Chapter 402 He Is A Talent

Furthermore, Emrys was dressed entirely in black. If he were to wear period clothing and pair it with! white robe, he would perfectly embody the image of an immortal, likely to captivate the hearts of countless female viewers.

The state of the film industry at that time was such that as long as they catered to the preferences of the female audience, the ratings would undoubtedly be good. The ladies might even continue watching an entire series because of a male character they liked.

Even if the plot was somewhat weak, it didn’t matter to them,

This was the reason why there was a constant emergence of popular male celebrities. Despite their obvious lack of acting skills, they still managed to thrive and rise to prominence, becoming highly sought-after for various film and television dramas,

Many investors even handpicked the actors, insisting that certain popular stars must play the leading male role. Otherwise, they would not consider investing.

Consequently, the pay for these up-and-coming male actors skyrocketed.

In stark contrast, veteran actors known for their acting skills gradually faded into obscurity. Many of these seasoned actors had even reached the point where they had no roles to play.

This was a regrettable phenomenon, but it was also the market’s choice.

As a director, Seth often found himself with no choice but to cater to the demands of the market.

The only thing he could do was strive to retain some of his personal characteristics in the works he filmed.

Emrys possessed outstanding external attributes. Compared to those popular young idols, he was in a league of his own. Moreover, he possessed a demeanor that those young male celebrities simply couldn’t match.

His appearance had greatly impressed Seth.

The latter firmly believed that if Emrys could play the leading male role in the drama, he would undoubtedly become a rising star.

Seth felt as though he had struck gold. His eyes were fixed intently on Emrys. From his appearance to his physique, and even his innate charm, everything about Emrys perfectly matched Seth’s demands. The more he looked at Emrys, the more satisfied he became.

“Hello, Mr. Lund, my name is Seth Critchlow, the director of this film crew. I’m very pleased to meet you Seth greeted Emrys enthusiastically, extending his hand towards him.

“I’m Emrys, Sierra’s younger brother.”

Emrys also gave a gentle smile. After shaking hands, he gracefully withdrew hus hand

Seth’s admiration for Emrys grew even more. He turned to Sierra and said, “Ms. Sullivan, your brother


is very talented. Have you ever considered getting him to join the entertainment industry? If he could act in a scene with you, it would certainly be a hit.”

His fervent gaze swept over the two of them, filled with anticipation

This pair of siblings, one exuding an extraordinary aura while the other giving off an ethereal vibe, were truly a match made in heaven. If they were to star in a drama, there was no doubt that they would become wildly popular.

Seth even considered replacing the male lead of the drama that was currently being filmed.

Sierra smiled subtly, her charm captivating. She then glanced at Emrys and said, “I need to consult my younger brother about this. I can’t just make decisions for him, right, Rys?”

Emrys’ ability to earn Seth’s admiration naturally filled Sierra with immense joy and pride.

When she smiled, it would leave the surrounding actors and crew members utterly spellbound

They had never seen Sierra smile so sweetly at a man outside of filming.

Moreover, from the surnames of Sierra and Emrys, it could be inferred that they were likely not blood siblings. In recent times, romantic relationships between an older woman and a younger man were quite the trend.

Thus, everyone wished they could take Emrys place.

Seth was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly regained his composure. He knew that the woman before him was out of his league. Therefore, he turned his hopeful gaze towards Emrys and asked, “Mr. Lund, what do you think?”

“I appreciate your recognition, Mr. Critchlow, but I have no intention of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. Therefore, I regret to inform you that I cannot accept your offer.”

Emrys had never expected that his playful intention to tease Sierra would unexpectedly attract the attention of Seth, who even expressed interest in inviting him to play the lead male role. It was an unforeseen development, yet somehow it made sense

This unexpected opportunity was a result of his undeniable charisma.

Individuals with exceptional talent are often discovered regardless of their location, which can be frustrating


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