Chapter 329 Soul Searching Bell

+10 pearls

“Behold the power of my Soul Searching Bell!” she declared, her tone filled with defiance, as she launched her attack without hesitation.

Emrys, however, simply narrowed his eyes, a flicker of amusement betraying his calm demeanor.

He had long understood that Karina, like most members of their sect, was not a traditional cultivator but a friar.

Indeed, it appeared that the Heavenly Pilferer Sect was predominantly composed of friars, including Emrys’ own elusive mentor, Athos.

During his time in the mountains, Athos had imparted a wealth of knowledge to Emrys, ranging from medical skills to magic. The transformative Nameless Divine Art, however, was left for Emrys to decipher from a secret book, its mastery resting solely in his hands.

Once the spells of the Nameless Divine Art were committed to memory, Athos saw fit to destroy the secret book, ensuring its secrets remained with Emrys alone.

At the same time, Emrys also understood the reason behind Karina’s quest for the demonic magical item.

The Soul Searching Bell in her possession, capable of absorbing and converting demonic energy from such artifacts into its own power, was likely the catalyst for her pursuit.

That’s intriguing.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Emrys awaited Karina’s advance. As she wielded the Soul Searching Bell with determination, he couldn’t resist provokingly uttering, “Flat-chested.”

As Emrys spoke those three controversial words, the atmosphere became charged with electric tension. Three dark green sigils materialized, springing forth with a life of their own, ready to clash with the demonic energy hurtling towards them.

The encounter was like a single spark igniting a vast prairie, a confrontation between two formidable forces.

The moment the demonic energy made contact with the sigils, a tumultuous explosion of dark smoke erupted, quickly followed by a dazzling inferno.

Caught off guard, Karina let out a cry of surprise, her reflexes kicking in as she hastily plunged the overheated Soul Searching Bell into the nearby crystal-clear waters. The resulting hiss, as the bell cooled, sent a plume of white mist spiraling upwards, veiling the scene in a ghostly fog.

“Did your words just transform into those sigils?” Karina’s voice trembled slightly, her beautiful eyes wide with disbelief at the potency of Emrys’ magecraft.

Yet, the memory of his teasing remark about her figure reignited her anger, her slender frame


11:36 Wed, 31 Jan

Chapter 329 Soul Searching…

+10 pearls

shaking with barely contained fury.

“Oh, come on then! Try touching me again! See if you have the audacity to actually use your magecraft against me!” Karina, her patience worn thin, no longer sought to engage in a magical duel with Emrys.

Instead, she charged at him head-on, fueled by indignation and a firm belief that Emrys wouldn’t dare retaliate with magic against his own sister.

As Karina had predicted, Emrys refrained from fighting back. Bound by familial ties, he couldn’t bring himself to use his powers against her. Resigned, he braced himself to face her onslaught, silently acknowledging his defeat.

“Do you surrender?” Karina demanded, her voice a mix of frustration and triumph.

“Absolutely, without a doubt. Karina, your skill is unmatched. I, your humble brother, concede to your superiority,” Emrys admitted, his voice tinged with admiration and a hint of resignation.

“Hmph, that’s more like it. Why provoke me in the first place?” Karina retorted, her annoyance still evident.

Retrieving the Soul Searching Bell from the water, she gradually regained her composure. “Just so you know, Mr. Lund, my mentor will be arriving in Jadeborough soon. You’ll have the opportunity to ask her any questions directly.”

Karina’s mood seemed to change as swiftly as the wind. Now addressing Emrys formally as Mr. Lund, she left him feeling somewhat bewildered.

It would be wise to approach Karina with caution in the future, so as not to provoke her anger again.

Emrys asked, curious about the purpose of his mentor’s visit to Jadeborough.

“In a way, yes. But I warn you, if you act foolishly in her presence, you will regret it,” Karina cautioned, her tone carrying an implicit threat.

“You have always respected me, Karina, never crossing any boundaries,” Emrys replied, still feeling the sting of her earlier reprimand.

“Good job, Mr. Lund,” Karina responded with a radiant smile, momentarily captivating Emrys.

Despite her claims of being “exceptionally gifted,” Karina’s facial beauty alone was mesmerizing, overshadowing any perceived flaws.

Compared to their youngest sister, Larissa, Karina had a more temperate temperament. While Karina resorted to slapping in moments of anger, Larissa wouldn’t hesitate to bite, which sent a shiver down Emrys’ spine.

Just as they were about to leave, the tranquility was shattered by the sound of the air tearing, announcing the arrival of four ominous figures dressed in black robes.

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Chapter 329 Soul Searching…


+10 pearls

One of them, his voice seething with rage, accused Karina of desecrating their former sect leader’s grave and stealing various demonic magic items. “Today, she must face retribution at our former sect leader’s resting place, to atone for her actions and bring peace to his soul,” he declared, his tone brooking no argument.

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