Chains to Crowns
Chapter 13

The door unlocked and a blonde entered with a plate.

Her cheekbone sporting a bruise, while her lip was bust.

Klara grasped at the food, it had been twelve days since her last meal.


It was a week after the incident of Marc destroying his office. His anger and behaviour afterwards had made Klara trust him a little more. He was having to spend longer hours away from the wing. It was late, the sun had set and Klara was restless being alone. She’d grown to get used to having company in the evenings and with Marc working late, she decided to see if he was in the King’s wing.

She crept down the grand staircase, smelling to see if she could sense where he was. Rose wasn’t at her desk so she couldn’t ask. She sniffed to the right but his scent was faint, so she walked to the left-hand corridor; his scent was stronger there.

She followed his wonderful freshly cut grass and honey scent until she reached a door. Voices were coming from the other side, “My King, I am concerned,” an unknown male spoke.

“I know Alpha Baneson, will more wolves help?” Marc’s voice trailed through the wood of the door. “Of course.”

“Very well, I can spare... “ Marc trailed off, as he appeared to be thinking. “Twenty… will that help?”

“Do you have any idea where this girl is?” another male spoke.

Marc sighed.

“No Alpha Candidus, we haven’t heard anything.” It was Wade’s voice that came through this time. Klara bit her lip, suspecting what they were talking about. “Maybe you need to deal with the Silversmith’s once and for all,” another male growled.

“Careful of your tone Vanari” Marc growled, “However, I must congratulate the three of you of keeping them at bay.”

“You can congratulate all you like… that doesn’t change that thirty wolves have lost their lives.” Klara gasped. The room went very quiet and she realised they must have heard and sprinted from the door.

Footsteps ricocheted off the wooden stairs half an hour later. She glanced from the sofa as Marc entered the room, “Are you mad?” she whispered.

“No course not, how much did you hear?” he asked gently.

“Enough… is dad really killing to get to me?” she asked through chewing her lip.

“No, members of his pack are.”

“It’s my fault.” She looked away. Marc sank into the leather sofa next to her, enveloping her in his arms. “No-one can ever blame you. I’m glad you ran, or I would never have found you.”

“But wolves are dying,” she whispered into his bicep.

“They’re dying serving a duty. They’re protecting their pack and their Kingdom,” Marc said diplomatically, stroking up and down her back comfortingly.

“I’d have you in the meetings, but technically you’re not here.” Klara nodded against him.

“He’s powerful, what if he comes here?” she asked, burying herself further into his arms.

“That’s why we have patrols, we have guards, no-one can get into the palace unless they’re meant to be here. You’re safe my darling, you’re in the safest place in the world.”

“He’s strong,” she whimpered, she’d seen him taking on twenty of his own wolves at once.

“Stronger than all my wolves?” he asked, his head nuzzling her hair.

“I don’t know how many wolves you have,” she replied honestly.

Marc chuckled, “I’m not worried and neither should you, he would have to get through at least four territories to get here, all packs are on high alert.”

“But I got through,” she whispered. She didn’t want to argue with him but she was terrified someone would come and get her, take her away. “Little one, you didn’t get here unnoticed, but no-one needs to stop a rogue in unclaimed land, you weren’t a threat. You were a single wolf. But now, no unknown wolf is able to get through.”

“Oh,” she squeaked, she thought she’d got through undetected until she hit royal land. Marc chuckled again, “Why do you think you got caught so quick?” he asked.

“I… I…” she had no answer, she hadn’t thought about it. Marc shifted and pulled her gently onto his lap. “Let me worry about your father, everyone is here to protect you,” he reassured, snuggling her into him. She relaxed against him, an uneasiness settling within her stomach.

Klara couldn’t believe she’d been at the Castle a month already, she felt like it had been a week. Her wish to lean on Marc was growing more and more comfortable, but the thought of leaving the wing alone scared her. She couldn’t say what was scaring her, and although Marc was helping her through her fears and worries, she didn’t want to broach the topic of how she spent most of her time cooped up… safe.

She was fixing herself a snack from what was available in their kitchen, she supposed she really needed to find out how to contact people to get things brought up. “Klara, I fancy letting my wolf out, does your wolf fancy a run?”

“I’m OK thank you, can you not stay? I’m making a sandwich.”

“We can eat when we get back.” Klara gnawed on her lip, wanting to say no, but not wanting to anger him… but she knew she didn’t want to shift, she never shifted at home, the day she ran was the first time in years.

She was scared of seeing others. What if they found out she was weak? What if as soon as Marc was gone she’d be treated exactly the same? Ice cascaded down her arms as her fear grew. “I’ll be right by your side, it’s the same as when you go to Adelaide’s,” he reassured, but she was certain there was a hint of… jealousy?

“OK,” she breathed, not feeling it was OK in the slightest.

She wished she could be brave, just get on with it and be what was expected of her… but she wasn’t sure what was expected. No-one had laid out any expectations, or rules… or anything. She felt a little lost… and sometimes she felt what was between her and Marc… wasn’t real. If it was, wouldn’t he have done all the things male wolves normally did? Like marking her as his own and… doing… the other stuff.

Klara followed Marc out of the palace, the first time she’d ever stepped foot and she froze. “I can’t,” she mumbled, taking a step back. Even just outside of the castle she could see around a dozen wolves, some standing guard, some walking… she felt all eyes on her, she felt they all knew. Knew she was disgusting and not good enough for their King. “I can’t,” she whimpered, pulling back on Marc’s hand. He turned and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You’re safe.” She shook her head, bile rising in her throat.

“I feel sick, I think I’m sick.” He felt her forehead.

“You do feel a little cold. You know I’m never going to let anything happen to you?”

“I know… honest I don’t feel well.”

“Letting your wolf out may help… it’s been a month.”

“Maybe later… please Marc?” He nodded, relenting as he steered her back towards the wing, relief spread through Klara.

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