Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel
by Melvin Houle Chapter 437

Cherished By Seven Sisters 

Chapter 437 Showing Respect 

A fool? Emrys‘ expression suddenly took on a peculiar twist. This is interesting. For the first time, someone is calling me, the 

Empyrean Lord, a fool! 

Not only was Emrys not angry, but he found the situation increasingly amusing. 

The woman before him reminded Emrys of someone from his past, and that person was Angelina. 

Back then, Angelina was also like that. 

The only difference was that Angelina acted out of her own interests, while Blanche, despite having the standpoint of the Langford family, demonstrated more concern for Sierra at that 


Therefore, even when Blanche called Emrys a fool, he couldn’t bring himself to resent her. 7 

Emrys said with a playful smile, “So, what you’re saying is, if Luciana has people watching Sierra all day, I should just do nothing? Even if I’m being hounded by paparazzi, I should just remain passive?” 

“If you don’t like being hounded by the paparazzi, why do you keep visiting the set every day for no reason?” 

“Sierra is my godsister. Is there a problem with me visiting her at work?” 

Chapter 437 Showing Respect 

“You’re an imbecile! Even as a martial artist, you’re still an imbecile!” 

It was often said that when a woman started to curse, reasoning with her was the most foolish act. However, Emrys insisted on reasoning with Blanche that day. 

“According to your logic, as long as Luciana doesn’t do anything drastic, you all will just stand by and do nothing. Are you really waiting for Luciana to harm Sierra before you take any action? If it really comes to that point? What’s the point of retaliating then?” Emrys did not favor passivity. When faced with a crisis, he always took the initiative to strike first. The one who remains motionless will be a sitting duck

“Impossible!” Blanche retorted, “Luciana wouldn’t do something so foolish. Even if she married into the Santana family, she would never dare to casually provoke the wrath of the Langford family. Otherwise, she would have done so long ago.” 

As long as Luciana’s actions remained within the acceptable boundaries of the Langford family, her behavior was no different from that of an ordinary paparazzi. 

It was quite common for typical paparazzi to write misleading and defamatory articles just to generate popularity. However, it was said that the paparazzi hired by Luciana was specifically targeting Sierra alone. 

Sierra herself didn’t even care about it. 

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Emrys said, “It’s precisely because Luciana has never acted that she remains a latént threat. She’s been watching Sierra for so long 

without uncovering any dirt. What if one day she becomes desperate? You’re not Luciana. How could you possibly know what she’s thinking?” 

“There’s no such thing as ‘what if‘ because not everyone is an imbecile like you!” 

She’s so harsh! She’s calling me an imbecile again! Initially, Emrys thought that since Blanche was Sierra’s friend, he should show her due respect and leave a good impression. However, this woman seemed to have developed an addiction to hurling insults. Should I keep tolerating her? 

Emrys couldn’t bear it any longer, so he returned the favor by saying, “You say there’s no ‘what if‘, right? Well, let me give you a simple example. If the two of us were to sleep together-” 

“Who wants to sleep with you?” Blanche immediately became agitated. 

Emrys didn’t care whether she was agitated or not, so he responded, “Please be quiet! I was just giving an example. Every time we sleep together, I always say I won’t cross the line, and I have kept my promise for the past ninety–nine times. Don’t you already have immense faith in my self–control, believing there is no chance of me breaking my promise? Interestingly, during the hundredth time, I do cross the line. In this world, there is no such thing as a sure thing. Your unwavering belief that Luciana 

wouldn’t act impulsively only shows your naivety. You are like a delicate flower raised in a greenhouse, sheltered from the world. Without venturing out and experiencing life, you wouldn’t even know how you have been influenced.” 

Blanche’s eyes widened, her delicate body trembling incessantly as she pointed at Emrys, stammering, “Y–You…” 

“What? Do you find my words reasonable, leaving you speechless? If you can’t come up with a rebuttal right now, I can give you time to think. But please don’t look at me with that strange gaze. People might think I have taken advantage of you.”

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