Awkwardness soaked me up as I stood in the sex store studying the many toys that were on display. I traced my fingertips over the handcuffs and my insides churned. I knew what I was getting myself into and quite frankly I wasn't sure if I was ready for it but I had to be if I wanted to do this.

Paying for the items I'd bought, I walked out of the store and headed for my car. I let a deep breath as I sunk into my seat, my eyes eyeing the bag filled with all of the goodies that I knew Chase would enjoy using on me. Flashbacks of being trapped in his house taunted me all the while I gripped the steering wheel and closed my eyes. I couldn't let those memories haunt me, so I welcomed them. My heart dissipating in my chest as I bit down on my bottom lip and started the engine.

With my bag full of stuff and my hands holding a box of cake, I made my way into his room, hoping that he would be asleep seeing as it was early morning. To my luck, he was passed out on the bed with an arm draped over his face. I quickly and quietly set down the box on the table and headed into the bathroom with the bag in my hands.

Adrenaline was running wild in my veins as I stripped out of my clothes and slipped into the black lace lingerie. My fingers shook while I pulled the stockings all the way up to my thighs, connecting it to my thongs. God, I wasn't ready.

Hazel orbs stared back at me, a smile covering my face as I stared into the mirror. Running my fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes briefly and inhaled a large amount of air before I walked out of the bathroom.

My heart stalled in my chest as I came face to face with a solid and alert Chase. He was staring down at me, taking in the view in front of him, swallowing every single inch of my body with his lustful gaze.

'What are you doing?' His eyes were still on my body, finding it difficult to focus on my face. My insides tingled at his arousal as it stood obvious beneath his sweatpants.

Without answering his question, I stepped around him and into the room, holding the bag out for him to take. He studied me for a long while before he looked at the items in the bag. I'm pretty sure I couldn't breathe anymore as I watched him pull out the handcuffs, before he could say anything I held my arms out for him, his eyes were scanning mine as he wrapped the cuffs around my wrists, causing me to melt a little more.

Next came the blindfold, and before I knew it, he had turned me around and was already covering my eyes. I kept taking deep breaths in hopes of not dying right before him. The tension was too thick and the air around us was contaminated with lust. I was sweating.

My lips parted as I felt his breath on my shoulders, he had gripped my hair in his fist and held my head back, his mouth never leaving my sensitive skin as he placed small kisses across my neck, biting on my earlobe as he did.

'You did this for me.' He pulled away before I can answer and held a gag at the entrance of my lips. I opened up and let him secure it in my mouth and tie it around my head. It felt oddly good to have it stop me from talking, I wasn't sure what I even wanted to say.

He turned me around and seconds later I was pulled onto his lap as he sat on the bed, his hands gripping my body while I lifted my bound arms over his head and straddled him with my legs. I could feel his length pressing against my sensitive spot and god I was going to sink into him.

'Just remember, when you're digging your nails into my back, who's name you'll be screaming..'

'Oh wait, you can't use your hands or mouth.'

He whispered into my ear in a mocking tone, officially undoing me as I gasped against him while he pressed me down onto his sprung up manhood. My body burned with the need to feel him as he fiddled with his pants. I didn't think I was ready but as I sat there, on his lap, with his fevered skin pressing against mine, I knew.. I couldn't have been anymore ready than I was.

'Mmmm' I didn't stop the moan that slipped around the gag in my mouth as I felt his erection rub against my panty, his fingers pulling aside the fabric that kept him from entering me, he rubbed himself against my opening, teasing my heightened nerves.

With a gentle kiss of his lips on my neck, his arms roughly pushed me down against his length, instantly filling me up as another moan escaped my throat while a growl left his.

'Fuck.' He groaned into my neck as he slid in and out of me, picking me up and walking towards somewhere that I couldn't see, never pulling out of me. I felt the cool touch of the rough wall behind my back as he began to thrust again, with every thrust, a new type of pleasure surged into my bones and dampened in between my legs.

My saliva had long dripped down from the gag, falling to my chin, I felt him bring his mouth close and lick it off my skin as his size scraped against my walls, building something explosive within me as I panted around the gag.

'Fuck!' Another growl erupted from deep within his throat and he picked up pace, not giving me a chance to breathe. My back smacked into the wall repeatedly as he stretched me apart with every violent stroke. I moaned out against the gag, not finding it in me to hold back any longer, I was going to explode and I could feel his pleasure rising with me.

His fingers dug into my hair as he gripped me tight against him. Another violent thrust of his hips, another moan, another growl and we came crumbling down against each other, our chests heaving and our skin damp with sweat. He just destroyed me.

With the gag and blindfold off, I carried the cake with the candles on in my still cuffed up wrists, holding the cake out to him as he stared at me confusingly. I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek as I whispered..

'Happy birthday.'


There's a bright smile plastered across Sofia's soft features as she waits by the plain white Whitley Psyche Hospital entrance. Although happiness is the only thing she can feel, her nerves are pressing tight against her stomach, making the butterflies come to life as her eyes scan the large metal doors, her patience running on thin line.

Her heart stumps into her throat and she sets the butterflies free from her belly while her feet plant into the ground, rushing towards her beast and her lover that walks out of the Whitley doors and holds his arms out, waiting for his little Sofia to crush against his solid body, for he is now, no longer a prisoner to the plain white walls of the mental institution that kept him from breathing into the real world.

For he is no longer a threat and no longer a beast but he is, Chase.

He wraps his arms around her, his face buried into her hair as he inhales the woman that stuck with him through thick and thin. The woman that gave him a meaning and a purpose.

'I love you.' They both breathe into each other's lips as they steal a passionate kiss from one another, both stuck in their place, not being able to stop looking into each other's eyes as the world fades around them and the only thing left, is them.

'You did it.' She whispered into his mouth, proud that her beast fought off his demons and made his way out of the prison that kept them apart.

'It was the one thing a certain somebody always told me.. that got me here.' he traced his lips across hers, a smile approaching his features.

'Something like..'

'When the caterpillar thought its life was about to end, it turned into a butterfly.'

And with that, she kissed him with all of her heart, and he kissed her with all of his being,

for he,

only breathed,

for her,

and her heart,


beat for him.

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