Chapter 11

Dream State

He strode confidently through the bustling city streets, his body cutting through the crowds like a knife. People blurred and melded around him, but he remained enigmatic and distinct. My heart raced as he walked straight towards me, his skin a rich shade of bronze that stood out among the paler tones of those around him. But compared to some of the others in this city, his complexion was moderate. He looked as if he had been kissed by the sun, with shaggy black hair falling haphazardly from the tie that held it back. Perhaps he had been running to get here, or maybe he was just in a hurry.

As he drew closer, I noticed the color of his eyes - deep and dark, but unmistakably human. No second eyelids or thin pupils gave away any otherworldly traits. Yet, instinctively I knew there was something different about him.

I let out a slow breath, my gaze lingering on the silver threads woven into his sun-kissed skin. The shimmer was unmistakable and my world seemed to shift in response. Suddenly, I found myself in an inn, watching him sit at a table and drink a pint of ale. Even in the dim lighting, I could see that he had shed his armor from earlier and dressed down for the evening. Glancing around the room, I noticed how strangely dark and cloudy it was inside. The faces of the patrons were blurred and their voices echoed in an otherworldly manner. Laughter and music filled the air, strangely in tune with each other. This had to be a dream - no mortal inn could feel so surreal. This had to be a dream. This had to be his dream.

My mouth felt dry as I licked my lips and focused on him again. He sat with his back to me, lost in thought as he absently sipped on his drink. The low hum of background noise seemed to fade away as I approached him, my movements slow and deliberate. Could he see me? As I drew closer, the image of the bar and its patrons became clearer.

I couldn’t help but notice the bar tender leaning over the counter, his misshapen figure marred by scars and missing fingers. My curiosity about his appearance was quickly overshadowed by my intense focus on Niall. If my hunch was correct, anyway. Slipping in next to him, I grabbed a drink from the bar and took a sip. The liquid burned my throat and I could feel its warmth spreading through my body.

The figure of the bar tender faded into the background as Niall took another drink, his chin jerking in my direction as if he sensed my presence. Though he kept his gaze fixed ahead, I could see uncertainty and unfamiliarity in his expression. Slowly, he blinked and refocused, turning his head towards me.

Meeting his gaze, I offered a small, unsure smile before raising my cup to match his own. Taking another gulp of my drink, I braced myself for what was about to happen - deep down, I just knew I would need more liquid courage for this encounter.

The idea of getting drunk in someone else’s dream, while surely impossible, sounded alluring.

“I know you.” He breathed. His voice sent shivers down my spine. There was no doubt in my mind about who this man was when he spoke. He shut his eyes and leaned towards me, causing me to instinctively lean backwards. My eyebrow arched in surprise - was he actually smelling me?

“Excuse you.” I huffed.

He sat back and gave me a bewildered expression. “You have no scent; everyone has a scent.”

So, not human. Ok. “Well, maybe it’s because you don’t know it. This is a dream, after all. I’m just a figment of your imagination.”

Now he arched an eyebrow. “And why would I be dreaming of the Seelie Princess?” He knew who I was? That was interesting. “You tell me.”

He rested an elbow on the countertop and swirled the amber liquid inside his drinking horn. “Well, I guess it could be because of how attractive you are, although I have a feeling this isn’t that kind of dream. Otherwise, you’d be wearing nothing and touching yourself-” okay, ew “-but maybe, maybe it’s because I wonder if you’re my match. She’s an idiot, I’ll tell you. Girl doesn’t know anything about the world, just like the changeling princess I reckon.”

“Well, that’s rude.” I coughed, surprised at his opinion of myself.

He shrugged before focusing back on me. “You know, call it the dream, but I think you are her. You just, it’s the way you feel. Like an ember burning in the night. As deadly as a forest fire unchecked, but as gentle as a candle to light the way, even in the darkest of nights.” He leaned forward and reached for my hand.

