Blue Stone
Chapter 7

After breakfast the next morning I packed a light lunch and headed out on my borrowed four-wheeler. I wasn’t going far; just to check out the lay of the land. Since Billy mowed, it wasn’t as intimidating. I drove toward the barn and went up behind it to the flat on the hill. From up there everything was laid out like a map. Then, as I started to cross to the other side of the field when I saw it. In the trees just before you get to the creek was a small unkempt cemetery.

There was a broken down wooden fence around it and the graves were sunken from neglect. The woods had nearly overtaken it. So, I flew back down to the house and got my truck. A trip to the hardware store for supplies to clean up the cemetery might be smart.

Full of excitement I nearly swallowed my lunch whole. Not sure my truck would make it, I hooked up the trailer to the four-wheeler to take my supplies with me.

Working around graves was not something I normally enjoyed. They completely creep me out, but at the same time I can’t stand to see them neglected either. My Grandma told me once that if you walk on a grave or disrespect it in any way that person’s ghost would haunt you. She was just trying to get me to be respectful of graves, but she instilled fear instead.

The first thing I did was take down the old fence and set the posts of the new rod iron fence in place with concrete. While that was setting up I started pulling away weeds, vines, and debris. You could finally see the headstones and the sunken places laid out in a fairly uniform manner. That’s when I saw Ceana Jüng Adkins engraved on a headstone that was kind of out of place. I walked over to get a closer look at the marker when I saw the smaller inscription: The woman who sacrificed everything for love. I thought on that while shoveling dirt into the graves to make them level again.

I sat on the ground taking a break and thinking about my own mother. Her death wasn’t real to me yet. The pain I had repressed was ripping through me, when footsteps came up behind me.

“What’s wrong?” The familiar voice asked quite concerned. Then, almost as if he had just noticed the work I had done. I heard him gasp.

“Riding around the property I noticed this cemetery. It hadn’t been taken care of and that bothered me. So I decided to clean it up and found my great-grandmother’s grave and it just got me thinking about my mother.” Pointing at the headstone still trying to collect myself.

“Why does the thought of your mother upset you so much?” He asked a little confused.

“Oh, I just assumed everyone knew. My mother was killed in a car accident in June. She was going home after my graduation ceremony. No one knows what happened her car was found over an embankment. My brother got the house and its contents, and I got my grandmother’s house and contents. That’s what brought me here.”

He looked confused with a question on his tongue. “What about your family aren’t they helping you?”

“My mom’s family hasn’t spoken to her or me since my grandma died and they still haven’t acknowledged my existence except Jim and Billy.”

He had sat down beside me staring like he was a million miles away. “I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. It is hard being alone in this world, without at least the comfort of family.”

“Jim and Billy found a room under the barn. It had a picture of a bride and groom, a trunk with a wedding dress, and a crib.” He tensed up like he was bracing for something. “The people in the picture are the ones from my dreams you know the one that ends up here with the double headstone over there.”

“You’ve been dreaming about.... but how? What did you see?” He almost looked scared.

“Well, the first time it was a man and a woman in front of a big Victorian house holding hands. Then, the woman was being dragged off by three men in hooded cloaks and the man was lying on the ground. There were torches and then I could see his severed body in a pile on fire. The last time was a different man and woman, the ones in the picture. They looked happy at first then the woman, I could see fear come over her face. The next thing I saw was two grave stones, the double one there and one for Sean. I actually haven’t told anyone about the dreams; they might think I’m crazy.” It didn’t take long for his reaction.

“Do you know who the people are in your dream?” He asked as if he already knew.

“Yes that was the easy part. Putting the pieces of my family together has been the challenge. There is almost nothing about Ceana Jüng except the bits and pieces I’ve found around the house.” Afraid to see his expression, I didn’t look at him.

“So, you know what happened to me and my family?” He almost sounded relieved.

“I don’t know what I know. I’ve found cryptic letters and old photos that raise more questions than answers. Since you know so much why don’t you tell me.”

Kayne paused for a moment and then spit it all out like he was afraid he wouldn’t finish if he stopped. “Sean was accused of murder. Sean, and Hamilton were both in love with Ceana. So, Hamilton and his brothers followed her to find their meeting place, the Victorian you have pictures of. The brothers told the town where Sean was hiding. Well, you know how that turned out. A few years later Ham moved into the Gannon House with Ceana. She was never the same, some say she died of a broken heart.”

It was quiet for a long moment, “You know your history and it is entertaining, but tell me something I don‘t know. I have to go; class comes early in the morning.” I gathered my stuff and left without ever even looking back.

That night I had the dream again, but it was clearer, I could see every detail of what was happening. Then, just as it was ending Sean walked out of the flames, looked straight at me and said, “Remember Genesis chapter 6, the Nephilum. Braeden is Kayne tart, faucht. T s ag arraidh do chuid fola.” and then disappeared with the dream.

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