Ace p.o.v.

This woman always manages to leave me speechless. I’m still furious at the fact that that bastard managed to get into my apartment. All I wanted was to paint some fucking walls red with someone’s blood. Walking out my eyes landed on Aiden’s door. I silently approached it and sighed as I saw them sleeping peacefully. I’ve been going out of my mind since she left and I could at least enjoy having her in my arms for five minutes. Laying down beside them I put my arm around them both and enjoyed a few moments of blissful peace. Before I knew it a few minutes turned into a few hours and I was waking up the next morning having the best sleep I ever had.

My few moments of peace was cut short when the shrill of my phone resonated through the apartment. Groaning I get up to find the cursed thing when I feel Daleyza stirring next to me. She stretches out her body and lets out a lazy yawn.

“Morning.” She mumbles as she snuggles closer to Aiden. I smile as I silently make my way out of the room.

“Did you find the information we were looking for?” I ask Vik as soon as I pick up his call.

“Yeah… I’m sending you the information.”

“You know what. Don’t send it. Meet me in an hour and we’ll discuss it. Also I need you to find me a hacker.”

“What are you going to do with a hacker?”

“Just do as you’re told. You'll see why yourself.” Vik grunted and ended the call. As I turned around I noticed Daleyza getting out of Aiden’s room. “Daleyza…” she looked up and for a moment I was so captivated by her I forgot what I was going to say.


“We need to talk.” I clear my throat. She nodded. “Why don’t you get Aiden and yourself ready and we’ll have breakfast out.” I suggested. She nodded again and left. I frowned staring at her. Something is different about her. Shaking those thoughts away I go into my room. Stripping my clothes off I step under the shower. I let the water wash over me as I try to sort my thoughts. Sighing I get out and step into the closet only to find Daleyza already there. She had a bathrobe on. Where did she freshen up? As if my body was on autopilot I walked up to her and trapped her against one of the walls. My eyes roamed her face taking in her calm exterior. Her breath hitched as our lips touched but she stood there frozen. Leaning in I take control of the kiss. I felt her arms around my neck and her hands in my hair. I let out a groan as I felt her tug it.

Our heated moment was interrupted when we heard Aiden calling out for her outside. She left without a word and I was left there breathless and with a boner. Sighing I rake my fingers through my hair.

Grabbing the first item my hand landed on I got dressed and left. By then Daleyza was in the living room and Aiden was pouting in her lap. He squinted his eyes as he saw me.

“Ready?” her head snapped up and she stood from her seat dragging Aiden alone. The ride to the restaurant was too silent, but no one dared to break it. When we entered the restaurant Vik and Lea were already waiting for us. We chose a table as secluded as possible. Aiden seemed to be intrigued by the fish pond in the middle of the restaurant so he went there with Lea.

“So, tell us what happened?” I asked her but she seemed to be lost in her thoughts a bit. “Daleyza!”


“What did that Italian bastard want?”

“You’re still calling him that.” She snorted. “Owh the irony.” I lazily looked at her.

“What did he want to accomplish by kidnapping you?”

“He’s delusional.” Now it was my turn to snort. “For some reason he wanted me to sign wedding documents.” She rolled her eyes. My fists clenched together. I wish I could drive it through his head. Just the thought of him being near her makes my blood boil. “Didn’t your cousin tell you?”

“My cousin?”

“Jack…” She looked at me like I had a clue what she was talking about.

“Huh? What about him?”

“He was there. I thought he kept you updated.” She shrugged. I frowned hearing that. Jack mostly did his own thing, but he would tell me if he knew something... right? The waiter brought our food and Daleyza went to call Aiden to eat with us.

“Did you know about Jack being on his territory?”

“No…” Vik trailed off. “I’ll check in on it.” He took his phone and walked away just as Daleyza returned to the table with Aiden and Lea. Silence falls over us as we start eating. For some reason we didn’t continue the conversation. Aiden kept talking to Daleyza and no one dared to get in between.

“Come on let’s go home.” I finally sigh.

“Ace… I don’t think it’s...” she started talking but stopped.

“Don’t worry. I’m not taking you back to the mansion.” He face scrunches up in confusion and she looks at me questioningly. We exit the restaurant and I drive the car to the location. When she told me about the breach in security of the mansion I immediately decided to move them to another secure location. I won’t let Daleyza and Aiden stay there any longer. I was actually already planning on moving out but this just catapulted the decision.

I found this place by pure luck as I was searching for a place for a new warehouse. At that time I liked it but it wasn't what I was searching for so I let it go. But when the thought of moving out of my father's mansion came to mind this was the first place I could think of. It was a cozy place in the outskirts, almost hidden from the outside world. Not many people seemed to know about it. And this time I'll make sure no one get's in. I had Vik take care of the security and safety before getting here. I'm not taking any chances again.

As I pull up to our new home I could sense the questions Daleyza wanted to throw at me but she didn’t say a thing. Instead she quietly followed me in with Aiden in her arms. He was still mad at me and I really didn’t know how to react to that. I heard Aiden say something to Daleyza and he disappeared.

“We didn’t finish talking.” She sighed and sat down on the couch in the living room.

“The information you grabbed from them seems quite valuable from what I saw.”

“Yeah but I wouldn’t hold on them for long. He probably already knows that I took it.” She shrugged.



“Yeah?” I look up to see her curious look on her face as she stared at Aiden, who is running in the backyard.

“Will we ever have a life that isn’t complicated?”

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