'Ahhh.' I growled into the contaminated air as I buried my length deep into her core. She was passed out, barely alive as I pounded into her repeatedly. Her eyes would flutter open every so often, she'd take a look at me and then fall back into her unconsciousness, I'd been doing this all night, every night ever since I took her virginity. I hadn't known that she was a virgin until I saw the blood in between her thighs.

I couldn't control myself from having to be inside her, the urge was so intense, it was so much that I'd do it without even realising I'm doing it. I liked the sight of her drugged up and passed out while I concealed my raging member in the depths of her walls. I'd lost count to how many times I had done this to her. It was becoming an addiction, she was becoming my addiction.

With another push of my hips and another ramming into her tight space, I groaned out as I emptied my pleasure into her. Pulling out, I stepped back and watched my cum drip out of her slowly. I knew what I had done, I had become exactly what they told her that I was. A part of me was starting to hate me for that. For being everything that they had accused me of.

A pang of guilt hit me as her small broken figure groaned while she turned her head to the side, her eyes lifting open again, she looked at me momentarily before she shut her eyes once more, whispering something into the night. I leaned down into her, holding her jaw between my thumb and index finger. 'What?' I urged her to repeat herself but it seemed to take so much for her to speak out. I knew the drugs wouldn't make it easy. She had been more unconscious lately than conscious.

'I .. hate .. you.' She swallowed through her dry throat and moved her head to the side again.

Taking a step back, my heart was beating rapidly in my chest. It hurt to hear her say that. I knew I had hurt her too, but hearing her say it out loud, it was suffocating me.

After putting my pants back on, I pulled her limp body in my arms, for the first time clothing her. I pushed my shirt over her head and pulled it down all the way to her thighs, covering her from my eyes, my sinful eyes. I knew she hated being nude in front of me, I could see the discomfort each and every time she tried to cover herself when I was around.

'Sofia.' I gently slapped her face, not sure why I was waking her up, the damage had been done and now she hated me. 'Sofia, wake up.' I clutched her in my arms like she was the last thing I was ever going to hold. I couldn't stop the pain I felt in my chest. Recently, hating her was almost impossible, no matter how much I tried to despise her, seeing her so broken and fragile made me ache with guilt, I had done this to her.

'Wake up.' I whispered into her as I buried my head in the crook of her neck. I didn't want to let go just yet. I was afraid if I ever let go I'd never have her back. If I set her free right now she would never return to me. She hated me. For, I was no longer her comfort zone, I had become her nightmare.


I emerged back into the real world from my deep slumber as I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling above. Taking a moment to just take in what was going on. I had no idea what was going on, in fact I felt like I was asleep for the most part now. He never let me stay awake for too long anymore, as soon as I open my eyes he's there to inject me and put me back to sleep.

The fog in my head was increasing by the minute and I felt like I was losing my connection with reality. I felt distant, far. Almost as though I was just skin, bones and a beating heart. I knew what he was doing to me, I would wake up to it every now and then, I'd wake up to him intruding upon my body, taking me over and over again. I felt sick at the thought.

My legs were shaky as I walked over to the mirror, shocked to see that I had a shirt on. His shirt. I wanted it off me, I didn't want any part of him touching me but I was bare underneath, I didn't want to be bare anymore, I didn't want to be nude in front his eyes. I saw the way he looked at me, it was as though he was waiting for the right time to attack, to launch at me and burn me down a little more.

Lifting the shirt up, I felt sick at the sight of my body. I looked black and blue. The imprint of his fingers were more than visible on my skin, the parts where he had gripped so hard. As I stood there staring at my abused body I saw his face, I heard his panting, I felt his thrusts. I was going to throw up.

Running towards the bucket he'd left by the side of the bed, I threw my guts up. Heaving with the need to empty him from my system. I seemed to have been throwing up quite often for him to leave a bucket for me. I didn't really remember though, everything felt like a blur to me. I knew that I had wronged him but was it that bad? Bad enough for him to put me through this? I didn't know. I didn't know anything anymore.

My eyes fell onto the half open door, I wiped at my mouth and stood up, swallowing down the bile and making my way towards the door that I'd try to escape from many, many times before. I knew he wasn't stupid, he must've left it open on purpose. He either was luring me into a trap or he knew that even if I left this room, there would be no leaving this house.

I made my way out anyway, slowly walking down the large staircase that never seemed to end. My heart was beating drums in my chest as I got to the bottom, the sound of the TV greeting me and suddenly I was way too interested in what was being aired. Standing in the doorway of the living room, my heart halted at what was on TV.

'There is still no trace of missing Bella Coreleone, 19.'

'It has been three months since I last saw my daughter. Please help us. Anyone. If you know anything about her whereabouts please don't hesitate to come forward.'

The words spun around my head like a rollercoaster. Three months. Mum. Her voice. Her eyes. I fell to my knees, my head dropping down, my eyes on the floor. I didn't even know I was here for three months. The look on mums face, I could see just how broken she was. It hurt, everything hurt.

'Sofia.' I didn't realise when he crouched down in front of me, I couldn't look at him. I didn't even have it in me to fight him. How could I be so oblivious to what was happening? How had I not noticed that I'd been trapped for three months. I know that he'd been drugging me a lot but I should've known, I should've fought him harder. I felt pathetic, I felt sick.

'Sofia breathe.' He moved his hand towards my face and I slapped it away from me. Lifting my head I looked him in the eye, in the eyes that haunted me every night.

'Don't. Touch. Me.' I spoke through clenched teeth, I was raging, I was aching to scream at him. I hated him!

'Sofia listen to me.'

'Don't call me that!' Before he could continue, my hand connected with his face as I yelled at him. Shocked by my own action, I pulled my hand away and stared at into his brown orbs. He clenched his jaw while he stood up, reaching for the back of his waistband, he pulled out a gun and aimed it to my head.

I held my breath for so long I thought I was going to suffocate. My entire body was trembling as he stepped forward and put the gun straight to my forehead.

'I can end it all. I'll kill you and then I'll kill me.' His chest was heaving up and down rapidly as he pulled the safety off the gun. I could practically see my life ending, I could see it passing right before my eyes.

'No more hurting each other. I can free you from this. Die with me.' He pulled the gun back and put it to his temple.

'I'll die for you Sofia.'

My heart ached. I know I had to hate him, I had to want him to pull the trigger and watch him take his last breath before me but I couldn't, I couldn't find it in me to hate him enough. I was afraid, not just for my life, but for his too.

'Don't.' His eyes searched mine as my voice finally broke out. He watched me carefully before he put the gun back to my head. I flinched at the cool touch of the deathly weapon on my skin. I was afraid he was far too gone, way beyond return. Way beyond being fixed. I was afraid that this could be the last time we both breathed.

'If I let you go, you won't ever come back to me. I can't lose you again so I'm going to kill you. That way, we'll be gone together. It won't hurt, I promise it'll be quick.' He seemed so lost, the ruthless Chase that tortured me every night wasn't here right now, no. This, this was the little lonely boy who was hurt, this was the Chase I knew twelve years ago. The one with the scars. The one with the pain.

I closed my eyes as I watched his hand trace over the trigger, my heart in my throat and my body numb.

'I'm sorry.' I whispered just before..

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