Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 485

Chapter 485 Jealousy 

The restaurant manager’s expression changed abruptly. “I apologize. Mr. Russell. I will leave immediately so as not to disturb you.” 

With those words, he obediently exited the room. 

Brian had already guessed which of the two men was Emrys from the way the restaurant manager had looked at him. He shifted his gaze towards Emrys, carefully scrutinizing him. 

After a moment, Brian let out a cold huff and said, “I thought Lady Lockwood was pure, but it seems she’s just another commoner infatuated with a handsome face!” 

His mindset was indeed petty. 

Dissatisfied with his own appearance, he didn’t dare pursue his goddess. However, when he saw her choose a man more 

handsome than himself, he displayed an attitude of contempt, believing that this so–called goddess was nothing more than a shallow person.. 

On one hand, it was jealousy. 

On the other hand, it was a sense of inferiority, an attempt to mask his inner feelings of inadequacy through such means. 

This was indeed the case with Brian. 

Emrys looked at him with an amused gaze, a smirk playing on his lips. “So, you’re the young Mr. Russell,” he said, his voice laced 


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Chapter 485 Jealousy 

with a hint of mockery. “I’ve heard a lot about you. You certainly live up to the rumors about how unattractive you are.” 

“Do you want to die, punk?” 

Upon hearing these words, Brian’s expression instantly turned cold. He detested it when people commented on his appearance, as that was where he felt most self–conscious. 

The other members of the Russell family actually looked quite normal, including Brian’s older brother, Cillian, who could be considered handsome. However, it seemed as if all the unfavorable genes of the entire family had concentrated themselves onto Brian. 

Setting aside the fact that each of his facial features was distinctively unique, they were also clustered together, resembling a rectangular pancake with a few chia seeds sprinkled in the middle, leaving a large ring of empty space around. 

Because of this face, Brian had committed quite a few brutal acts. 

Once, there was a passerby who was unaware of Brian’s identity. Upon seeing his peculiar face, the passerby couldn’t help but make a few comments. As a result, Brian cut off his tongue on the spot. 

This incident had alarmed the relevant authorities, who claimed they would seek justice for the victim. However, within a few days, Brian had nonchalantly walked free. 

The Russell family merely made a symbolic gesture of compensating the victim. 


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Chapter 485 Jealousy, 

Ever since then, whenever the people of Jipsdale saw a man with an unusual face, they dared not casually gossip, let alone take a second glance. They were afraid of upsetting Brian, fearing he might blind their eyes in displeasure. 

Today, Emrys, with his very first words upon meeting, struck right at Brian’s sore spot, instantly igniting a raging fire of anger within Brian’s chest. 

At this point, Emrys had already shifted his attention to Shanise, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He said, “Miss, your beauty is indeed remarkable, but your taste… it leaves something to be desired!” 

Once again, a sword was ruthlessly thrust into Brian’s chest. 

Emrys turned to look at Maximus, asking, “You rascal, don’t you have anything to say to your girlfriend?” 

The moment Maximus entered and saw Shanise there, he was utterly infuriated. However, for reasons unknown, his agitation seemed to have lessened. 

Perhaps because he thought she wasn’t worth it! 

Getting angry over such a woman was completely unnecessary. 

Maximus shook his head, feeling that anything he said now. would be a waste of time. However, it was Shanise who took the initiative to speak first. “Max, I’m sorry…” 

There was no denying that Shanise cared about Maximus in her heart, but many things in life didn’t necessarily yield results. 


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Chapter 485 Jealousy 

At Jipsdale University, Maximus‘ appearance was undeniably that. of a campus heartthrob. Otherwise, Emrys wouldn’t have said that he himself needed to avoid his charm. 

In the eyes of everyone at Jipsdale University, Shanise and Maximus were considered a perfect match. 

Maximus himself shared the same belief. 

During the year they spent together, they rarely had any conflicts. Therefore, Maximus could never have imagined that Shanise would betray him. 

In reality, Shanise’s perspective on the situation was rather straightforward. 

Although Maximus came from a respected family in Jazona, it did not hold enough influence in Jipsdale. 

This was not what Shanise desired. 

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Cherished By Seven Sisters 

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