When she woke up CJ had already left, but there was a note on his pillow. Smiling she picked it up and read it. Baby I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so beautiful I almost took advantage of you. Will see you at lunch.

Laying the note down she stretched, running her hand down her body where he had been just a few hours ago. As she soaped herself down in the shower she hummed, all thoughts of what happened to her yesterday left, like a cloud in the sky floating away. CJ made her feel good, he treated her with respect and made her feel things she never felt before. A thought crossed her mind, was she falling in love with him? And was it not too soon since they’ve only known each other for around three months? It really couldn’t go further as she was still legally married and her ex wouldn’t give her a divorce.

As the early morning rush hour settled down she had the cook make two turkey clubhouse sandwiches for her and CJ, he was due any moment. She kept checking out the window for him, he was ten minutes late. With a heavy heart, she sat down to eat, his meal lay untouched. She wasn’t angry, he was a doctor so perhaps there was an emergency and he had to deal with it. She jumped when someone came up behind her and kissed her cheek. Her heart jumped into her throat when she saw it was CJ.

“I’m so sorry I’m late, my last patient kept me,” he said and sat down.

“It’s OK, I understand. Your food might be cold. I can get the cook to make up another plate for you.”

“No this is fine, I’m used to eating my food cold.” Smiling he slid his hand over to hers, taking it in his. “I missed you this morning.” Shit, he was most definitely hooked, never had he given any woman a second thought after sleeping with them, but Sam, she was all he could think about.

“I missed you too.”

“It’s going to kill me not seeing you until later tonight. Can I take you to dinner tonight?”

“No,” she shook her head.

His jaw slackened and his eyes followed her facial expression, he couldn’t read her. “No, why?”

She smiled, chewing on her bottom lip. “I’ll make you dinner, at my place.” She didn’t want to share him with the outside world, she wanted him all to herself. “I might have a special surprise for you later, a special dessert.”

He could just imagine what that could be and was so looking forward to tonight.

Their time together was interrupted when a shrill voice boomed out loudly. “Why if it isn’t CJ Fisher. It’s been a while since I saw you, how are you doing?” The tall leggy blond said as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Swatting her hand away he glared at her. “Yes, but not long enough,” he answered sarcastically.

Ignoring his rudeness she looked at Sam. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”

CJ held his temper, wondering what she was up to. “Samantha Cain, Sam this is Donna Payne, an old acquaintance.”

The women shook hands, Donna turned to look back at CJ. “So she is the reason I haven’t heard from you. I can’t blame you, she is lovely. Well, I’ll just leave you two to enjoy your lunch. I’ll be in touch CJ.” With a wave of her hand, she walked out carrying her take-out coffee.

“Who is she?” Sam asked as a wave of anxiety coursed through her brain.

“She’s no one of importance, just someone I once knew. Forget about her, I want to talk about us. I should be at your place around seven tonight. I have to get back to work but first is there somewhere we can go more private so that I can kiss you properly?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“Then I shall have to kiss you right here in front of everyone.” Taking her by surprise he pulled her to her feet, his mouth came down hard on hers, his kiss passionate as everyone looked on, making kissing noises and clapping. Letting her go he smiled, touching her lips with his fingertips. “Till tonight baby.”

Blushing she looked around and saw the people in the diner smiling at her.

“So you and the doctor huh, lucky girl,” Crissy exclaimed with a smug look plastered on her face that was covered in freckles.

“Get back to work,” Sam said, giving the young girl a playful swat.

CJ was not happy to see Donna and prayed that she wasn’t going to make trouble between him and Sam. Back at his office, he stretched his muscles that had tensed up. “Do I have any patients waiting for me?” he asked Maureen.

“Yes Doctor Fisher, a Miss Payne.”

He ran his hand through his thick hair, the tension in his muscles returning. Taking the file he read it. Chest pains. I just bet.

Entering the examining room he glared angrily at Donna. “Why are you wasting my time with this nonsense?” he asked, tossing the file down.

“It’s not nonsense, I’m having pains and you need to check my heart,” she said, unbuttoning her top.

He shook his head when her breasts were exposed, she wore no bra. “There was no need to undo all the buttons,” he barked, placing the stethoscope over her heart.

“But you always liked looking at my breasts before, and sucking on them.”

Removing the stethoscope he stepped back. “Do your blouse up. There’s nothing wrong with your heart. I don’t like having my time wasted when there are sick people who really need my help.” He leaned in close after her blouse was closed, his teeth clenched and with a savage look in his eyes, he hissed. “Stay away from me, and most of all Sam.

