Ace p.o.v.

After putting Daleyza and Aiden in the car with Vik I took the other car and went to the address Peter was at. I gave my men the instructions to raid the building. I don’t know why, but something felt wrong. Ever since I woke up this morning I had a feeling something would go wrong today.

Once there, getting in was a bit easier than I had expected. Something was wrong. I was tired of this man causing havoc in my life. I charged at him, but he stood there smiling, not flinching. Not even a second later the door banged open and a group of men came in. I froze in my tracks when I saw who was being dragged in.

Aiden was screaming and looked scared. Daleyza was being dragged by two men with blood running down her head and Vik was walking in front with a vicious smile on his face.

“Not so confident now, are we?” Peter taunted me.

“You’re going to pay for this.” I snarled to Vik.

“I already paid my price. Now it’s your time.” I took a deep breath, trying to pace myself.

“You’re trapped Ace… might as well give up now.” He walked up and stood beside Peter. “You told me every detail of your plan so there is nothing you can do. Your men are being neutralized as we speak.” I clenched my fists.

“I thought you knew me better. I always have a plan B.” I smirked and pressed the button on my watch.

“How long till your plan B is in action? You want to see my plan B?”

He raised his gun toward me as did Peter. I took both of mine and pointed them to both of them.

Right on time my sniper shot Peter in the head. Vik got startled and moved, making the bullet hit his arm. Peter collapsed and I ran to Vik. His eyes burned with rage. Before I could even reach him. He turned and shot his gun. Wasn’t focused on my surroundings as I charged him and we started fighting. Both our guns got knocked away. He pulled out a small knife and managed to do some damage but I got the upper hand and took his knife from him. We both spat blood and tried to remain on our feet. I knew the blood loss was getting to him. I had him on the ground with the knife to his throat.

“Go ahead Ace… kill your best friend.” He coughed out and my grip on the knife loosened a bit, but not for long.

“You stopped being that the minute you decided to betray me. I knew there was something off about your behavior.” My grip tightened. “Why did you do this?”

“Stop acting like you don’t know.” He snarled. Seeing my expression he went on. “I did everything for you. I left everything and supported you. But when the time came for me to make the choices I wanted to, you made sure I stayed chained to you.”

“Still not making sense.”

“You know exactly what happened. That night... when Lea died. But that doesn’t matter anymore. Does it? Oko za oko, brat (An eye for an eye, brother).” He spat. I finally gathered the courage to plunge the knife deep in his neck. I looked as his life drained from his eyes… the man that once was my closest confidant now I don’t even recognize him anymore. I hadn’t realized what was happening around me till I heard Daleyza scream. I looked up and felt the world shattering around me.

“No no no no” I ran up to Daleyza to see her holding the lifeless body off my son. She was a screaming mess as she held him in her arms. For the first time I could remember I cried. I held them and cried.

Ace p.o.v.

After Daleyza passed in my arms I took her home. And after that I took Aiden’s body to be prepared for the funeral. I finally went home after everything and sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I took a deep breath and woke Daleyza up. She jerked up as she started breathing faster.

“Ace, where is Aiden?… I had a nightmare… he…” She started panting.

“It wasn’t a dream.” She stared at me for a second.

“No... you’re lying.” She shook her head.

“We… we have to get ready for his funeral.” My voice cracked. I never thought I would be saying those words about our son. She was still in denial, but I managed to get her to get dressed and we went to the cemetery.

“Ace… please tell me it isn’t true…” she pleaded as we walked up to the casket. Seeing him there, like that, broke us both. I tried to remain strong but even the weather was in the same mood as us. Thundering rain poured down on us as we sat in front of our son’s grave… all alone.

The days after the funeral were the hardest… till… it all went down hill again.

Everyday Daleyza woke up with the hope that everything had been a bad dream. How I wished that were true. And every night she cried herself to sleep.

One day she didn’t wake up in the morning. I thought she passed out from dehydration because she wasn’t eating or drinking well. So I took her to the hospital. That day I shattered again… that day I lost my second child. Daleyza was still asleep from all the pain medication and I sat down beside her bed. When I fell asleep was a question I could never answer. I wish I hadn’t then she wouldn’t have left. When my eyes opened her bed was empty. The hospital staff couldn’t find her.

Lisa p.o.v.

2 years later

It had been two years since that fateful day. The day I lost everything. I left after, but I couldn’t talk myself into going too far. For two years I have been traveling for three hours to visit his grave.

From all the futures that could possibly have been this wasn’t one I imagined. I placed the flowers there as I said a few words. My hands still tremble thinking of the night I held him as I felt him going limp in my arms.

I was about to walk away when I heard someone walking toward me. I looked up and saw Ace walking up with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. I didn’t have it in me to face him. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist tightly.

“Are you going to leave without saying a word… again?” pain was laced in his voice.

“I… I can’t.” I breathe out. His hand reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned his forehead against mine and we both stood like that with our eyes closed for a second. I got his hands off me and walked away.

No matter what I did I couldn’t get him out of my mind. The broken look in his eyes kept me awake the whole night. I tried to talk myself in to leaving, but I couldn’t.

The following night I took a deep breath as I entered the club. I couldn’t leave like this again. So I walked up to the V.I.P. section and asked for him.

“You won’t find him here.” I heard a voice I didn’t think I would hear anytime soon. Mateo walked up to me and led me to the office in the night club.

“Then where can I find him?” He took a deep breath. “And what are you doing in his club?” He smiled weakly as he took me to a car. I was hesitant at first, but I smiled when I saw Dane.

“I think it is best if you talk to him.” Mateo answered and left.

“It’s good to see you ma’am.” Dane said after a moment of silence.

“You too Dane.” I smiled. We drove in silence for a while. He pulled up to one of the hotels Ace owned and walked me to the suite. “Thank you”

“It’s good to have you back.” He pressed a key in my hand and walked away.

Pacing myself I unlocked the door after I didn’t get a response ringing the doorbell. Walking in there wasn’t much to see. Everything looked untouched. The TV was on but on mute.

“I told you not to bother me.” His voice sent a shiver up my spine. He didn’t look away from the screen.

“I guess I’ll leave then.” As soon as he heard my voice his head snapped up.

“I was waiting for you.” His smile held pain, a pain we both went through.

“I need you…” I walked up to him and sank in beside him. He pulled me into him and smelled my head. We sat in silence for a while.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect them…” I finally said.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you all…” I looked up and stared into his eyes. His feelings were so clear. Pain, regret, guilt, but most of all love.

“I love you.” I finally admitted… to myself and him. His breath hitched for a second and he smiled.

“I love you too.” With those words he pressed a kiss on my lips.

The End...

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you liked it.



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