
Ezra and Roman kept staring at me intensely and I didn't know what to do, finally the silence was broken by Ezra,

"We missed you sweetheart"

"I think it's best if you leave"

"Please hear us out little bird, what happened that day was a mistake, we never thought katrina would do such a thing, we made it perfectly clear that we were not interested in her anymore so what she did was definitely unexpected. The few days me and my brother has gotten to know you as made us realize how you are one of the most beautiful, nicest and courageous person we have ever met and now we simply can't live without you little bird".

After Roman was done talking Ezra brought out a velvet little box and they both went on one knee right in front of me, and that's when Ezra spoke next,

"Sweetheart we are madly, possessively and obsessively in love with you, this past three days without you was hell, we knew you were ours the minute we saw you step into our throne room, before you came women were just entertainment easy to come and go and I know what you witnessed that day hurt you, and that's when we realized what fools we were, if we could go back and wait for you we would but we can't change the past so we can only promise you the future. We promise to love and adore you firebird there shall never be another woman for us, we love you sweetheart with all our heart, so would you do us the honor of becoming our wife"

By the time Ezra was done talking I was in tears, I just couldn't stop crying and the next thing I knew i was in their arms screaming "yes, yes, yes". Roman carried me and twirled me around and we all started laughing,

"You didn't even let me show you the ring" said Ezra,

I smiled and then gasped when Ezra showed me the ring, it was beautiful, I have never seen a ring like that, it had a combination of different colorful gems from a ruby to a sapphire to a green stone and many more, I was awed.

"It is a family heirloom worn by every queen in our lineage, it was worn last by our mother the late queen of thermesdera but now it's yours" said Roman.

He then slipped the ring onto my finger and they both kissed me,

" you are to move in with us starting tomorrow" Ezra said, leaving no room for debate, as if I would refuse being close to them.

"Of course, I would love to".

Roman continued "And our engagement will be announced tomorrow at a bouquet we are preparing so the people of thermesdera will know they are having a new queen. Also we have arranged for the wedding to be held a week after the arrival of king Alfred for the signing of the alliance between our kingdoms".

I was shocked because king Alfred was to arrive here in three moons time which is actually in three weeks which means I only had four weeks before I get married,

"Isn't four weeks a bit sudden, shouldn't we wait a little longer"

" I think we have waited long enough, we won't wait any longer to make you ours we love you littlebird and we are never letting you go" said Roman.

Ezra then took me into his arms and kissed me passionately, before I knew what was happening, I found myself lying flat on the bed, I was so intoxicated with Ezra's kiss that I didn't realize they had stripped both me and themselves naked.

"My goodness, little bird your so beautiful" they were both looking at me with lust, desire and love, it made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

"We love you little bird"

"I love you guys too"

"Your so wet sweetheart" I felt like I was in a daze, I couldn't process this pleasurable feelings my body was going through. Ezra continued kissing me while I felt Roman nudge my legs open and climbed on top of me, I felt his cock rubbing at my clit and i felt like I was about to explode, he had started entering me when I remembered there was something I had to tell them,

"Umm....your Majesties, I hmm...I" I finally took a deep breath and said "I've never done this before, I'm know" I'm pretty sure my entire face has turned red at this point. Ezra and Roman both looked at each other and chuckled,

"Sweetheart are you trying to tell us your a virgin" Ezra said while smiling, I blushed again and shyly nodded.

"Little bird we already suspected you were, but we could care less if you were a virgin or not cause we will always love you and that is never going to change" Roman said, before gently kissing me on the lips.

"Don't worry sweetheart we'll make sure to be gentle"


I felt Roman pushing his cock gently into my entrance until he met a barrier, that's when he pulled back a little and then push in with force ripping through the barrier. I gasped and held on to him tightly, I felt tears spill down my face,

"Fuck your so tight little bird" Roman said, looking like it was taking everything in him to remain still above me,

"Oh my gosh, it hurts, it hurts so much" it felt like I was being ripped in half.

"Don't worry sweetheart we got you" and I felt Ezra take my nipples into his mouth, Roman then started thrusting gently into me and that's when I felt the pain subside and pleasure taking over, it felt like i was in heaven and it didn't take long before me and Roman found our climax. I moaned so loud that I'm sure the whole kingdom heard me, Roman groaned while he realised into me and when he was done he collapsed onto my body.

Our breaths were labored and I felt like I could fall asleep right away, before I could even think of closing my eyes I felt Roman roll off me and Ezra get on top of me,

"My turn sweetheart, and don't even think we are done with you yet because we intend to make love to you all night long".

I had a feeling I was going to be very sore the next morning but I really wouldn't have it any other way, I finally have the men I love in my arms and because of them I'm starting to feel like my future doesn't have to be filled with the destruction, fear and sadness from my past because for the first time in a long time I actually felt hope and I'm finally starting a new chapter of my life and I can't wait for it to begin.

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