Song- on your knees, Ex Habit.

Sitting here in the dark kitchen, I can hear the soft ticking of the clock. My home is surrounded by armed guards. Lara has already taken Elena to the safe house with her. I’m waiting here for Jax. Maeve is sound asleep without a care in the world, she has no idea what is going on.

Behind me, a soft warm light flickers, casting a gentle glow.

The taste of the wine lingers on my lips, a bittersweet reminder that all I can do is sit here until the other half of me comes back home. My head is filled with a whirlwind of wild scenarios.

What keeps me going?

Knowing the power Jax has, that fire in his eyes. He won’t lose. He can’t.

The sudden click of the front door shutting startles me, causing me to jump back in my seat. The room is filled with the echoing sound of his heavy footsteps. Without hesitation, I sprint towards him.

He cuts the distance in half and we crash into each other in the middle of the room. Without a word, he lifts me into his arms and crashes his mouth over mine. My hands tangle in his hair, his tongue explores my mouth as my back slams into the wall behind.

His powerful embrace supports me as he kisses me with an intensity that takes my breath away. With anticipation building, I slide my hands down, skillfully undoing his belt.

“Is this how you want it?” His deep voice sparks me further.

Just as I free his cock, I look up and meet his dark eyes boring into mine. He’s home. He’s mine.

I want him to own me.

His dick pushes against my aching pussy. My fingers trace along the defined contours of his abs, slowly making their way up until they reach his throat.

“I want you to completely consume me, Jax. Let go and fuck me until I’m yours.” As I squeeze my fingers tighter, I feel his body tense up.

“Remind me of how good we are.”

I run my tongue along his jaw.

“Bite me, mark every inch of me.”

A growl erupts from his chest, starting a fire only he can put out.

His hand tightens around my hip, anchoring me firmly in place.

“Dig your nails in deeper, baby. Make it fucking hurt,” he hisses.

When I do, he groans. Holy shit. He leans in, biting down on the flesh on my shoulder, and I cry out.

“You want me to mark you? You want me to lose control? Baby, you have no idea what you’ve just let yourself in for.”

His nose gently grazes the line of my neck, reaching up towards my ear. I can feel his warm breath on my skin as he firmly grasps my ass through my shorts.

“Run,” he whispers, dropping me to my unsteady feet. That raw, animalistic passion lies behind his eyes and I spin on my heel and sprint.

My heart racing, I grip the wall to prevent myself from slipping on the tiles before darting around the corner. I head towards the patio doors, grabbing the closest chair and throwing it over to slow him. I’m fighting the urge to burst into a fit of giggles. As my fingers barely graze the handle, a sudden jerk at the back of my neck makes me cry out.

He lifts me from behind, and everything becomes a blur. Suddenly, I find myself on top of the dining table. As quick as I can, I attempt to crawl away.

“Jax!” I cry out, the cool air hitting against my hot skin as he rips my shorts and panties from my body and drags me back to him.

“That was too easy, sweetheart.” He slaps my ass so hard I bite down on my forearm to muffle my cries. Fuck, I want him. When I hear his zipper opening, I push my hips towards him. I’m flipped over with my back pressing against the table. A smirk spreads across his face as he towers over me.

As his hands slam down on either side of my head, his dick presses against my pussy.

“Jax, please.”

He bites down on his lip as he slides his cock along my slit. Seizing the silver chain around his neck, I forcefully bring him closer until our lips are tantalizingly close.

“Fuck. Me. Now.”

I don’t even recognize my voice it’s so full of need. My fingers work frantically at the hem of his tee. In one swift motion, he tugs it over his head and thrusts inside me.

“Such a perfect tight cunt. It’s all mine, sweetheart. All fucking mine.”

I cry out his name, my back arching, as he bites down hard on my shoulder. The pain and the pleasure battle against each other.

But, I want more. I want him feral for me. When he pulls himself out, I quickly nudge myself backwards and roll off the table, dashing towards the stairs.

“You know nothing can stop me getting to you, sweetheart,” he calls out from behind me and the thrill sets me alight.

His heavy strides draw nearer. I can sense the surge of adrenaline flooding through me, heightening my awareness of him. I can practically sense the warmth of his breath as it grazes my skin.

My heart is pounding when he lunges forward and seizes a handful of my hair, causing me to whirl around and collide with him. My fingers scratch down his chest as he shoves me up against the wall, kicking open my thighs at the same time tugging my head to expose my throat.

The sensation of his body pressing against mine makes my blood roar in my ears, while the searing pain in my scalp intensifies.

“You’re being naughty, tigritsa,” he growls into my ear, sliding two fingers inside me and I cry out.

His hand abruptly detaches from my hair and tightly covers my mouth and nose.

He fucks me with his fingers relentlessly, to the point I’m so stretched around them. My legs open wider on their own accord and I lose myself.

I can hear how soaked I am for him with each thrust.

With a wicked look in his eye, he slides them out and steps back, but his other hand remains tightly secured around my throat.


With his eyes fixed on mine, he slowly opens his mouth and sucks his index finger clean.


He smirks as he repeats the process with the second one, popping it out of his mouth.


My jaw drops open and my cheeks burn. I watch as his tongue traces a path along his ring finger.

I feel my breath tremble as he leans in closer to me. In front of my lips, he extends his pinky finger.

“Four. Now open and taste how sweet you are.”

What the hell? There were four fingers inside me?

Doing as he instructs, I bite down and use a sucking motion to thoroughly clean it.

“Good girl,” he says, before slamming his lips over mine.

I claw at his hair to deepen the kiss. As his nails dig into my ass, I can feel myself being lifted up the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist, clinging to him tightly.

“I’m going to feast on your delicious pussy until you pass out.”

That light in his eyes, it hits me in the heart.

I open my mouth to speak, but before I can, he grabs me by the ribs and spins me upside down against the wall.

As soon as it happens, all the blood surges to my head, creating an instant sensation of pressure.

“Wrap your hands around me,” he commands.

I feel his arms, strong and secure, effortlessly supporting my weight as my back presses against the smooth wall.

“Bend your knees and spread them as wide as you can.”

I do as he says. My foot collides with a frame, causing me to flinch. The sound of shattering glass resonates through the room.

“Shit,” I hiss.

But, then I feel his breath hitting against my pussy. A fuzzy feeling takes over my head, causing my muscles to quiver.

With a last nudge, he pulls back his hips so I’m level with them.

“Wrap those pretty lips around my cock, baby.”


I suck the tip just as he runs his tongue piercing along my pussy. My moans are muffled by his thickness in my mouth.

He switches, like the artist he is, between licking, sucking and biting all while grinding his hips into my face.

My head feels weighed down, but every inch of my body is pulsating with an intense desire.

“You better come on my face before you pass out, sweetheart.”

Oh fuck.

He flicks on my clit. I squeeze his ass as my whole body begins to shake violently. An orgasm rips through me so hard I see stars.

Holy shit, my toes curl, I come so hard on his face. But, he continues to eat me like he’s starving, taking everything he can from me.

Carefully, he takes my weight in his arms and spins me around the right way. I let in a shaky breath and blink until the world stops tilting and I feel the pressure leaving my head. When I come into focus, all I can see is his dark eyes staring at me with love.

He kisses me like he means it, with everything he has. He steals my soul from my body and I don’t care.

He pulls back and strokes my hair from my face softly.

“Do you remember now, tigritsa?” he whispers, his voice hoarse.

I reach out and stroke his short beard.

“I’ll never forget, Jax.”

I catch that darkness flashing across his eyes. I can sense him losing himself, even if it is just for a split moment.

“What do you need from me, Jax? Tell me.”

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