Chapter 54

Alyssa wasn't in the mood to go to the hotel. She decided to head home. Sean

remained silent for a long time. Finally, he asked, “Ms. Alyssa, does Jasper still not know that

you are the heiress of the Taylor family?”

“Yeah,” Alyssa replied softly, looking melancholic.

Sean understood. No wonder she asked for a stand-in when Jasper visited her last time.

“Sean, I didn't mean to keep it from you ..."

“I understand.” Sean interrupted.

Alyssa raised her brows in astonishment.

"Who wants to dredge

up heartache? Naturally, I prefer to keep it locked away, never to be touched again.

I was just concerned about you. I worried Mr. Taylor would feel heartbroken and upset if he ever four Alyssa was the center of the family’s universe, beloved by all. But to

her dismay, she had been mistreated by that despicable scoundrel, Jasper. If Winston were to find out, he'd probably be so furious that he'd wield a fifty-meter-long sword in his rage.

“I guess keeping it a secret was just a momentary decision. Besides, after a failed marriage, I only wal have no intention of marrying again,” Alyssa said as she closed her eyes.

Alyssa couldn't shake off Jasper's cutting words from her mind. With a wistful smile, she

uttered, “It's meaningless.”

Sean stated firmly, “I won't marry unless you do.”

Alyssa hastily protested, “No, no, no. You should. You're my secretary, not joining a convent. I don't v work for me out of virtuous devotion. That would tarnish my reputation.”

Sean managed a sheepish smile. His heart filled with bitterness. He knew he wasn't worthy, but he w. “Ms. Alyssa, why did you choose to marry Jasper?” Sean asked. His eyes narrowed with curiosity

and a hint of melancholy. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry...”

Alyssa’s expression turned sorrowful. A whirlwind of emotions rushed through her. “It's alright, Sean. sharing,” she replied.

"When I was eleven, I participated in a school mountain—climbing activity. My mother

had left me a precious heirloom. It was a sapphire pendant, which I accidentally lost

on the mountain. Despite the teacher's warnings, I ventured into the dark, determined to find it. “Not only did I get lost, but I also encountered a powerful typhoon. I was trapped deep in

the mountains with no cellphone signal. It was a harrowing experience, and I almost faced death. “Jasper was a forest ranger in the national park for the summer break. He didn't

hesitate to lead a team when he heard about my predicament. He braved the extreme weather

to search for me on the mountain.

“In the end, he found me, nearly frozen, hidden

behind a rock ..." Alyssa’s voice was gentle and captivating as she narrated.

Alyssa continued, “I opened my eyes and saw Jasper in his mountaineering attire.

His handsome face was drenched

from the rain, and his beautiful eyes shone brightly. He outshone the vast expanse of stars, and I can “Fantastic! Don't worry. I'll carry you down the mountain!” Their first encounter was

enchanted. It left a lasting impression on Alyssa’s heart that she couldn't shake off.

"On our way back, he carried me all the way. He made sure I didn't fall asleep. He kept telling me the sense of humor was dreadful.” Alyssa recalled with a peaceful expression. She smiled.

“Young lady, what might be your name? Not telling? Well then, I'll call you Little One. Little person, li nose...”

“I am not little! I am more developed than other girls!”

“You only need to tell me that, young lady. Don't go sharing it with other boys.”



“I'm afraid some scoundrels might try to take advantage of you, my silly girl,”

Alyssa’s breath quickened, and her heart pounded with excitement. Jasper had been just

seventeen, nor as tall or strong as he was now. Yet, he had provided her with a sense of security. Late Afterward, Jasper disappeared from her life for three years. The next

time she saw him was on television, attending a charity event with the Beckett family. From that mon When she heard Jasper was going to the battlefield, she resolutely joined Doctors Without Borders. couldn't see. She had loved passionately despite all

odds, but now her heart had turned to stone. Love no longer stirred within her.

Alyssa smiled bitterly as she realized her 13 years of infatuation had ended. It faded away like a fleet that enveloped the moment.

“But Sean, even if I were to talk about hate, I can’t bring myself to hate him,” Alyssa continued.

"I loved Jasper willingly, without regrets

for what has passed. I don't hold any sense of indebtedness for the time we shared.”

As Jasper returned to Seaview Manor, his thoughts were in disarray. The weight on his

chest felt like an immense boulder, making him difficult to breathe.

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