Our eyes locked in a heated stare. My heart raced and my throat tightened. I knew I had to get out of there. As I pulled my hand away and started to stand, he slammed his hand down on the counter and leaned in close to me. I instinctively recoiled, my eyes widening at his intense gaze. He looked like a predator, ready to pounce on its prey.

“You are not part of this dream; I remember this moment. You don’t belong here, you’re real.”

He gently grasped my hand and brought it up to his pressed lips, the warmth of his breath caressing my skin. As he inhaled, I watched as his eyes came to life, transforming from a cold darkness into a swirl of bright yellow before settling on a warmer, lighter hue. They sparkled like stars against a velvety night sky. Before I could fully take in the beauty of his gaze, he jerked me back and the room shook once more. My body landed on the softness of an unmade bed, and in an instant, he was between my thighs, his wide-eyed stare filled with intense desire.

“You’re going to make me sick with how much you’re changing the scenery!” I barked.

“It’s you, it is you.” With each breath he took, I grew more aware of the gravity of our situation. My body was tangled between his strong hands and long legs, my once pristine gown now dirty and ripped in all the wrong places. The fabric hung loosely around my shoulders, offering no protection or modesty. My “blessing,” as they called it, was on full display, perfectly symmetrical and exposed for all to see. His intense gaze dropped to where my thoughts were focused, tracing every line as if it were a map leading to his salvation. When his eyes reached the torn and scarred bite mark left by a vampire’s teeth, his gaze steeled and my instincts told me to run.

“Please get off me.” I asked politely.

He dropped on his elbow and touched the scar with a callused finger. “I killed him; you know. I came across Navid and his little gang, I... I buried your wings.” As he lifted his gaze, I could see the raw agony reflected in his eyes, mirroring my own.

“Navid is dead?” I whispered.

“Yes, they all are. Probably not the big one, but I’ll get him.”

Shockingly, my heart sank. “I wanted to kill him...” I mumbled. A crooked grin formed on his lips, and I was immediately captivated by the dimple that appeared for just a moment. My thoughts were interrupted by this unexpected display of cuteness, and I was caught off guard when his lips started to move down towards my chin. “Hey hey hey!” The cry escaped my lips as I writhed beneath him, the intense pleasure from his single, simple touch causing me to blush like a guilty sinner in church.

He seemed to take advantage of my vulnerability, pressing down harder on top of me as his hands roamed over my body. I grunted with frustration and squirmed, trying to break free from his grasp. But he was relentless, his touch sending waves of heat coursing through my veins. My heart raced wildly in my chest and a searing fire began to build in the pit of my stomach. His hold on me only tightened as I fought against him, and I could feel the coolness of his fangs graze against my skin as he brought them dangerously close to my wrist. Any excitement or anticipation I had felt moments ago was quickly snuffed out, replaced with a sense of dread as if someone had dumped a bucket of icy water over me.

I felt my whole body tense up in fear as he nipped at my skin. It didn’t cause any pain or draw blood, but I could feel the color draining from my face as he noticed my reaction.

“You’re a vampire?” I asked. He scowled.

“Don’t insult me.”

I frowned in confusion, he seemed to notice as he slowly resumed his caressing. “Stop that. Then, what are you?”

“Hmm?” He toyed.

“Get off!” I demanded as I lifted my knee, aiming for a direct hit to his crotch. Much to our surprise, I successfully landed the blow. He let out a groan and rolled away from me, giving me the chance to jump off the bed. Protectively, I folded my arms over my chest.

“Now, you stay over there. Don’t get any ideas, I don’t know how to turn off this whole dream state.” From the bed, he glanced up at me before rolling onto his hands and knees. I couldn’t help but gulp nervously; it almost seemed like he was stalking me down like prey. Correction: that’s exactly what he was doing.

“Tell me where you are.” His voice was gentle and I faltered. It seemed like he noticed my hesitation and used it to his advantage as he lunged towards me. My shriek was cut short as he pushed me backwards onto the bed and forcefully grabbed my inner thigh. “Tell me or I’ll take you right now.” The threat hung in the air, heavy and palpable.

