Broken 'N' Loved
Chapter 19

Kelly POV

Yesterday, was something else, after the meeting with my brother, Alpha Michael put him, Beta Nick, Gamma James, and Ryan all to work on training and being trained. He wants to make sure that all the warriors and us are ready for any scenario that we might come across when we do go into war. Alpha Michael told me, Amy, and Christy that we were not allowed to go, he says that he does not want anything to happen to us, but I think it is mainly because of me. So, while the guys do their training and planning, Amy, Christy, and I decide to go for a run on our land.

We shifted into our wolves; they took off running in the woods. Snow was running around, playing with them, and they jumped over fallen trees, having a blast for hours. When we started to get tired, we changed into human form and was chilling by the lake, we were talking about everything and anything, then a twig snapped to our right, we looked towards the sound to focus harder on it. About two minutes past and we did not hear anything else, so we decided that it was a rabbit or something, but we still should head back home.

When we got up to leave, we heard noise again, this time a dark gray wolf stepped out of the woods just outside our border. Snow growled "IT IS BETA JOSH, RUNN!!!" I look to the girls and back at him, "Snow, we cannot let him get to them, they are family now." she nods her head in agreement. I turned to the girls, "Run, to the pack house and tell Alpha Michael and Darrick the Beta Josh is here. I'll keep him distracted." Amy and Christy both shook their head no, "No, we can all run for the pack house, he will not get that far in." I shook my head while still watching Beta Josh, "If I know Beta Josh, he never travels alone, others are not far behind. Go, I will be ok. If I am not here when you guys get back, you know where they have taking me. I will keep here as long as possible." They were about to say something when Beta Josh lounged at me. I shifted into Snow. We were not big, but we can at least put up a little fight.

He plows into my side as I go tumbling to the ground, I look over to the girls and growl at them, they get the hint, "We will be as fast as we can Kelly, we promise." With that they shifted and started to run to the pack house. Beta Josh started after them, but I jumped on his back and bit down hard on his scruff and held on. He started to buck, trying to get me off, but I dug my claws into his shoulders, he growled in pain and anger. I thought I was doing good but then I felt another wolf grab onto me and pull me off with force that I went flying across the ground. I looked up to see Beta Josh with three other wolves from their pack. Beta Josh stood up and shook out his fur, he shifted, smiled at me, "It is time to come home, Kelly." Snow growled at him. He took a step closer to me, "You know that I am going to take you back either way, so you may as well just come with me." I growled again and then he was about to grab me but then in the distance we could hear howling. I smiled at Snow, "They made it to the pack house." Snow quickly threw her head to the sky and howled back, but it was interrupted by Beta Josh punching me in the face. The next thing I see is black dots and blackness. All I could think was at least he did not get Amy or Christy. "Hang in there Kelly, they will find us." Snow whines in my head. I smile at her and fall into darkness.

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