
I still couldn't take my eyes off the beauty in front of us. She wore a light blue gown that brought out the color of her eyes and complimented her skin tone.

The gown also showcased her luscious breast and beautiful figure. Me and my brother stood up and walked towards her, she bowed slightly before looking up at us.

"What is your name" I asked

"Firebird, your majesties" what a melodious voice and an interesting name.

"What brings you here sweetheart" asked Ezra.

"My kingdom was attacked and my home and people destroyed, hence why I'm here seeking refuge"

"And what is the name of your kingdom little bird" I asked curiously,

"It's called florencia" I knew she wasn't telling us everything I could tell from the tone of her voice and her body language that she was uncomfortable talking about her past, we wouldn't push her for answers now but we will find out sooner or later, so I decided to change the subject,

"Who attacked your people little bird"

Although I suspect I might already know the answer to that "the druids your majesties" I wasn't surprised because I already had my suspicions before she confirmed it, Ezra sighed regretfully and said,

"Your kingdom was not the only one attacked recently I'm afraid"

She looked surprised by what he had just said "what do you mean"

"I mean the druids are increasing in numbers and power most kingdoms, villages and tribes have been reported to have been destroyed with none to barely any survivors left" said Ezra

She gasped "but why, what's going on?"

This time it was I who answered her "we're not sure yet but we believe they are being controlled by someone and we intend to find out who, as for your request to stay in themesdera it as been approved, but there is something you have to do for us first little bird"

Okay, now she looked really confused "what is it your majesties?"

gods her voice was out of this world


before she could process what was happening, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately.

At first she was surprised but after a few moments she started kissing me back, Ezra took no time in lowering her dress exposing her full breast and palming it while I continued to delve into her mouth.

She moaned when my brother pinched her nipples, and his hands traveled lower until he found her pussy and thrust two fingers into her. But before we could ravage her properly she seemed to realize herself and pulled away from us panting and trying to cover up herself, her full pink lips were red from my kiss, and her beautiful pink nipples were slightly red from Ezra's pinching and pulling of them, hades ass she was beautiful, fully dressed now she seemed to still herself before she faced us.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that again, I don't know you and you can't know" I couldn't help but chuckle, she was just too damn adorable,

she blushed,if she had thought that would keep us away or dampen our desire for her, she was seriously wrong because all it did was make us want to fuck her more and make her our's.

Oh sweet firebird, she has no idea that she has just sealed her faith, cause their is no escaping us now that we want her, she just doesn't know it yet.

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