fingers over them, hating himself for not being here when she needed him.

They both jumped when the door was kicked open and saw Calvin Sr. with his rifle poised, ready to shoot.

But he lowered his gun and looked at the two wrapped up in each other’s arms. His eyes then went to the dead man on the floor. “Shit, are you both alright?” he asked, going over to them.

“We are now,” CJ answered.

Calvin Sr. touched his son’s head to get a good look at the bump and blood. “You sure you’re OK, son?”

“I’m fine dad, thanks to Sam, she saved my life.”

Calvin looked at her, the palm of his hand resting on her cheek. Seeing the bruises on her face he felt sick knowing that a man did that to her. “You saved my son, for that, I will forever be indebted to you.” He looked at CJ. “Take her into the kitchen and pour her a stiff shot of whiskey. I’ll call the sheriff.

CJ helped her into the kitchen where he had her sit down. Seeing she was shivering he grabbed her sweater from the other room and coming back placed it around her shoulders. He then poured them both a stiff drink. “Drink this baby,” he said, pulling a chair closer and putting his arm around her. They sat there quietly and just held each other.

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