CJ woke up with a wide grin on his face and a boner but when he turned his head he was disappointed to find that Sam was not in bed with him. Getting up he pulled on the jeans that were casually laying on the floor next to the bed. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon drifted upstairs and his stomach growled. Going down he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she scrambled the eggs she was making. “I woke up with this,” he said, pressing into her, letting her feel how hard he was. “But you weren’t in bed.”

She giggled when she felt his erection and he nuzzled her neck. “Down tiger. I’m starving and I came down to make us something to eat. Now sit,” she ordered, giving him a smile.

Grumbling he sat down, resting his head in his hands. “Wow, you sure are bossy. Is this what’s in store for me every day when we move in together?”

Setting the plates down she smiled. “What makes you think we’re going to live together?”

He pulled her down onto his lap, his arms going around her waist and he wouldn’t let her go. “I won’t spend another night or morning without you. Tell me you’ll move in with me.”

She scratched the stubble on his face with her fingertips. “What am I going to do with this place if I do?”

“You could rent it out or sell it, even just leave it as it is until you decide what you want to do with it. Baby, I’ll even move in here if that’s what you want.” His hand slid up her leg, happy that she had on a dress.

“I think it’s better if we live at your place, it’s much bigger than here.” She swatted his hand away when it reached her panties and she stood up. “Let’s eat.”

Done eating and dishes washed and put away they sat on the sofa, cuddling.

“Let’s pack your things and get you settled in right away,” he said, pulling her to her feet. He helped her pack her clothes into suitcases and all her personal belongings. He then put them in his car and told her he would ride Ace over to his place. He handed her three keys, one for the house, and the other for his truck and car. “These are for you in case you want to drive them. You go ahead and Ace and I will be right behind you.” Pulling her into his arms kissed her before seeing her off.

Back at his place which he told her she was to consider it her place and not just his. He helped rearrange his closet and drawers to make room for her things. He promised that he would build another closet and get another dresser just for her things.

“OK, enough of this unpacking, it’s time to christen our home,” he said, grabbing her and flinging her onto the bed. Undoing his belt buckle smiled down at her. “I suggest you start undressing or I’ll be forced to tear those clothes off that gorgeous body of yours.”

Later as they lay together CJ wanted to clear things up about Donna. “About Donna, you must know that nothing was going on behind your back. When I first saw you I ended it with her, she was angry and said she would make me pay. I did not call her that night.” He stopped talking when she placed her hand over his mouth.

“I believe you so there is no need to talk about that bitch. Parker and Dakota explained everything to me. I just want us to start over, no secrets and if we are upset, let’s talk to each other about it.”

Taking her hand he kissed it. “Deal. I’m thinking we should have a party Saturday night. Invite everyone we know. We’ll barbeque, have music and a few drinks. I want everyone to know you belong to me and I you.”

He couldn’t believe his luck and he now knew what his parents and Parker meant when they told him that finding the right woman would make all the difference in the world. He loved her with all his heart and wanted to love and take care of her. She was his world and without her, he was nothing but a shell of a man going through life without true love or a purpose. He pulled her closer, taking in her scent and loving the feel of her naked skin against his.

“A party, that sounds good, I’d like that,” she said sleepily.

The next day CJ rode over to Parker’s place and when he told them that Sam had moved in they were overjoyed.

Dakota hugged him. “Now don’t you go screwing it up, she’s the best thing that ever happened to you?”

With his arms around her he hugged her back, looking at her he smiled wickedly. “This means that you and I can’t continue with our secret love affair.”

Pushing him away she laughed. “Oh please.”

“We’re having a party this weekend and I want you all to come, so spread the word, everyone is welcome. I have to go now, we’re going riding and I don’t want to keep my woman waiting.”

Parker and Dakota watched as he rode off. “I never thought I’d see the day that CJ would fall in love,” he said, pulling her into his arms and kissing her as if it were the first time. “Kids are away, what say we take this inside?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she replied, taking his hand.

CJ and Sam ended up by the river, the one where he found her swimming nude. “Let’s get naked and go swimming,” he said to her, getting down off his horse.

“I don’t think so.”

“Why not? You did before.”

“That was before I knew people came here.”

“You can leave on your underwear, they’re almost like a bathing suit,” he said and stripped down to his briefs. “Come on, no one is around.”

Scanning the area and figuring out what was the harm she removed her clothes, leaving on the bra and panties. “Do not splash me,” she cried out when she saw what he was about to do.

“What if I do?”

“If you do you won’t get sex tonight.”

He gave her a devilish smile. “Oh yes I will,” he said and splashed her, making her screech loudly.

She then returned the favour until he managed to get close enough to take her in his arms. “You’re so nasty,” she said, but she lifted her head to kiss him.

