Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 463

Chapter 463 Please Forgive Me

It was only after listening to the entire play that Samuel felt his body regain its mobility.

“He’s alive?”

A pang of fear struck the hearts of the Langford family members when Samuel suddenly sat up with a gloomy expression.

“You ungrateful bunch!” Samuel was already seething with anger, and hearing that only added fuel to the fire. “Even if I were truly dead, I’d drag all of you ungrateful individuals down to hell with me!”

Eloise’s legs gave out on the spot, and she knelt on the ground in terror, pleading, “Dad, please rest in peace. Don’t get up! I proposed marrying Blanche off to the Langford family for the sake of the Langford family’s future. If I wasn’t concerned about the Langford family, how could I bear to see Blanche suffer any hardships? After all, I am Blanche’s-”

As Eloise was speaking, Teagan suddenly slapped her across the face. “Shut your mouth! Dad isn’t dead yet, so stop acting as if he is!”

Eloise was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. “He’s not dead?”

Excitedly, Alpheus stepped forward and said, “Dad, you’re still alive. That’s wonderful! Your act just now nearly scared us all to death.”


11.41 Mon, 12 Feb. §

Chapter 463 Please Forgive Me


“Hmph! Weren’t you acting all high and mighty just a moment ago? I owe my recovery to Mr. Lund. If I do dic and the Langford family falls into your hands, I won’t be able to rest in peace!”

Alpheus understood what his father was referring to, and with a bitter smile, he said, “Dad, I know you’re worried about Blanche. Do you think I don’t feel the same? I really had no other choice. That’s why I resorted to this desperate measure!”

Immediately after, Alpheus turned to Blanche, apologizing, “Blanche, I’m sorry. I was momentarily

Blanche’s expression remained indifferent.

Sed just now.”

Alpheus knew that his recent actions had deeply wounded Blanche’s heart. Seeing that she didn’t respond, he could only sigh helplessly.

At that moment, Samuel suddenly waved at Teagan and said, “Come over here.”

Teagan thought his father had something important to tell him, so he hurriedly walked to the bedside. However, before he could even steady himself, he suddenly saw Samuel spring up from the bed and deliver a full-force slap across his face.

“Did you just disrespect Mr. Lund?”

There were two things that infuriated Samuel the most. One was their decision to marry off his beloved granddaughter to the Langford family. The other was the disrespect shown towards. Emrys.

Chapter 463 Please Forgive Me


Samuel was a reasonable man. He knew that even if Emrys had not cured his illness, he should not place the blame on him.

Emrys’ willingness to assist and administer treatment was already a significant act of kindness. If the treatment was unsuccessful, he could only blame it on destiny.

However, Teagan had the audacity to blame Emrys. Samuel was so infuriated that he wished he could slap him to death.

The crisp sound of a slap echoed.

Teagan’s body spun like a top, twirling round and round, until he finally ended up kneeling right in front of Emrys.

His head was buzzing incessantly.

Teagan shook his head vigorously, recovering from the slap he had received from his father. He then bowed to Emrys, saying, “Mr. Lund, I apologize for being rude just now. I was unaware that you had already-No. Regardless of whether you were able to cure my father’s illness or not, I shouldn’t have blamed you. Please forgive me for my disrespectful behavior.”

Alpheus sincerely said, “Mr. Lund, I was impulsive too. Please forgive me!”

Emrys didn’t even spare a second glance at the two brothers.

After Samuel’s awakening, they started to behave politely, which was quite different from their previous demeanor. Although Emrys was not someone who held grudges, he found it challenging to muster the enthusiasm to engage with these two



What caught Emrys’ attention even more was Blanche.

Emrys hadn’t known Blanche for a long time, and he wasn’t very acquainted with her personality. However, in that brief moment, he could clearly perceive that Blanche had undergone a


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