Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 456

Chapter 456 The Nature Of Nameless 

Divine Art 

The concept of Nameless Divine Art evoked a mix of emotions in Emrys. 

This mysterious technique, which lacked a proper name, could hardly be considered conventional due to its overpowering nature. In the past, it had even surpassed Diablos‘ Blood Demonic Technique, granting Emrys an unexpected advantage. 

While it could be classified as a demonic technique, it had nevertheless aided Emrys in saving numerous lives. 

Thus, it was a technique that was difficult to evaluate. 

Emrys gradually infused his life energy into Samuel’s body. Within moments, Samuel, who had been weak and feeble, suddenly opened his eyes, his face turning a deep shade of red. 

Subsequently, Samuel opened his mouth and expelled a significant amount of purplish–black substance into the basin. 

This was the blood clot within him, a repulsive mixture of toxins. 


After finishing his expulsion, Samuel unexpectedly called out to Blanche, filling her with immense joy. Tears instantly welled up in her eyes. 

Previously, her grandfather had been bedridden, unable to move or communicate. The fact that he could now call out her name 

indicated a significant improvement in his condition. 

Emrys cautioned, “Don’t speak for now. There is still a remaining portion of the toxin that I haven’t been able to cleanse from your body.” 

Samuel obediently closed his mouth. 

Emrys continued to infuse his life energy into the small of Samuel’s back. Moments later, Samuel expelled a pool of purplish–black substance. 

In this manner, nine–tenths of the toxin and blood clots in Samuel’s body had been eliminated. The remaining one–tenth was not a major concern. As long as Emrys provided him with a prescription and he continued to take it for a period of time, the residual toxin would be completely eradicated. 

The only remaining issue for Samuel was the twisted meridians within his body, which he himself needed to slowly rectify. 

Emrys had only managed to untangle a few crucial knots, as it was impossible to completely clear them all. 

In truth, Emrys was well aware that Athos was responsible for Samuel’s condition. 

In order to securely conceal the transferred toxins, Athos sealed off all the surrounding acupoints. Consequently, whenever Samuel circulated his internal energy to this area, he would experience excruciating pain. 

Over time, the meridians at the sealed acupoints fused together. 

After the seal was recently broken, the adhered meridians in this arca became active again, quickly affecting the other normal meridians. 

As a result, Samuel’s meridians appeared to be in complete disarray. 

After Emrys helped him untangle a few major knots, the rest could be resolved by Samuel himself using his internal energy, as those painful points no longer existed. 

“Mr. Lund, I am deeply grateful to you for saving my life.” 

Expressing his gratitude, Samuel bowed deeply towards Emrys, accidentally knocking his head against the edge of the bed. Emrys intervened to prevent him from further harm, as Samuel seemed inclined to prostrate himself fully before Emrys. 

After helping him up, Emrys watched as Samuel slowly turned his gaze towards Blanche and said, “Blanche, Mr. Lund and his master are the saviors of the Langford family. Please seriously consider the request Mr. Lund just made.” 


Taken aback, Blanche asked, “Grandfather, what request are you referring to?” 

Emrys also looked at Samuel with confusion. Indeed, as Blanche had mentioned, he had come to help treat Samuel’s illness solely out of gratitude for the Langford family’s continuous care for Sierra

He was even willing to forgo any payment, let alone make any demands. 

Moreover, Emrys couldn’t recall when he had made such a 


Samuel recollected in his mind and said, “You two, you’re too forgetful. Even though I couldn’t move or speak before, my ears were still sharp. I clearly heard you two talking about committing yourselves to each other.” 

“Committing ourselves to each other?” 

Emrys and Blanche’s eyes widened in unison. 

Upon hearing that, Blanche’s beautiful face blushed deeply, her delicate earlobes also turning a shade of crimson. In a coy and embarrassed tone, she responded, “Grandpa, please don’t speak nonsense. Mr. Lund was merely jesting earlier!” 

Emrys let out an awkward chuckle and explained, “Indeed, Mr. Langford, I observed that Ms. Langford seemed nervous, so I made a joke to ease her tension.” 

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