Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 482

Chapter 482 Brian Russell 

Unexpectedly, Emrys effortlessly frightened off the Jetroinian after showcasing some of his skills. 

Cordelia and Maximus were both present at that time. 

Emrys confessed to Cordelia, asserting that he was indeed the Empyrean Lord. He also asked her if she believed him. Cordelia playfully left him in suspense. However, it was Maximus who immediately nodded and claimed that he believed him. 

Emrys initially thought that Maximus was joking, but to his surprise, Maximus was actually serious. 

“Did you truly believe me when I said I was the Empyrean Lord?” Emrys asked with a peculiar expression. 

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Can you even joke about being someone like the Empyrean Lord? Besides, you’re so formidable, so naturally, I believe you.” 

Maximus put his learning into immediate practice. He applied what Emrys had just said about not making casual jokes about Cordelia to the Empyrean Lord. He was truly a smart cookie. 

Emrys was deeply moved in his heart. Delia, just look at how pure and adorable this young man is. I only had to tell him once, and he believed me

Emrys thought back to the past, recalling the numerous times he had told Cordelia that he was indeed the Empyrean Lord. However, Cordelia remained skeptical until Emrys gradually 



Chapter 482 Brian Russell 

began to demonstrate his power, and only then did she finally believe him. 

Emrys realized that Maximus was the first person to be easily convinced that he was the Empyrean Lord, so how could he not be moved? 

While he was touched, Emrys still maintained a serious. 

expression as he said, “My identity is a secret. Remember, under no circumstances should it be revealed.” 

Maximus nodded fervently. “I understand. You important figures all like to behave like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If I had your strength, I would maintain my pretense better than you, Rys.” 

Emrys was left speechless. If you believe it’s a pretense, so be it

Emrys did not elaborate further. Returning to the main topic, he said, “Since you’ve referred to me as your brother–in–law, naturally, I couldn’t just stand by and ignore your affairs.” Pausing for a moment, Emrys then asked, “You mentioned earlier that the man who was trying to steal your girlfriend has a distinctive appearance?” 

“Indeed. Once you see him, you won’t forget.” 

“That’s simple. Wait here.” 

Emrys smiled confidently, motioning for the restaurant manager, Danny Jones, to come over. He then said to Maximus, “Describe the physical characteristics you just mentioned to this manager.” 

“That person has a hatchet face, bulbous nose, and slit eyes…” 


Chapter 482 Brian Russell 

When Danny heard those words, his facial expression noticeably changed, especially when Maximus mentioned the man’s compact features. Danny couldn’t help but exclaim in horror, “Young man, I know who you’re talking about, but please, lower your voice. If someone overhears us, it could bring great trouble.” 

“Great trouble?” Emrys, on the other hand, became intrigued. This person who stole Maximusgirlfriend is indeed of significant status

“I’m quite interested in that person. Please, do tell!” Emrys said. 

Danny hesitated briefly before speaking, “The person you were just referring to is likely Brian Russell, the heir of the Russell family. Although his appearance is more distinctive than most, there’s nothing that can be done about it. After all, his family. background is incredibly powerful! Brian himself is not particularly talented and lacks martial arts skills. However, his older brother, Cillian Russell, is a remarkable figure at Jipsdale Martial Arts Academy. He achieved the rank of Manifestor before the age of twenty–three, almost catching up with the renowned Lady Lockwood. But these are not the most intimidating aspects. The most terrifying figure is Brian’s grandfather, Harvey Russell, who serves as the guardian of Jipsdale Martial Arts Alliance Headquarters.” 

Danny recounted Brian’s background with a sense of familiarity, as they were well–versed in the identities of influential figures in the business world. They feared that one day, due to a lack of foresight, they might unintentionally offend one of these influential individuals. 

Emrys had not been particularly interested in what Danny was saying until the last point, which immediately caught his 


Chapter 442 Brian Russell 

attention. The guardian of Jipsdale Martial Arts Alliance Headquarters. This identity should be sufficiently astonishing

Emrys began to consider the possibility of creating a significant disturbance, causing a major uproar in Jipsdale. Unexpectedly, a golden opportunity presented itself so quickly. 

Perhaps this is what they call fate. Emrys had made up his mind. 

He decided to start with Brian, so he asked, “Is that man named Brian currently at your restaurant?” 

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Cherished By Seven Sisters 

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