“You wouldn’t,” I spat out defiantly, though my heart was racing with a mix of fear and excitement. Suddenly, he flipped me over onto my stomach and pinned my head down onto the bed. His strong hand gripped my pelvis, pulling me closer to him. With his other hand, he began stroking my butt, his pinky finger tracing delicate circles on my most sensitive spot. A low growl escaped his lips as he felt how wet I was there. The sensation caused me to gasp sharply and grip the bedding beneath me in anticipation of what was to come.

“One more chance, princess.”

I couldn’t believe how much stronger he was than me! I knew he was a guy and I was a girl, but it felt like he had the strength of a bear while I was just a child. “I’m in the forest outside the Unseelies Court! I just escaped the dungeons!” I screamed.

“That explains your attire.” He mused. I waited for him to step away, but he remained still. His hand ran over me once more, unsurely. “Are you sure, that we can’t...?” He trailed off before quickly adding. “It’s just a dream, it’s not like it’s really happening.”

“Get the fuck off me.” I snarled. How I hated myself for even saying it. He quickly retreated, but still kept his grip on my waist as he sat back. I attempted to find a comfortable position, but ended up being pulled onto his lap.

“So, what else do you have in mind? While we’re here, dreaming of each other?” “You can tell me what you are.”

“That’s kind of rude, Caitlin.” His use of my name came as a surprise, jolting me out of my thoughts and causing my heart to race. How was it that he already held such control over my emotions?

“I think that you can handle it. Call me crazy.”

He kissed my neck, my heart lurched. “I could get used to that sound.” He murmured into the base of my throat.

How could he hear my heart? Definitely not human. “Niall.” I spoke firmly, and he hesitated, just as I had expected. Our names held power over each other, a reminder of our roles in this game. Perhaps the gods knew what they were doing after all. I continued to glare at him as he peeked up at me.

“That’s not healthy for me,” now he muttered.

“Are you going to tell me, or are you going to keep avoiding the question?”

He sighed deeply. “It’s not that I won’t tell you. It’s that I can’t. We’re not something that you talk about, unless you want to die. It’s so taboo in fact that my ancestors cursed us, I can’t even tell you the two words that I would be called because I can’t say it. But you could say I’m a witch. A cursed witch. When I was born, I was an earth affiliate, and when I came of age, I ascended into what I am now. Which allows me the ability to harness magic, and I have decent control over the four elements.”

“That sounds like you’re cheating.” From my limited understanding of the Fae world, individuals were born with the ability to control a specific element. While there were other traits that could be inherited, most people were only able to manipulate one element - whether it be water, fire, earth or wind.

He smiled, and that dimple appeared again. “Yes, definitely. But we weren’t born part of the primal as you. So my ancestors had to get creative.”

I shifted my gaze away from him. The idea that everyone else seemed to know me better than I knew myself was unsettling. In a sudden burst, a wave of intense pleasure flooded over me and I involuntarily reacted by jerking in his tight hold. My eyes widened as I glanced down at my bared breast being sensually caressed by his lips. His actions mirrored my reaction, and he moaned with delight as he gently guided me back onto the bed.

My moans of protest were muffled by his insistent lips as I tried, and failed, to push him off. His fingers expertly found my most sensitive spot, causing me to squirm and writhe beneath him. Desperately, I cried out his name, hoping he would stop this unwanted advance. But my pleas seemed to only encourage him further.

Just as I thought I couldn’t take it any longer, the scent of dirt filled my nostrils and pulled me back to reality. I jerked awake, realizing I was pushing against the forest floor in a futile attempt to escape. My hair was wild and tangled around my face, disheveled from the struggle. Next to me, Poppy slept soundly, completely unaware of what had just transpired.

I scanned the darkness thoroughly, my heart racing with adrenaline. Gradually, the lust subsided and I reached for my gown, intending to cover myself and make sense of what had just happened. But as I pulled the fabric up, I recoiled in shock at the unexpected wetness and earthy scent emanating from my exposed breast. It was as if his very essence had seeped into my skin during the dream.

