Broken 'N' Loved
Chapter 13

Michael POV

While I was training with the warriors and Nick, Ryan opened his link to both Nick and me. At first, I did not understand why he opened the link, but then I started to hear what Kelly was saying about the Black Moon Pack. Hearing what they do to the females of the pack just pissed me off to no end. I look at Nick as she is telling the girls and Ryan this. I starting to wonder why she did not tell us when we ask her about the other pack. Nick looks just as pissed off as we do. No wonder she did not know what mates where and if she did, it would explain why she hid it. Nick shakes his head "How can anyone treat anyone like that? We were taught as young pups, that we treat the female with respect." I look at him and shake my head with agreement. Then the next thing we know the open link is now closed again.

They must have arrived at the mall. I walk over to Nick, "We have to do something about that pack, Nick. I cannot just stand by and not do anything for the pack members." Nick looks me in the eye with the same determination as my eyes, "Whatever you are thinking, I am with you, hundred percent. Just let me know what your plan is, and I will be there first in line to take those guys down." I nod my head at him, and I looked back at the warriors as they are fighting each other in human form. I watch everyone's form before I start to walk around them, I tell every single one of the warriors how to improve on their form. Once I am done with that it is halfway through the day already. I look back at the group, "Alright guys, I am calling it a night. Tomorrow, we train in wolf form, also I will not be with you tomorrow because I will be training the young pup's basics. Any questions?" They all look at me, "No, Alpha." I nod, "Ok, Dismissed."

They all go in separate ways, as I walk to Nick. He is picking up some of the training supplies that was used today, I start to help him, when we heard a familiar laugh coming from the house. Nick smiles and looks toward the house, and there we see Amy, Christy, Kelly, and Ryan all laughing about something. I smile, due to the fact that it was nice to see Kelly laughing and not cowering in fear of everyone. We start to walk towards them after we get all the stuff cleaned up, "Hey, welcome home guys, I hope you all had fun this morning. Did you get what you needed?" Kelly looks up at me and smiles softly, "Yes Alpha, thank you for doing this for me. I really do appreciate it." I nod my head "No problem at all." Amy giggles at Kelly, then looks at me "We got her a new wardrobe, shoes, underwear, bras, and also some bathroom necessities. I was going to buy her make-up too, but she insisted that I did not. We also went to the salon and got her hair done. We may have also stopped for ice cream." I looked at the three girls and laughed, "I am so glad I could contribute to all that, but in all seriousness, I am glad that you had fun and got what you needed because as far as I can tell I do not think you are going anywhere for a long time, Kelly. I think you are already part of this big family." She looks up at me and I see a little bit of hope in her eyes. Ash purrs in my head "And it going to stay that way." I nod my head in agreement to him.

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