Blue Stone
Chapter 5

“Braeden.” Micah greeted me with a slight nod. “Why are you wasting time with boys, when you could be with a man?”

“What makes you think I’m not? Kayne fits the bill quite nicely.”

“Kayne” He spit the name out like a curse. “He wouldn’t know what to do with a strong woman such as yourself. Mark my words you’ll regret rejecting me.”

“Oh, and that is supposed to win me over, threats, really. If you’re the better man show me, but you have some catching up to do.” He gave me an evil grin and disappeared behind the gymnasium.

Just then I saw Kayne walking up from the parking lot looking apologetic. I met him half way. “Hey, you’re a little out of place. What’s up?”

He was pushing some gravel around with his foot, took a deep breath and then gave a blinding smile. “I need to apologize for my behavior the other day. How can I make it up to you?”

“Since you put it that way why don’t you ask me to a movie and dinner after school today?” Staying away from home for a while would be nice, and maybe the crazies will be gone by the time I get back. Besides, it is raining outside so there isn’t much to do.

“Sounds like a date. I’ll meet you in the parking lot.” He said with a wink. For the first time the day flew by. It should have been an omen.

Kayne met me at the theater. “So, what was that with Micah this morning?”

“That’s what you want to start with, no how was your day or I missed you?” I rolled my eyes and walked toward the door. “Sorry I let him get under my skin, he has been acting weird, jealous.”

A change in subject was essential I don’t want to waste time on Micah. “What do you want to see, blood, and guts or do you want to laugh?” Trying to keep the mood light.

“The new vampire flick looks good. Is that too scary?” He asked a little patronizing.

“Nope, not if I can find a strong, handsome, young man to comfort me.” Batting my eyes, he seemed amused. So, we went to the movie and had a great time. Kayne watched my reactions more than the movie. It doesn’t make sense, but it is as if we’ve known each other all our lives. He makes me feel safe, at peace.

“Well, what did you think? Did you like the movie?” An awkward silence had fallen between us.

“You were more entertaining than the movie. Your expressions were interesting.

So, Miss Braeden, what do you want to eat?” He casually put his arm around me. His arm feels strong and cool, protective.

“I want your blood.” With a wicked smile across my face I lunged toward his neck and kissed him in the hollow beneath his jaw. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he grabbed my hands to stop me. It was so funny. “How about Chinese then? We can take it back to my place, I have a project to work on.”

“I can do that. Just don’t tell Micah he might not like his girl hanging out with another guy.” He playfully elbowed me in the side and smiled.

“It’s okay, we’re only studying he won’t mind. Then, again maybe we can think of something to make him jealous.” I can’t believe I said that.

“Not tonight, I’ll leave you to your project.” Kayne walked away beaming.

Roxie was waiting for me when I pulled in the driveway. “You still want help organizing those pictures?” She asked with a little catch in her throat.

“Well, Micah was coming over to help me on a project, but yeah I do.” Micah could wait, I needed to try and get answers from Roxie.

“Come on in I’ll get the pictures.” My excitement was barely contained. When I got to the kitchen I remembered the trunk and quickly hid it. If Kayne freaked out over it Roxie would have an aneurysm.

It wasn’t long till we came across another photo of that Victorian house. This time it was my parents in front of the house. It looked like their wedding. That’s why it looks familiar. “Is this house still standing?” I asked deep in thought.

“I’m not sure no one has been there since your parents got married.” A shiver went up her spine. “Strange things happen there.” She said it almost like it was something I should already know. I couldn’t help but wonder if she knew about the weird dreams I’ve been having. No one can find out, it would bring those hooded weirdoes back.

“What strange things.” Carefully prodding for more.

“Well that Sean she was so in love with associated with some not so good people. The town found out and assembled a mob. When you’re Great-grandpa Ham and his two brothers showed up in the meadow Ceana Jüng was with him. They were dragging her away from Sean when the mob caught up. By the time they were done he was in pieces. They burned his body to hide the evidence.” We sat in silence as I absorbed what she had said. No wonder Kayne freaked out. I need to apologize to him.

The next picture was two grave markers. One had Sean Gannon engraved on it and the other was one of those double ones for a husband and wife. The woman’s name was Myrna Finn and the man was Doyle Gannon. “That’s odd, isn’t that Kayne’s dad’s name?”

Roxie stiffened and got up to leave. She looked like someone just walked over her grave. “You have your grandmother’s gift of intuition.” She was backing away toward the door.

I had said too much. “No, it’s just an odd name so I remembered it.”

About that time Micah pulled in. “You know it would be rude of me to cancel on him now that he’s here. Can we do this later?”

“Sure, just be careful who you talk to.” Then, Roxie left.

Micah brought food, we ate till we were stuffed and actually finished our project too. Just when I’d thought we’d had a good night, he leaned in for a kiss. That’s when it got interesting. I could feel every cell in my body tingling. It was as if only now I was truly alive. He stood up leaving me breathless and walked toward the door. “To be continued?” Staring at him like a love sick child, my heart was racing. “That was a cheap shot. This won’t be a habit.”

He winked and disappeared through the door leaving me with time to check out the trunk.

Taking advantage of the time, I went to the trunk and found folded papers tied in a bow and began reading through them. They liked to write poetry, it isn’t very good, but it was sweet.

You bring joy to my life

With your warm smile

And you’re loving eyes

I can’t wait to be your wife

I want your gentle touch

Your strong, protective arms around me

And your godlike body next to mine

The memories of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow mean so much

You are my love, my life

My hopes, dreams, and desires

Without you, life would cease

Your absence cuts me like a knife.

Your words give me strength to go on

Living when you aren’t by my side

I can’t wait to see your face again

And kiss your lips until the breaking of dawn.

I can’t imagine what love like that would feel like.

Then, I found a letter from Myrna Gannon to Ceana.

Dearest Ceana,

We just heard about Sean. We are not due back for two more weeks. I am so sorry you have to bear this alone. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. We understand the boys were found dead in a most peculiar way. I don’t believe it was Sean. It was probably that harlot on the island. I am sending money for their burials.



The letter had a date on the back 1917, but Kayne is only twenty-one. “Oh, my!” It’s not possible maybe his family just likes using the same name over and over. No wonder everyone is nervous around them. It is horrible to be branded for generations because one uncle allegedly murdered people, but my mission is just to find out what my family has been running from since Ceana’s engagement.

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