Wait... it was real?!

In haste, I tore off another strip of my dress and secured it with a knot. Carefully, I threaded it through the charm and brought it up to my forehead, just as I felt his presence in my mind.

Why did you leave me, there was so much I wanted to do to you...

I gasped as I felt the ghost of his self — touching me inappropriately. Stop thinking about it, I snapped, imagining the hardest slap that I could. I heard him hiss in pain.

Look, Caitlin. This can either be heaven or hell. Don’t fight me.

I laughed. I’m shutting this down; you can go be delusional in your dreams. Without me. I removed the charm from around my neck and immediately his voice faded into silence. Surprisingly, I still felt his presence, but it was like there was a barrier between us now. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the charm was old and most likely losing its effectiveness. It was time for a new one.

“Child of the primal,” A sudden, unfamiliar voice pierced the air and startled me out of my thoughts. It felt as real as Poppy lying next to me. As I looked up at the shimmering water, a figure emerged from the shadows, perched on the edge with a silver glow that mirrored the moon’s radiance. Their presence was ethereal, almost otherworldly, as if they were a being made of pure light and water. “Come here,” she coaxed.

I did as was instructed, not entirely sure why.

“Are you... a god?” I lowered my voice to a hush as I knelt across the rippling water from her. Her silver eyes, glinting like precious metal, looked at me with an intensity that matched her pale skin and shimmering hair. The folds of her robes tumbled down her long body in elegant waves, mirroring the flowing ripples of the river beneath us.

“I am a deputy god. Never mind you the difference, it isn’t important.” She waved her hand, signaling an end to any further questioning on the topic. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. “I am here because my master couldn’t overlook that,” she gave a knowing look to the charm around my neck. “He carried the will of all the gods when he blessed you, the first ever from him, and you deny the blessing?”

Ah shit. “It’s not that I don’t... um... appreciate the thought? But I think I just want to get to know this man in the real, waking world, before I let him go swimming in my head day and night.”

She nodded. “I understand. But you don’t need that, you can open the door to him and close it at will. Let me show you,” With not a single hair out of place, she gracefully extended her arm across the water and placed her cold finger on my forehead. It was as if she had leapt across the water, and suddenly my mind was open like a window with its shutters flung wide. Suddenly, knowledge flooded my mind, leaving me wide-eyed in shock. Her brief smile conveyed a sense of understanding as she moved to touch the charm. “This no longer works; whatever abilities were left were washed away in my presence. Perhaps you should keep it, to fool your enemies. Niall is a very dangerous man, but his heart holds true. He will protect you during the journey laid at your feet. That is why he was chosen.” She placed a hand on my cheek and stroked it with her thumb. “You will overcome many obstacles, if only you remain true to yourself. Do not deny your past, as it plays an important role in your future.”

My eyes flickered as the night enveloped me once again. She had vanished just as suddenly and silently as she appeared. I could sense the door lingering in the back of my mind, with him waiting on the other side. A strong feeling of unease washed over me; he was apprehensive. Slowly, I reached for the doorknob and gently turned it, unsure of what awaited me on the other side.

Niall? I asked.

Yes? He let out a contented purr, smug that I had returned so quickly.

What’s wrong?

Now he went silent. I need to know, are you safe?

Safe enough, for now. I’m with a nymph. His sense of relief washed over me, if only a little. Get some rest, I will not enter your dreams again.

Wait wait wait I didn’t say—. His tone had held a hint of a smile, but I shut the door just as easily as I had opened it. My emotions were subdued, with none strong enough to break through and affect me. With a contented smile, I lay down and closed my eyes. Finally, something was within my grasp and under my control.

Message from author: This here, available on, is the most current of this work. Should you go to KU to finish it the story- please know it is a little outdated and will be updated as soon as complete.

Thank you <3

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