
“Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined. Lawless, winged, and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind.”

William Shakespeare

What was Mum doing in that picture? And why was it hanging in Loki’s dad’s office of all places?

The drive to the private airstrip is quiet, both myself and Loki lost in our thoughts as the scenery flashes past our window.

“Hey, Pretty Girl,” Loki’s familiar drawl washes over me like a gentle breeze, bringing me back to the present. “Penny for your thoughts?” he asks in a terrible British accent, and a groaning giggle escapes me as he takes my hand in his warm one, squeezing it. As always, butterflies dance in my stomach at his touch, my body heating at his nearness.

I stare into his beautiful emerald eyes, and although there’s laughter there, there is also a genuine concern for my well-being, and it makes me love him that much more.

“I can’t stop thinking about that picture, Loki,” I confess, desperate for him to give me answers that I know he doesn’t have, but I can’t help voicing my worries anyway. “Why was she with all of your mothers? What was she doing at that Black Knight gala?”

He sighs, rubbing his fingers over my knuckles, soothing me with his gentle caress as he scoots closer. We’re riding in style, in a black limousine with glasses of bubbling champagne sitting in door holders, and the soft sounds of Sacrifice by Black Atlas and Jessie Reyez, coming over the speakers.

“I don’t know, Lilly. But Adrian went to Highgate, and you said he had friends here, so perhaps it was something to do with that?” He ends on a question, and although I wish otherwise, I know that he only knows as much as I do. I can feel a headache beginning to form behind my eyes, and I lower my head, rubbing my temple with my free hand.

I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much. It just doesn’t feel right. Mum never told me that she spent any time here, even to visit Adrian. But, then again, she didn’t tell me about Adrian either, so what the fuck do I know? A flash of anger towards her flares within me, my jaw clenching with the effort it takes not to lash out.

I’m unnerved by all the secrets, the lies. I didn’t even know I had an uncle for fuck’s sake! And when I think back on it, she told me nothing about her past, where she came from. About her family, my family. I had a right to know.

“Hey, where’d you go, baby?” Loki whispers as his other hand comes to my face, his fingers turning my head up and towards him so that I’m looking at his face once again. My fingers fall away from my temple, landing in my lap. His eyes soften at whatever he sees in mine. “Don’t be pissed at her, Pretty Girl. I’m sure she had a good reason for not telling you about her past,” he assures me gently.

“How do you know that?” I question, not even surprised anymore that he can read me so easily. For all of his carefree attitude, he’s incredibly empathetic, especially where I’m concerned.

“Because she raised you, and I know that you would do anything to protect the ones that you love,” he tells me, his fingers caressing the side of my face and causing my breath to hitch. One second, I am looking at the sweetest, most understandable man alive, and the next, a decidedly devious gleam enters his eyes.

“Loki…” I start to scold when he leans in, his luscious lips hovering over mine until I can taste him on my next inhale. And boy, do I take a deep breath of him, breathing in his taste of naughty deeds, and passionate kisses at sunset.

“What you need, Pretty Girl, is a distraction,” he informs me, his mouth caressing mine in the barest of touches that sends tingles skittering all over my body, my nipples pebbling in my bra. I’m reminded of Halloween night, in the back of Jax’s truck, my nerve endings stirring at the memory.

“Loki…” And I truly mean it to be another reprimand, but it comes out as a moan when the hand that is holding mine moves to my inner thigh, bringing both our fingers up to dance at the edge of my knicker line.

“Shhh…” he murmurs against my lips. “Stop thinking, and just feel, Lilly,” he orders me in a husky tone.

“The driver, Loki,” I manage to choke out as he brings our fingers underneath the silk, running them along my slit, which admittedly is already slick with arousal. A groan slips out of my lips, try as I might to hold it back, I can’t. Not with him.

“Can’t hear or see us, baby,” he tells me, and I glance over to see that the blacked out divider is up. A second later, his hand leaves my jaw, and the music turns up, PILLOWTALK by Zayn blares over the speakers. “Now, spread those pretty thighs for me.”

I whimper as I obey, helpless to resist. His breath hisses out between his teeth at the same time mine does when our fingers dip inside my inner lips and find me fucking soaked.

“Shit, Pretty Girl,” he groans, slipping both of our middle fingers inside me, moving them in tandem, and rubbing at the rough spot inside that makes me squirm.

All thoughts fly out of my head as pure delicious pleasure ripples through me, my juices sliding down both our hands.

“Loki…” I moan, knowing that I sound like a broken record, but giving no shits as he picks up the pace. Zings of electricity shoot through me as we finger fuck my pussy in earnest, the wet sounds almost as loud as my moans, which are rivalling Zayn right now.

“That’s it, come all over our fingers, baby. I want you to coat both our fucking hands with how hot I make you,” he whispers huskily in my ear, then moves down to start sucking and nibbling my neck.

