Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 442

Chapter 442 Ambush

Initially, the three of them were positioned with Sierra in the middle, and Emrys and Blanche on either side. However, after she changed her position, Blanche naturally ended up in the middle.

And with Sierra’s gentle push, Blanche’s delicate and fragrant. body naturally collided with Emrys.

The intentions were simply too obvious.

As expected, Blanche indeed blushed deeply.

Emrys, however, maintained a straight face as he said, “Sierra, I really don’t know how to critique your acting skills. You’re incredibly talented during regular filming, but that performance just now was even more awkward than a rookie actor’s.”

The two of them had strolled down the street side by side countless times before, and Sierra had never expressed fear of being gossiped about. Yet, with the addition of Blanche, Sierra suddenly became afraid that day.

Emrys thought it wasn’t à convincing act.

Sierra, feigning ignorance, said, “What? Rys, what did you say? I can’t hear you, the wind is too strong here. I can’t hear anything from two meters away.”

Emrys thought Sierra was rather mischievous.

Sierra gave Blanche a slight push, causing her to collide with



Emrys. Blanche quickly recoiled as if shocked by the electricity bouncing back several inches. Her heart rate accelerated uncontrollably. His body is so tough. His muscles are really firm.

Emrys did not appear to be the type with a robust physique, yet beneath his clothing, his muscles were remarkably well- developed.

Just a moment ago, when Blanche bumped into Emrys, she hit his arm. She could distinctly feel that Emrys’ triceps were incredibly firm and strong. If not, Blanche would have surely staggered, unable to regain her balance so quickly.

If Emrys knew what Blanche was thinking, he would probably be flattered once again.

Men were supposed to protect women. Hence, men had to be strong.

Lost in her thoughts, Blanche was suddenly interrupted by Emrys’ low voice. “The one tailing us this time isn’t an ordinary paparazzi. I think the person is likely a martial artist.”

Blanche’s expression subtly changed as she asked, “What should we do, then?”

“You and Sierra go ahead. I’ll take care of him…”

As Emrys finished his sentence, a hint of a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said, “There’s no need to do that anymore. He has already made his move impatiently.”

Emrys had already sensed the opponent’s internal energy.


Sure enough, no sooner had Emrys’ words fallen than a sudden gust of fierce wind blew from behind. A figure, akin to a hunting hawk, swooped down, its curved fingers unleashing an

incomparably sharp edge.

It was charging straight toward Emrys’ back of the head at lightning speed.

If it were an ordinary person, they surely wouldn’t have been able to react in time. However, Emrys had perceived it early. Just as the five fingers were about to strike, he suddenly turned around and, gathering his strength, he unleashed a punch.


The figure jolted, recoiling several steps backward. He looked at Emrys, steady as a rock, and couldn’t help but lower his gaze, asking, “You’re a martial artist instead of a friar, aren’t you?”

The person who made the move was indeed Aren, White Dragon King’s mentee.

His original plan was to swiftly eliminate Emrys and then leave the scene, all within a matter of seconds.

Friars were known to only focus on practicing magecraft, not on physical training.

In the eyes of a Manifestor grandmaster, a friar, without displaying their magecraft in advance, was no different from the frail and elderly.

Aren had never intended to engage in any ambush with Emrys.


Once he confirmed it was him, he immediately launched a fierce attack.

He initially thought it would only take a few seconds.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Emrys managed to react swiftly. Furthermore, judging from the strength displayed in their previous exchange, it was evident that Emrys possessed considerable physical prowess. He did not resemble a friar, but rather, he appeared more like a skilled martial artist.

In that instant, Blanche regained her composure and angrily shouted at Aren, “Aren, how dare you?”

The Santana family’s affiliation with the White Dragon King was no longer a secret in Jipsdale. Moreover, it was the Santana family themselves who actively publicized this fact, essentially notifying the other prominent families in Jipsdale that they had found a powerful supporter, dissuading them from acting recklessly.

Having been engaged in a clandestine battle with the Santana family for many years, the Langford family naturally had a clear understanding of the Santana family’s backing, which was the White Dragon King.

Therefore, it was only natural for Blanche to be acquainted with Aren.

Upon hearing his name being called, Aren was slightly taken aback. His gaze landed on Blanche. After studying her for a moment, he let out a cold laugh and remarked, “So, you’re the daughter of the Langford family. Instead of staying in Jipsdale to accompany your grandfather, who is on the verge of passing

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