Lisa p.o.v.

Wiping the sweat dripping from my forehead I prepare for another round with the punching bag in front of me. I came here straight after we dropped Aiden off. I really needed to let out some of the building frustration. I can’t believe that moron got under my skin within minutes of being in my presence. Last night I didn’t pay much heed to him when I saw Ace talking with him. I almost attacked him when I walked into the kitchen this morning to find him carelessly eating cereal there.

When I met him last night I had a feeling he looked familiar but when I saw him today my suspicions were confirmed. Years ago he came to my padre’s mansion as Frankie’s friend. I couldn’t stand him then. He was an obnoxious asshole who loved getting on my nerves. What is he doing here? and why does Ace trust him so much? I let those thoughts consume me as I let my frustrations out on the punching bag. I was so consumed by my thoughts that I didn’t notice anyone entering the gym. I suddenly felt someone approaching me. Swiftly I turned surprising the person as I knocked him to the ground.

“Seriously Daleyza?” Ace groaned as he tangled his legs with mine making me fall on him.

“What was that for?” I huffed as I tried to get up but he just flipped us pressing me against the ground.

“Payback sweetheart.” He winked as he kissed me. for a moment I let the delicious feeling consume me.

“Uhm” a voice interrupted us.

“Go away.” Ace growled looking up. I turned my head to see, only to find that moron staring at us with a weird smile on his face.

“This isn’t your room. So if you want privacy you go there.” He smirked.

Ace stood up helping me too.

“Why do you keep popping up at places you aren’t wanted?” I roll my eyes.

“That’s where it’s the most pleasant to be. Especially when I annoy people.” He winked to me.

Ace snickered beside me. I glared at him and left the room. Angrily I punch the button for the elevator doors to open. Since it didn’t open immediately I punched it again a few times.

“Doing that won’t make the elevator arrive faster.” Ace chuckled behind me. The door opened and I stepped in without sparing him a glace. He walked in and caged me against the wall. He smiled as his eyes wandered my face.

“What the hell are you smiling about?”

“It seems we have a special relationship with elevators.” He says dipping his head down capturing my lips. I groaned and tried to make an attempt to stop him but it seemed like my mind and body were both captured in a trance by him. When the doors dinged open Ace picked me up without breaking the kiss. My legs went around his waist as he carried me to our bedroom. He kicked the door open and threw me on the bed. It didn’t take him long to discard his clothes and climbing on. His kisses became fiercer as he tried to take my bra off. After a moment of trying he let out a curse making me laugh. He couldn’t manage to get it off. Growing more impatient he just ripped it off. Before I could protest his lips were on mine again as he pressed me against the bed. The growing passion made me discard all my thoughts as I surrendered myself to the pleasure.

As we tried to catch our breath the ringing of Ace’s phone started going off. Cursing he rolled out of bed to fish his phone from his pant pocket. My eyes land on the clock on the night stand and it makes me realize it’s almost time to pick Aiden from school. I got ready to leave but just as I was about to exit the room a pair of strong arms pulled me back to the bed.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Ace asks trapping me against the bed as his lips trail my collarbone.

“Picking up Aiden from school.”

“Don’t worry I’ve send someone to pick him.”


“Vik…” I let out a relieved breath as I hear that. “What’s with that look on your face?” he asks making me snap back to reality.

“you know I don’t trust everyone around Aiden.” He nods.

“I know…” We lay there as a moment of silence engulfed us. The ringing of his phone brought us back to the present again. He groaned as he picked up the phone.

I took that moment and entered the bathroom. When I came out Ace was nowhere to be found. I left the room and went to the kitchen to get a drink. That’s when I noticed Ace, Vik and Jack talking in the kitchen. They were huddled around the kitchen island.

“Mama.” I heard Aiden calling out to me. I turned and he jumped towards me. laughing I picked him up.

“how was school?”

“Great.” He started rambling about his day and we walked into the kitchen. As soon as we walked in the tree guys stopped talking and started acting weirdly. Vik and Jack grabbed a random item and left the kitchen.

“Aiden don’t forget you have training today.” Ace commented and left, before I could even ask what he meant.

Aiden had a snack and wandered to his room afterwards. I took a bag of chips and went to the balcony. A while later I heard Ace’s voice and I went to him.


“Hhmm?” he responded without looking up from his phone.

“What did you mean by training Aiden?”

“I thought it’s time to teach him some self-defense skills.” I was about to make a comment when Ace cut me off. “We are going to a party tonight so be ready by 10 pm… and don’t worry about Aiden. He’s staying here with Lea and my security team.”

“Are you sure we can leave him?”

“Yes, Daleyza.” He finally looked up from his phone. “I wouldn’t be saying this if I wasn’t sure.” His self-assured expression calmed my nerves a bit so I nodded reluctantly. I pushed the million thoughts popping up in my head to the side and tried to focus on the positive things. Are there even positive things to focus on I wondered. Silencing that voice as soon as that thought came up I went to Aiden's room to check on him.

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