Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 459

Chapter 459 Impulsive 

It seemed as though they were convinced that he was the murderer. 

Before Emrys began treating him, Samuel could still blink his eyes. However, after Emrys intervened, Samuel couldn’t even blink. So, if Emrys wasn’t the killer, then who was? 

In the face of the enraged members of the Langford family, Emrys responded nonchalantly, “Who said that just because I’m a disciple of Athos, I can definitely cure Old Mr. Langford’s illness? Besides, Old Mr. Langford was already on his deathbed. So now you’re blaming me for his death?” 

“If you weren’t confident you could cure him, why did you intervene?” Teagan growled. 

Emrys looked at him as if he were foolish and said, “It’s like when you go to the hospital for surgery, and the doctor tells you that the success rate is only thirty percent. Will you still go through with it?” 

Suddenly, Teagan had no outlet for his anger. 

He had momentarily lost his rationality. If it came down to reasoning, he could never out–argue Emrys. 

Samuel had been on the verge of death. 

If he were to assume that Emrys, simply because he was a disciple of Athos, would surely heal the elderly man, and if he failed, it would be his responsibility, that would be a case of guilt–tripping. 

For a moment, Teagan was speechless. 

Emrys sneered and said, “Here’s a piece of advice for you. Instead of wasting time blaming me here, you should spend more time thinking about how the Langford family is going to survive in Jipsdale without Samuel.” 

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Langford family changed dramatically. 

They were so angry precisely because they knew that Samuel was the foundation of their ability to establish themselves in Jipsdale. Now that the foundation had crumbled, the future path of the Langford family would be extremely difficult to navigate, 

Did they have to leave Jipsdale and go to another city to become successful? 

How could they be satisfied with this? 

Emrys‘ words were like a fatal blow to the wounds of the Langford family members, hitting them right where it hurt the 


“You can’t leave just yet. Let’s first come up with a plan.” 

Teagan didn’t know what to say. Although he knew that what Emrys had just said made sense, he couldn’t bear to let him go so easily. 

Emrys remained calm. He didn’t waste words. He simply walked over to the side, found a chair, and sat down, clearly indicating his stance. 

He had a clear conscience and had no intention of running away. 

At this point, Alpheus had regained some of his composure. He took a deep breath and said to Blanche, “Blanche, I’m sorry. I was just too overwhelmed earlier.” 

Blanche, feeling aggrieved, bit her lip, unwilling to speak. 

Alpheus sighed, saying, “Blanche, I know you’re angry with me, but what I said earlier wasn’t directed at you… Blanche, can you honestly tell me, is that person truly a disciple of Friar Althos?” 

He now had some doubts about Emrys‘ identity. 

Blanche remained indifferent. 

Alpheus pleaded, “Blanche, I apologize for my earlier harshness. It was uncalled for. But your answer is crucial to the future of the Langford family. Can you please respond to me?” 

Alpheus even resorted to using the word “please.” 

Although Blanche felt wronged in her heart, seeing her father’s state softened her. She opened her mouth and said, “I can swear, this is what Sierra told me. If I lied, I’ll die a horrible-” 

“Enough, don’t speak anymore. I believe you.” Alpheus quickly covered her mouth. 

Alpheus was familiar with Sierra. He didn’t see her as the kind of woman with malicious intentions. She would never utter such lies to deceive the Langford family. 


After a brief moment of contemplation, Alpheus approached Emrys with a slight bow and uttered, “Mr. Lund, I acted impulsively earlier. I should not have offended you.” 

“Alpheus, what are you-” 

Observing Alpheus‘ respectful demeanor towards Emrys, Teagan felt a surge of frustration. However, before he could voice his thoughts, Alpheus sternly commanded, “Silence!” 

Left with no alternative, Teagan obediently sealed his lips. 

Emrys gazed deeply into Alpheus‘ eyes and inquired, “Why are you suddenly apologizing to me? Don’t you hold me responsible for your father’s demise?” 

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