“Fuck!” I exclaim, the nails of my other hand digging into my palm as the crest crashes over me, dragging me with it, and obeying him to the letter as I cover both our hands in my liquid release.

“Fuck me. I need in you now, Pretty Girl,” he groans, removing our hands and pushing me down so that I’m lying on the plush leather seat with him kneeling in between my spread thighs.

Looking down at me with hooded eyes, he unbuttons his jeans, his thick, pierced, rock-hard cock springing free unencumbered by any underwear, as is his preference. Taking out a condom packet from his back pocket—this man is always prepared to fuck. Well, when he’s fully awake that is—he opens it, taking the rubber out and rolling it over his hard member. Her Vagisty clenches at the sight, desperate to have him fill us. We agree on that, at least!

He looks back up at me, a devilish smirk on his beautiful full lips as he grabs the leg that is pressed up against the seat, and places it over his shoulder, doing the same to the other one, making the skirt of my pinafore dress bunch around my waist.

Loki leans down so that I am basically folded in half—yay for yoga!—he moves the silk of my knickers aside, lining up his tip with my opening. He looks back up, captivating me with eyes full of emerald fire, as he slides torturously slowly inside me, making us both groan aloud with intense pleasure.

“Fucking hell, Pretty Girl,” he groans, his hands coming up on either side of my face. “You feel so fucking good.” Thrust. “Every.” Thrust. “Damn.” Thrust. “Time.”

He moans, beginning to move in and out of me with a rhythmic undulation of his hips, lowering down onto his forearms, his lips hovering over mine. The deeper angle makes me gasp, my hands grasping his biceps as wave upon wave of sublime pleasure rolls over me. If fucking was an Olympic sport, Loki would win the gold every time.

I’m so wet that there’s no resistance as he starts to thrust harder, driving into me, the sounds of our fucking competing with our moans and gasps.

“Loki…Fuck, Loki. I’m going to come,” I rasp as I feel the burn of another orgasm start in my core. Loki moves his head, his lips next to my ear.

“That’s it. Come all over my dick, baby,” he growls out, pounding harder, and then biting my neck seconds later, triggering another release. Stars flash across my eyes, my body tightening around him as I self-combust with a husky yell, uncaring at this point if the driver hears us. He follows me into oblivion moments later, groaning out his own climax, buried to the hilt inside me.

He lets my legs down, not letting his cock slip out, placing gentle kisses on my neck, throat, and lips. We lie like that, rumpled and spent, for what feels like hours, but in reality can only be twenty minutes at most, until the car begins to slow down. Loki rolls up and out of me, kneeling and staring down at me, his expression one of pure male satisfaction.

“I must look like a hot fucking mess!” I laugh out, still feeling a little boneless, and not really that worried about my freshly fucked appearance.

“You look fucking hot, Pretty Girl,” he says licking his lips. “I would fuck you again right now if we didn’t have places to be.”

Leaning back and opening one of the many compartments the limo has in its interior, he grabs out a warm damp cloth—don’t even ask why they have those in here, ignorance is bliss, my friends—and reaches down between my legs, wiping it along my still sensitive folds. My breath hisses out at the contact, which only makes him chuckle. Bastard.

“We’ve arrived, sir,” a male voice says over the speakers.

“Thanks, Tom,” Loki replies, but there’s a shit eating grin on his face as he holds my glower. It takes me a second to realise that he didn’t move from his position kneeling above me. My eyes widen and he chuckles. “Whoops. Looks like I forgot to turn off the two-way speaker.”

Fucking exhibitionist donkeycock ballbag!

I’m still grumbling at the wanker as we get out of the car once we’ve straightened our clothes, which just makes him laugh openly at me. Tom, our driver, holds the door open and the blush on his cheeks is nothing compared to mine, which feel like glowing red beacons. He’s handsome for an older guy, his blond hair peppered with grey, as is the scruff covering his jaw, and bright blue eyes. Apparently, he’s been a driver for Black Knight Corporation since the beginning, before even the guys were born.

“Thanks again, Tom.” Loki chuckles like a cockgobbler, but I see him slip some folded bills into Tom’s hand as he shakes it—hopefully not with the fingers that were inside me!

“No problem, sir,” Tom replies in his gravelly voice. “I hope you have a nice trip, sir, miss,” he tells us without looking at me, then closes the car door and heads to the boot to grab our bags.

“You’re a shitstain, you know that?” I tell the naughty redhead next to me, looking up into his mischievous green eyes. He grins in response, no shits given, proving my words correct.

“You’re late,” I hear a smooth, low voice say, my head whipping round towards the sound as my heart flutters in my chest, like a bird trying to escape its cage.

