
A few days had passed since I told Ezra and Roman my past, and we had gotten closer than ever before.

I was currently instructing the servants and the wedding planners on how I wanted everything arranged on the day of my wedding, when I heard the kingdom's emergency bell ring, I immediately turned towards the maid next to me,

"What is going on"

"I don't know my lady, I think....."

before she could continue a group of guards barged into the hall we were in and one of them stepped forward and said,

"My lady the kings seek your presence in the throne room urgently"

"Alright thank you"

I turned towards my maids and the wedding planners,

"Please excuse me"

"Of course my lady".

I followed the guards towards the throne room and once I reached the door the guards stationed at the door opened it and I stepped in.

As soon as I stepped inside the throne room everyone one stopped talking and stared at me nervously.

I noticed king Alex who was sitting next to Roman and Ezra but it seems Elena did not accompany him.

"What's going on"

"Come here my love" said Ezra

I walked towards him and when he saw I was close enough he pulled me towards him until I landed on his lap, I cuddled onto his chest while he wrapped his muscular arms around me.

Roman leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips which quickly got heated until we heard king Alex clearing his throat.

Roman ignored him and whispered "you look beautiful today"

"Thank you, I know, now what is going on?"

Everyone became tense again and no one seem to want to answer the question.

Then finally king Alex broke the silence,

"We are afraid the druids have breached the borders and are heading towards the palace as we speak"

I immediately froze up in Ezra's arms and everyone seem to notice, I couldn't believe this, it's happening all over again, I felt scared, angry, shocked and sad, I knew they were here because of me.

"I guess I should have expected this day to come"

"Don't say that little bird, we will eliminate anyone who tries to harm you" said Roman

"I know and i would do the same to anyone who tries to harm you guys" I said and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and smiled.

"what bothers me is the fact that they were able to breach our borders, that is impossible because our defences are well secured that the only way to get pass would be through the help of someone in our kingdom" said Roman

"Which means we have a traitor in our lands" Ezra said angrily.

"But who would be so foolish and vindictive that they would involve themselves with such dangerous and vile creatures like the druids?" asked king Alex.

"I might have my suspicions" I said

King Alex looked confused "who?"

"Katrina" I said

"I suspected as much" said Ezra

"I'm sorry who?" asked king Alex

So I explained the ordeal of the whole Katrina drama to king Alex, who looked slightly surprised but he too seem to believe it was her.

"Fetch me Katrina at once" Ezra ordered a guard, but before he could turn to do as he was told we heard a very familiar voice,

"I'm afraid that is impossible" we all turned to see Elena standing at the doorway,

"And why is that" asked king Alex warily.

"Because she's dead" replied Elena.


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