“Oh my, you must really like her. Have your fun, for now, CJ. But believe me, you two won’t last and we both know it, you’ll get bored with her sooner or later.” Jumping off the examining table she grabbed her purse. “I’ll be seeing you around,” she said with a smirk on her face and walked out.

He buzzed Maureen. “If Miss Payne comes back refer her to one of the other doctors.” All he wanted was for this day to end and be with Sam. The next three hours he gave a prostate examination, a physical and took care of the Walters twins who had a nasty cold. Rubbing his temple he hung up his jacket and said night to Maureen. He headed home to shower and change before going to Sam’s.

Meanwhile, Sam was preparing a special meal for CJ, Veal Parmesan cutlets, pasta salad and garlic bread. The place was cleaned, and the table was set with candles. She went and took a quick shower and put on a dress that hugged her curves. She went and opened the door when she heard him knocking, just the sight of him had her heart racing. In his hands, he held flowers in one, a bottle of wine in the other.

As soon as the door opened he walked in, laying the flowers and wine on the table pulled her into his arms. The way he kissed her one would have thought he hadn’t seen her in weeks. “I missed you so much,” he said, pulling apart, running his hands up her arms.

“I missed you too. I presume the flowers are for me.”

Picking them up handed them to her. “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman. Shall I open the wine now?”

“Yes, you do that and I’ll put these in water. Dinner will be ready soon.”

“Oh, by the way, you look stunning in that dress.”

“Thank you,” she replied.

During dinner, she asked him about Donna. “That woman I met today, Donna. Who is she to you? I get the feeling you and her have a history.” She couldn’t stop the feeling of jealousy that pumped through her veins. It was foolish of her since she knew that he had women before her, but still, it bothered her.

“She’s nobody.”

“CJ, if we are going to make this relationship work we have to be honest with each other.”

“You’re right. Donna and I never dated, it was more of a sex deal.”

“What kind of sex deal?”

“If either one of us were in need of, let’s just say company we would get together for sex. It meant nothing.”

“So in other words when you were horny and had no one else,” she said, frowning.

“That’s right.”

She looked at him. “So if we have a fight are you going to go running to her for a quick fuck? Should I be worried about the two of you? I’ll be honest with you, if that happens I’ll never forgive you and what we have will be over.”

Reaching across the table he took her hand in his. “No, I will never betray you. The moment I laid eyes on you I ended it with her.”

“How did she take it?”

“Not well, she was angry and said I’d be sorry. Look, I’ll never do anything to destroy what we have. Please trust me.”

Trust was a hard thing for her, she trusted once before and got burnt badly and was afraid that history would repeat itself. “I’ll try.” When they were finished eating she took their plates over to the sink.

“I’ll help you with those.”

“No, we’ll do them later. You take your drink into the other room and I’ll go upstairs and get you your surprise.”

“What is it?” he asked, nuzzling the back of her neck.

“Never you mind, now go,” she said, giving him a push towards the living room.

Ten minutes had passed and he looked at his watch, getting impatient he yelled out. “If you don’t come down soon I’ll come up after you and we both know what will happen.” Another five minutes went by and he had enough of waiting. Getting to his feet he decided to go up, but when he turned around he stood there staring at her. His mouth watered, his heart pounded and his cock grew hard. “Holy shit,” he said out loud.

She was wearing a very short outfit, like a nurse's uniform. She had on white stockings and high heels. Walking over she shoved him back, making him fall onto the sofa. Straddling him she undid the buttons on his shirt. “I think you need a complete physical.”

His eyes stared at her breasts which were barely covered by the flimsy material of the top of her dress. “I do have this problem down below, there’s something hard and throbbing. I think you need to take a look at it.”

“I will, but first I need to check your ears and neck.” She nibbled on his ear, moving down to his neck while her hands moved over his chest. The bulge inside his pants was pressing against her crotch, making her wet. She felt his fingers caressing her breasts. When and how he managed to slide the zipper of her dress down without her noticing was beyond her.

“Why you naughty boy Doctor Fisher.”

When she began grinding against him he couldn’t take the torture another minute. He lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and headed up the stairs. “Now you need to check out what’s in my pants and make it feel better.”

She let out a squeal when he tossed her on the bed as if she were a rag doll and watched as he undid his belt buckle. Her panties dampened more when he removed his pants and briefs. She involuntarily licked her lips and moaned when she saw how ready he was. His whole body was one of beauty from his defined biceps right down to that perfect V-line that went to his manhood. Just thinking of the pleasure it could give her made her core throb like crazy.

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