My gaze drinks in the dark angel as he stalks towards us, from his custom-made shiny black shoes to his tailored black suit, complete with waistcoat and tie, with all that glorious ink peeking through at his neck and on the back of his hands. My whole body tingles as I take him in, as if for the first time, then in a sudden decisive moment, I rush towards him, throwing myself into his arms. He catches me, just like I know he always will, and pulls me into a tight embrace, engulfing me in his spicy ginger scent as he lifts me off my feet for a moment.

I breathe him in like he’s my oxygen, sagging into him with weak knees as I wrap them around his waist.

“Hello, Princess,” he says gruffly, and I tilt my face to look up into those swirling grey eyes of his, the hint of a soft smile on his plump lips.

His whole body relaxes around me, and I feel him take a deep inhale, as if it’s the first proper breath he’s taken in weeks.

“Hello, Ash,” I whisper, swallowing, my throat tight with emotion. I’ve missed him, and the others, so fucking much.

I can’t bear to be parted from them again. It feels as though pieces of me have been taken away, and I won’t be whole until I get them back. We are all irrevocably bound, so intrinsic to one another that we can never be truly separated, and any physical distance hurts.

He leans his face down, his lips hovering over mine for an agonising second before he closes the distance, my feet settling back on the tarmac. One of his hands comes up to palm my cheek, tilting my head back further as he deepens his kiss, his tongue demanding entry. Ash tastes like moonless nights, and exquisite sin, like the darkest chocolate that at first is bitter, and only sweetens the longer you hold it on your tongue.

My own hands grip his lapels, uncaring if I crease them all to buggery, just needing him closer. Deeper.

A growl sounds in his throat when I nip his tongue, and he pulls away, sucking my bottom lip before he releases me from his thrall.

“You smell like sex, Lilly Darling,” he tells me gruffly, his words falling over my lips and making me quiver. “You have two minutes to get on that plane, or I’m adding to the scent right here on the runway.”

I take in a sharp breath, my thighs clenching as I pull back, looking into the swirling vortex of his eyes, seeing only primal need and truth there. He really will claim me like an animal for all to see if I don’t get a wriggle on. Her Vagisty practically drools at the idea, as if we weren’t just satisfied twice. Yes, twice.

Greedy bitch!

“Hello, Lilly,” I hear Kai’s melodic voice sound behind Ash, and I tear my gaze away from Ash’s to meet comforting honey brown eyes, although there’s an edge of something in them that hasn’t been there before.

“Kai!” I squeal, ripping out of Ash’s grip, a snarl leaving his lips as I launch myself at Kai.

Luckily, he catches me too, folding me in a hug, nestling his face into my hair, and breathing me in deeply. My arms wrap around him, pulling him close so that no space is between us. We hold each other for a few moments, his scent of fresh woodland after the rain surrounding me, until the need to feel his lips against mine becomes overwhelming.

He must feel it the same time as I do, for his lips are suddenly on mine in a blistering kiss, full of desperation and white hot need. I meet him stroke for stroke, groaning when he grabs a fistful of my hair and tugs sharply.

Kissing Kai is like coming home, a taste of peaceful serenity coating my tongue, his domination grounding me.

We break away at the sound of a cough behind us, both of us panting and unable to look away from one another.

“We should get on board,” Ash tells us, and even though I know he’s not being an arsehole, Kai actually growls at him. “We can resume this once we’re in the air,” Ash snaps in response.

Well, looks like the alphas have come out to play.

Kai wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads me towards the stairs that lead up to the door of the plane. He helps me up them, my heels clattering against the metal.

Stepping inside, my steps falter, and I gasp, my eyes going wide.

Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker!

This place looks nothing like a plane on the inside. There’s not a straight line to be seen, with curved seating leading to a curved bar against the front of the plane. There’s a door to one side that I assume leads to the captain’s cabin. I turn my head to look in the other direction, and see that there’s a partial wall in the middle, with cut out panels that have what looks like bubbles floating in tanks set into them. Everything is in soft grey and turquoise, and there is a light fixture that looks like a constellation in the ceiling. The small windows are all running along the sides of the plane, letting in winter sunshine and making everything glow.

“Come on, Pretty Girl,” Loki says as he brushes past me, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from Kai. See, shithead behaviour right there. “Let’s give you the grand tour.”

He leads me towards the bubble wall, and I see that there are wooden panels on either side, jutting out of the plane’s interior sides. They’re set back so that when you look head-on, it looks like a solid wall, and what’s behind is not immediately obvious. We walk through the gap, and I stop dead in my tracks.

Before me is a full size super king bed. Complete with crisp white bedding and turquoise scatter cushions.

“This is the most important part of the tour,” Loki whispers in my ear from behind, having taken advantage of my stupor to press himself to my back, pulling me to his chest. I see the others come up either side of us in my peripheral vision, their footsteps silent on the thickly carpeted floor.

