Song- Bite Marks, Ari Abdul

Fuck. The way he’s crawling towards me, stalking me like I’m his prey, has me all kinds of turned on. But, I like this game. So before he can grab me again, I jump to my feet and run as fast as I can. The forest blurs past as I run. My lungs are on fire as his footsteps are relentlessly closing in. I keep going.

I want him to catch me. When I admit it, all of my worries disappear.

I am alive.

With the blood pounding in my ears, I swiftly duck over a low hill and find myself facing a tranquil pond of water.

“Shit,” I hiss.

My body instinctively leads me to the right.

I know he’s close.

My lips tingle with his lingering presence, and the anticipation of his strong arms around me quickens my heartbeat.

As I hear him approach from behind, a giggle escapes my lips. He growls in my ear, lifting me effortlessly into the air. My legs kick as I let out a squeal.

With a swift motion, he spins us around before we fall down on the ground. I’m pinned beneath him with my wrists securely held by his strong grip.

He tears off my jeans and tosses them aside, then climbs up my body until his erection presses against my pussy.

His lips claim mine and I hear the zipper of his pants.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” he mutters against my lips.

“More,” I pant out, arching my back.

Inhaling sharply, I lift my hips, my body responding to the sensation of his finger sliding along my slit.

“I’ll chase you around wherever you want if this is how wet it gets you.”

He slams his hard length inside me and I squeeze my eyes shut. I seize his shoulders, my nails sinking into his flesh, a mix of pain and determination in my grip.

“Oh my god, Jax.”

He grunts in response, thrusting deeper. He lifts me up until I straddle him. When he tilts his head back, baring his throat, I can’t resist leaning forward to bite him before planting a kiss on his lips.

His fingers dig into my ass as he guides me to following the pace of his relentless fucking.

“So damn good, Sofia,” he groans against my mouth.

I push on his shoulders so he lays down on the grass, and he stifles a small groan. His eyes lock onto mine, filled with such burning desire that it makes me blush.

Dragging my nails down his chiseled abs, I press hard enough to leave angry red marks in their wake. I glide up and down, skillfully grinding my hips against him, hitting that sweet spot.

With another soft moan, his hand extends, encircling my throat and exerting pressure against the sensitive bite mark he had left me with earlier.

“Fuck, I need more,” he pants out, taking me by surprise by wrapping his arms around me and rolling us over so he’s on top. He tightly grasps my thigh and forcefully guides it towards my chest. His head tilts back as he whispers my name while sinking deep inside me.

Leaning down, his tongue traces a wet path from the base of my throat to my chin. My fingers tangle in his curls.

“That’s better, isn’t it, baby? I can feel your sweet pussy strangling my cock. You’re close, aren’t you?”

His husky voice sends thrills through me.

“Come on, sweetheart, come all over my cock like a good girl.” He slaps my ass, and with one final thrust, his lips crash over mine as an orgasm shatters through my body. I’m shaking in his hold and he keeps fucking me, kissing and biting me.

I scream out his name, and the sound reverberates through the air.

He pulls out, sitting back on his feet and strokes his cock, not breaking eye contact with me. He jerks forward, with my name on his lips and his warm cum hits against my bare stomach.

“Holy shit,” he mutters to himself.

With a smirk, he leans forward and scoops up his hot seed from my skin with his index finger.

“Open up, baby.”

“Jax!” I shouldn’t be turned on again, but I am.

I do as he says, and his finger slips inside my mouth. I bite down until I feel bone and suck the salty liquid off.

“We’ll be here a while doing that to clean me up,” I giggle.

With a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, he looks behind us. I follow his gaze and see the pond, its surface shimmering like a mirror under the starry night sky.

“Come on,” he stands, his cock standing to attention in front of my face. I accept his outstretched hand, and with a gentle tug, he helps me up and leads me towards the glistening water.

“Jax.” I let out a laugh as he bends and scoops me into his arms. I pull the cami top over my head and he unclasps my bra with one hand.

I raise my eyebrow at him, and his laughter fills the air.

“What?” he asks, giving me a boyish grin while clicking his tongue bar against his teeth.

I shake my head, sliding the straps off my shoulders and tossing it to the ground.

“Shit, it’s cold,” he says as he walks us into the water.

“Great, can’t wait.”

“I can think of a way to keep you warm, tigritsa,” he whispers against my cheek. My body shivers against his. As he gently lowers us into the water, I cling to him tightly, feeling the icy embrace of the freezing fluid against my overheated skin.

“Fuck,” I hiss out.

I shift in his arms, positioning myself to straddle him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and pressing my nose against his.

My body trembles as he playfully splashes my stomach, and then I feel his hand sliding down, his fingers caressing my belly button in slow, circular motions. Just that gentle touch alone has me ready to go again.

Wrapping my ponytail around his fist, he yanks my head back and sucks on my neck as his other hand ventures lower, settling between my legs.

“You want more of me already?” I tease.

“You have no idea how much of you I want, baby.”

My heart quickens at his words. As guilt starts to form, I force myself to swallow it down. I have to tell him the truth before we get any deeper. He’s made it clear. His persistence tells me enough.

“Is that right?”

Without a word, he silences me with a deep kiss, his fingers slipping inside me, igniting a fire within.

“Looks like you want me just as bad, sweetheart.”

As he captures my lips again, a warm blush spreads up my neck.

“Give me one more and scream my name, baby,” he whispers against my cheek.

He quickens the pace, stealing all the air from my lungs with his kisses. Enough to have me trembling against him, letting another climax rock through my body. He brushes his hands across my face, forcing me to look into his eyes.

I know what I have to do. He deserves to know, even if he never wants to speak to me again.

“Jax,” I whisper.

“Yes, baby?”

“I need you to come home with me.”

I can’t go into work like this. I’m going to have to call in sick and hope they don’t fire me.

A smile lights up his face and I take a deep breath.

“I couldn’t possibly say no to that offer,” he replies.

We dry ourselves off with his ripped shirt and then continue to walk hand in hand through the course. Jax, with his bare chest, is incredibly distracting. As we approach the lot where my car is, Jax digs out my purse from his bike and shoves on another black top.

Shit. I glance down at my shaking hands, nervously fumbling with the zipper of my purse. I finally manage to retrieve my apartment keys and extend them towards him. Looking at them quizzically, he furrows his brow in confusion.

“I need to go and get something first. Let yourself in. I won’t be long.”

“Everything okay? You don’t need to be nervous, not around me.”

Tears sting in my eyes. I’m going to turn his life completely upside down tonight. I can’t speak, so I just nod. Just as I try to leave, he reaches out and firmly clasps my hand, gently guiding me to face him, his hands tenderly cupping my cheeks.

“I’m so fucking happy I found you again, tigritsa.”

With one last kiss, I back away. With a heavy heart, I climb into the car, and as soon as I shut the door, a sinking feeling settles in my stomach. I watch as he puts on his helmet, not before blowing me a kiss. Watching him speed away, I feel my hands tighten around the steering wheel.

I can do this.

Maeve deserves this. And so does Jax.

If I end up losing him because of that, I can live with my decision.

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