Broken 'N' Loved
Chapter 28

Kelly POV

As I stand here watching Michael fight Jack, I see that it is getting more and more brutal. Jack is fighting nasty. He grabs Michael’s scruff and throws him to a tree, Michael’s back hits a tree. I get out of Darrick’s hold on me and run over to him to see if he is ok. I hear him groan a little, but I know he is going to be ok. I look up at Jack, he is standing there like he won the battle. He is showing me his best wolf smile. Snow and I get pissed at that. How can he be smiling like that? Snow growls in my head, then I feel her take over my body. We are in full wolf form now. Snow growls and shows her canines, our hackles are high. Jack looks at me and snickers at me, “What? Is the little wolf mad at me for hurting him? Bring it little girl, it will just make it that much easier for you to learn your place.”

At that, we growl loud at him, then he charges first. We weight for him to get closer to us, I hear Darrick in the background yelling at me, but I do not what he is saying due to the fact that I have blocked everyone out, once he is close enough, I charge at him and dive underneath, slice my claws down his stomach. Unfortunately, I only graze him a little but at least I do some damage on him. He looks at his stomach and then back at me, growls, comes after me again but then I see a dark grey wolf job on him from the side, I then notice its Darrick. He gets on top of Jack, grabs his scruff, pulls and tugs hard. Jack ends up throwing him off, he goes to go after him, but I grab his back leg between my teeth.

Jack turns around, bits my scruff and throws me. I hit the ground with a thud and a sound of a crack and pop from my leg. I hear a lot of people call my name, then I hear the loudest growl, so loud that it shakes the ground I am laying on. Then, I see a huge black blur pass by me and takes down Jack. I know for a fact that is Michael. I smile to myself. I know I will heal but it will take a few days. I try to stand up, but I am wobbly, Darrick was right there, and he lets Snow lean against him. I shake my head to try and get my head clear. I slowly start to get my balance back. I look up to see Michael, he has Jack's neck in his mouth. He looks up at me and snaps his neck quickly.

I shift back to human, throw on some clothes. I stand up and start to limp my way to Michael. Most of my weight is on Darrick right now but I am managing. Michael snaps out of the state he is in and shifts and runs up to me. He grabs me in a bear hug, "Are you ok? What were you thinking? He was an alpha. He could have killed you." I smile from his concerns, "I am ok. I think the only thing out of what he did to me is break my leg. I was not thinking, Snow took over and just went after him."

Darrick smiles at me, "I have to say for a wolf that never learned how to fight, put up a good fight with an alpha." I smile at him "Thanks for saving me in the fight though." Michael nods his head, "I am just glad that it is over though. What happened to all the other wolves that were in the dungeons?" I sigh and look around, "They all took off back to their homes after the big fight was over." He nods his head, then Brianna comes running up to me and hugs me, "I am so glad that you are ok, Kelly. When you went after Alpha Jack, I got scared that he was going to kill you. I have a question though. What will the rest of us do now that Alpha Jack is gone." I look over to Michael, he looks up at me and smiles, "Well technically since I killed the Alpha, they have three options, they can join our pack or they can now find their our pack that they wish to join or they can go be a peaceful rouge." I nod my head to let him know that I understand him, then Brianna tugs at my arm, "Kelly, can I go with you?" I nod my head yes and look to Michael, "Can we please go home now, please?" He smiles at me, picks me up, and says, "Yes lets go home, My Mate." I smile because I finally have a home and Mate to go home to.

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