I shiver as Loki licks up the edge of my ear, undoing the zip on the side of my dress. Ash steps in front of me, my eyes landing on his silver hungry ones, my breath stilling in my lungs at the intensity. He reaches up with long fingers, loosening the buckles of my shoulder straps and pushing them down my arms. Loki pushes the dress the rest of the way off, letting it fall to my heeled feet.

I look down as I feel hands running up my stockinged legs to see Kai on his knees, the others having successfully preoccupied me up until this point. I’m momentarily distracted when hands grasp my t-shirt and start pulling it upwards, my arms lifting as they pull it over my head. I feel the tug of my damp silk knickers and look back down again to see Kai pulling them down my legs, helping to guide my still heeled clad feet out of them.

There’s a breath of cold air against my back, then the sounds of Feel It by Michael Morrone starts to play over speakers. Seconds later, Loki’s warmth is back, his hands sending cascades of shudders flying across my skin, his fingers tickling up my sides until they reach my bra line. Moving to the back, he easily unhooks it, Ash helping to guide the straps down my arms, looking directly into my eyes.

I feel like I’m on fire, having their hands on me all at the same time, building something within me that’s desperate for release.

“We’re ready for takeoff, sir,” a female voice sounds from the other side of the bubble wall behind us. I freeze, my heart thudding as if I’ve been caught doing something naughty, appalled that I didn’t even hear her approach.

Well, if the shoe fits, Lilly…

“Excellent, Alisha. See that we’re not disturbed,” Ash tells her, not taking his stare from mine.

“S–shouldn’t we, like, buckle up or something?” I ask, a full body shiver taking over me as Ash’s fingers graze the side of my breast at the same time that Kai’s tickle my inner thigh and Loki’s push my hair to one side, his lips teasing my neck. A moan escapes my lips, my own fingers flexing at my sides with the exquisite sensations rolling over me.

Ash smirks as I feel the plane begin to move.

“Rules are made to be broken, Princess.”

Loki’s hands come to steady my hips, gripping tightly as the plane begins to tilt upwards, my heart beating wildly in my chest at the thought of not following the rules. Shit, I’m sure it’s the law. His mouth fastens onto the base of my neck, and I moan again loudly when he starts to suck, no doubt leaving a hickey, all thoughts of seat belts literally flying from my mind. A hot tongue runs along my slit, Kai’s mouth sealing over my clit and mimicking Loki’s sucking. My knees buckle, and I would have fallen if Loki didn’t have such a tight grip on me.

“S–shit…” I gasp, my palms alighting on Kai’s head, gripping his soft hair in my fingers and pulling him closer. A soft, satisfied grunt feathers over my cunt, making me tingle even more.

“Open your eyes, Princess,” Ash commands, the plane tilting further, but I almost don’t notice the movement, lost as I am to what Loki and Kai’s mouths are doing to me.

I do as he directs, seeing him bring up his thumb and placing it against my lips.

“Suck,” he orders, pushing the digit into my mouth. “It’ll help stop your ears popping,” he tells me, a devilish grin on his face that turns heated as I suck his thumb deeper, swirling my tongue around it.

He brings my own thumb up to his lips, kissing the tip before taking it into his mouth and copying my movements.

Fucking hell.

Shockwaves of electric pleasure zing from my neck, clit, and thumb until I feel like I’m a ball of energy, pulsing and sparking, ready to electrocute everyone on this damn aircraft. As the plane starts to even out, Kai chooses that moment to push two fingers inside me, crooking them to rub against my G-spot.

I cry out, letting go of Ash’s thumb as I fracture into a thousand pieces, liquid rushing out of my lower lips, which Kai drinks up like it’s the finest wine. My free hand grasps Ash’s forearm, my nails digging into his suit clad forearms as I come all over his friend’s face.

I stand there, shuddering and twitching, my eyes closed, whilst I come down from the Heavens.

“Good girl,” Ash huskily whispers, having let my thumb drop from his mouth. I crack my eyes when he steps away, and see him take off his tie. “Hands out, Princess.”

“W–what?” I question, still lost in my orgasm high, my voice coming out a little rough.

A sharp tap lands across my pussy, making me gasp in pain and pleasure, my thighs instinctively clenching. I look down, and Kai is resting back on his heels, a hard look in his eyes, his hand hovering over my dripping cunt.

Sir is in the room, I see.

“You were not given permission to speak or question our orders,” he tells me sharply, his voice threaded through with heated disapproval. “Now, apologise to Ash, and do as he says.”

I look back up into Ash’s smug face, waiting until his eyes narrow, knowing that he loves the brat in me. I think I may push it today.

“Make me,” I challenge, raising a brow and tilting my head, my own smirk tugging my lips up.

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