Coming out of the river he put his shirt on her when she shivered and they sat on the grass letting the sun dry them. “This has become my favourite spot.”

“Why’s that?” she asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

He kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arm around her waist. “This is where you finally agreed to go out with me.”

“You blackmailed me into saying yes.”

He shrugged his bare shoulders. “Whatever it takes Sammy.” He felt her immediately stiffen and she got up and went over to where her clothes were. Her face had gone pale and she looked like she was about to cry. “What’s wrong?” he asked, getting to his feet.

“Don’t ever call me Sammy. Sam or Samantha, but not that.”

Going over he placed his hands on her shoulders from behind. He didn’t say anything, just waited for her to speak.

She turned around to face him. “Jonathan used to call me that every time he got drunk and forced himself on me. He would moan the name Sammy when he raped me. Hearing that name literally makes me sick.”

CJ wiped her tears away gently with his thumbs and laid her head against his chest, stroking her back. “I’m so sorry he hurt you. I could kill him.” As he held her, feeling her body tremble he couldn’t help but wonder how a man could abuse any woman. His parents had brought him up to never hit a woman, no matter what they did to you.

“Thank you,” she said quietly into his chest.

“Thank me for what?”

“For listening and just holding me. I think we should put our clothes on before someone comes along and catches us.”

That night he made love to her slowly, taking his time to pleasure every inch of her, loving the sound of her screams.

“That was amazing CJ. I could stay like this forever, naked and in your arms.” She sighed. “We need to sleep as we both have to work tomorrow.”

“You know you don’t have to work, I make more than enough to take care of us.”

“I’m not about to be a kept woman. I’ve always worked and I always will,” she said, her tone a bit harsh.

“OK, OK, I’m just saying but whatever you want. Now kiss me before I go crazy.”

Morning: “CJ, I’m leaving for work now,” she shouted up the stairs.

“Wait,” he called back. He ran down the stairs carrying his doctor’s bag. “I need a kiss before you go.” Pulling her close gave her a kiss that left her breathless. “That should keep you till later.”

Blushing she pulled him back in for another kiss. “I’ll stop after I’m done with my shift and pick up some snacks for the party tonight. Don’t forget to pick up some extra chairs for our guests to sit on and make sure to fill the propane tank.”

“Bossy bossy woman,” he snickered.

He walked out with her and after another long and passionate kiss, they got into their vehicles and headed off to work.

That night when she came downstairs wearing a cute country-type outfit, skirt, blouse and cowboy boots he whistled. “Damn, you look hot baby. I have a surprise for you,” he said, his hands behind his back.

She walked up to him. “I love surprises, so where is it?”

“Right here,” he said, and bringing his hand around showed her the cowboy hat he bought for her. “I thought it was time for you to look like a real cowgirl.”

Her eyes lit up and she grabbed it and put it on her head. “I love it. So how do I look?”

“Drop dead gorgeous,” he said, pulling her close, his mouth came down hard on hers. He only stopped when he heard horns blowing and knew their guests were arriving.

Calvin Sr. took CJ over to the side for a private talk. “I’m glad you and Sam worked things out. I also wanted to let you know that Mr. Stone will only sign the divorce papers on one condition.”

“What does he want?” CJ asked.

“He wants two hundred thousand dollars.”

CJ’s jaw went slack. “That son of a bitch,” he cursed.

“Your mom and I talked about it and we both agree to put up the money.”

“I appreciate that Dad but I can’t let you do that. I’ll pay for it.”

Calvin Sr.'s eyebrow lifted. “Do you have that much money laying around?”

“Dad, I lived in your house rent-free most of my life and I make a decent living. Yes, I have it and also some investments that are doing well.”

“OK son, but if you need it just ask.”

“Why would you want to? I mean you don’t really know much about her.”

“Your mom and I know what he did to her and after asking around and finding out what kind of man he is she’s best having all ties to him cut. Also, you two are in love and we want you to be happy. We can see how happy Sam makes you.”

“She really does and I plan on making her my wife.”

“We better get back to the party son.”

“Um Dad, let’s not mention the money to anyone. I don’t want Sam finding out or she won’t let me do it.”

“We’ve been through this before CJ, you can’t keep secrets from the one you love.”

“I’ll tell her, but not yet.”

“Don’t leave it too long CJ because if she finds out from someone else she might not forgive you.”

“Just look at her dad,” he said, motioning over to where she was standing with some of the other women. “I love her and I’m not going to do anything to lose her.” Yes, he had promised her there would be no secrets but what was wrong with one? he asked himself.

Sam glanced over at him and smiled, jerking her head to the side motioned for him to join them.

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