Song- Make Up Sex, SoMo

I quickly zip up Maeve’s luggage and bring it downstairs, ready to start packing my own. She’s been sound asleep for the last ten minutes in her crib. She must have gotten bored of watching me fold her clothes. As much as I hate the thought of leaving, I have to keep Maeve safe and let Jax do what he needs to do.

The thudding noise resonates through the air as I make my way down the stairs. I head down the hall towards the home gym, and as I slide open the door, the cool air-conditioned breeze brushes against my face. Jax doesn’t even notice me to start with, he’s red faced punching the shit out of the heavy bag. With each blow that lands, the chain’s rattling intensifies.

Clearing my throat, he abruptly stops, clutching the leather on both sides and leaning against it to catch his breath. Slowly, he turns his face in my direction, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

I saw it in his eyes, he’s scared of us leaving him again. I need to show him, remind him of how much I love him and that I’m not going anywhere. That he can speak to me whenever he wants, about anything.

I lean against the doorframe, captivated by the way his muscles protrude, enhanced by the shimmering sweat reflecting the light. I clench my thighs, we haven’t had sex since he moved back home. I didn’t want to press it. In his head, until yesterday, he believed he cheated. He has a lot to work through.

I need to bring him back to me. I quickly gather my hair into a high ponytail, securing it with the scrunchy on my wrist. Shamelessly, I let my eyes roam over his sculpted frame.

“See something you like, sweetheart?” he says in a low tone.

I step inside and slide the door, leaving a gap so I can still hear if Maeve wakes up.

“Not sure yet.” I tease, watching as he pushes himself away from the bag and rips off the gloves with his teeth.

I stop opposite him, adjusting my black slip dress to lower my knees onto the mat.

His intense gaze consumes me, igniting a fire within that only he can create. As I slip one strap down my arm, he takes a step forward, but I quickly raise my finger to halt him.

“What’s the impromptu punching session about?” I ask.

His gorgeous face contorts with confusion, and he responds with a boyish grin, playfully shaking out his curls.

“Well, if you must know. I’ve been told to try to channel some of my thoughts, my anger, into my boxing. Focus on my goals and use it as an outlet.”

I slide the other strap down. He’s not finding therapy as atrocious as he thought it would be. Even if this is something we battle for the rest of our lives, it’s worth it.

“And, what has you needing that?”

His eyes fixate on me, and he licks his lips greedily as I seductively lower my dress, revealing the black lace bra underneath.

“I-I, fuck.” He shakes his head.

“Come on, baby. Look at me.”

As he obediently does as I ask, I use both hands to unclasp my breasts, maintaining eye contact with him to signal that he can speak.

“God, it sounds so fucking dumb out loud.”

“I promise, it won’t.” I quickly counter.

His tongue bar clicks against his teeth and he takes a deep inhale.

“I’m scared to fucking death of you leaving me. Even if it’s just to a safe house. The thought of coming home and my girls not being here, it hurts. I just got you back.”

Removing my bra, I drop it on the floor beside me and feel the cool air against my nipples.

“I’m never leaving you, Jax. Ever. I promised you that and I meant every word. I love you.”

“Deep down I know that, but my head⁠—“

“It’s completely valid, Jax. I’ll be counting down the hours until I’m back home with my man.” I lean back, propping myself up on my forearms, and lift my hips to slide out of my dress.

“Jesus, Sofia,” he hisses.

“You’ve been such a good boy, Jax, opening up to me,” I say, batting my lashes at him.

Sitting back up, I catch his eyes widening as I sensually cup my breasts in my hands.

“Is that right?”

“Yes.” Resting up on my knees, I delicately slide my fingers under the lace of my panties.

“Do you want me, Jax?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

I start to lower them slowly. His eyes darken and it makes my pussy throb.

“Fuck, yes. Sof.” His voice is hoarse.

He licks his lower lip and I can’t take it anymore. His dick tents his red shorts. The air crackles with electricity around us.

“Show me.” I almost whisper, removing my panties.

He shakes his head, causing my eyes to widen in surprise. Then, he swiftly pushes down his shorts and kicks them across the floor. I find myself unable to look away, my mouth watering as I stare at his throbbing erection.

“Crawl to me, baby. You said I’ve been a good boy. Now it’s only fair I get to hear you gagging on my cock.”

There he is. My Jax.

I get on all fours and slowly crawl towards him, my heart pounding in my chest. Positioning myself in front of him, my fingertips trace a path up his thighs, eliciting a deep groan from him.

As I wrap my hand around his shaft, he groans and pulls me back by my ponytail, keeping my lips just inches from tasting him. He slides to the side and sits on the padded floor, pulling me between his legs.

“Spread your knees wider. Ass in the air. I want that pretty cunt on full display in the mirror,” he commands and it sets me on fire.

I get into position and lick the tip, watching his jaw clench as I take him to the back of my throat. With my hair wrapped around his fist, he controls my movement, fucking my face.

“Well, isn’t that the perfect sight? Your pussy is begging to be touched. Be a good girl and do it.”

I moan and close my eyes as I slowly circle my clit. My whole body tingles.

“No, baby. Finger yourself.”

Shifting my waist, I smoothly slide two fingers in, stealing a glance at him in the process. His eyes never leave the mirror behind me.

“You can take more than two. I need you soaked for me.” He jolts his hips up, and I gag on his cock as I add the third for him.

Holy shit.

“Yes, fuck, Sofia,” he groans, and it only turns me on more.

I can hear my wetness as I thrust in and out. Getting closer and closer, tears stream down my cheeks.

“I need to be inside you.”

Before I can register his words, he sits up and lifts me under the arms to straddle his lap, his cock pressing against me.

With my arms wrapped tightly around his neck, he grins and crashes his lips over mine for a ferocious kiss. I use his shoulders to lift myself while feverishly still tasting him, and line him up with my entrance. His fingers dig into my hip as he tugs me down hard, causing me to moan into his mouth. Breaking the kiss, I look between our bodies, watching as I ride him.

“Look how perfect you take me, tigritsa.”

With one hand firmly on my waist, and the other around my throat, our eyes lock. That spark of raw desire within his almost sets off fireworks in me. Rolling my hips, I mimic his hold, squeezing my fingers on either side of his throat and slam my lips over his.

The sensation has my head fuzzy. All I can feel is his cock relentlessly pounding into me. With each kiss, he steals the air from my lungs, leaving me breathless. I can feel the blood roaring in my ears, drowning out everything else.

“I. Fucking. Love. You,” he grunts out between each hard and final thrust.

I cry out his name when he releases my throat and I collapse into him, riding out my orgasm on his pulsing length, while I’m sinking my teeth into his neck and spilling into me.

Holy shit.

He lays down, pulling me with him, his dick twitching inside of me. His rough hands frame my face and I sink into his touch. I am finally home. He is back where he belongs.

“I love you, Jax Carter,” I whisper against his lips.

He gives me a genuine smile that mends my heart.

We lay in each other’s arms, in silence as he cuddles me tight against him. It’s like he doesn’t want to let me go.

I push myself up.

“You do what you have to do. Once this is over, we have a lot of time to make up for.” I tell him, biting back a grin.

“I’ll make everything up to you, Sofia.” He strokes my cheek and presses a delicate kiss to my temple.

I can’t wait for this to be over, so our family can finally be back together again, forever.

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