Blue Stone
Chapter 11 The Change

It has been a beautiful day. The sun shining bright, a light breeze and plenty of friends and family. Jim manned the grill, I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever had a better burger. We played baseball for hours, and had enough people to play family against friends. Friends won. It was so much fun I hated to see the sunset.

Everyone was coming back at dark for the party. It was amazing how that old barn transformed. The main doors were standing open to welcome guests to the dance floor. Once inside the lighting was low giving it an eerie feel. The old farm equipment hanging from the ceiling made everyone want to duck. The table and stage were decorated with jack-o-lanterns and webbing. We were serving punch out of a cauldron with ice shaped like skulls and scary music was playing in the background. The section with the stalls is the haunted trail. You can hear people scream from the main room. We have dead bodies being eaten, people with chainsaws chasing guests, and several other gruesome surprises for those brave enough to go inside.

I decided to reuse my costume from the fair, but instead of being a noble woman, I made a few adjustments with my makeup to look like a vampire. It was rather convincing. Unfortunately Kayne didn’t find it very amusing. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

“I promised, unless you don’t want me here.” He look very unsure.

My answer came faster than it should have. “Of course I want you here, you, and Micah are always welcome.” Somehow I’ll regret those words. “Have you been through the haunted trail yet?”

He gave me a sideways grin and shook his head no. “I don’t think it will scare me, but it amuses you so I’ll check it out.” He walked down the path by the pond to the entrance, and I waited on the other end anxious to see what he thought.

He came out laughing. “That was pretty good. My favorite is the guy kneeling over the not quite dead one eating his guts.”

“That one was my idea.” I beamed with pride. “Didn’t know I could be that twisted huh?”

“It’s always the quiet ones.”

Kayne and I danced a little. It was nice having a normal uneventful evening. Everyone seemed to have a good time. I was so caught up in the festivities that midnight had never crossed my mind. “Jim we can finish cleaning up tomorrow, go home and get some sleep.” Kayne and I were left alone now.

“Kayne, do you believe the legends about my family?”

He looked at me hesitantly. “Well, considering Micah and I aren’t supposed to exist, anything is possible.”

“Are you OK? You look like you haven’t eaten in a while.” He rubbed his throat and I saw the tips of his fangs. He quickly covered and apologized. “I’m sorry, don’t be afraid. It is time to feed. Will you be OK?”

“Don’t worry about it, this is who you are don’t apologize for it. I’ll be fine, go ahead all that’s left to do is lock the doors.”

He still looked ashamed. “OK, but if you need anything we are not far.”

I hadn’t realized how late it was. As the lock snapped shut I noticed the moon. It is big and bright, but looking closer it had a blue tint to it. There is a big flat rock by the pond that seems flooded by a moon beam. I walked over and climbed up to the top. The hair on my arms stood up, chills were running all through my body. Then, electricity surged through my body taking me to my knees. My veins were on fire. Suddenly all the puzzle pieces fell together and I understood. By the time the surge left me, I was lying breathless on the rock. It only took a couple of seconds, but it felt like an eternity. Blinking my eyes trying to stay conscious I kept seeing images of Micah coming closer with a terrified look on his face. Then a voice, his voice. “Braeden, I’ve got you, it’s OK.” I felt the ground leave me and then the softness of my bed. “I’ll leave so you can rest.”

I reached for him and he stopped, taking my hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just don’t leave. I don’t want to be alone those hooded freaks might show up. If you heard me, they may have too.”

“I’m here till you order me away.” He settled in beside me, holding me like he was afraid I’d disappear if he’d let go.

My dreams were as eventful as the last hour. Ceana came to me, we were in a field and it was sunny. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I wish someone could’ve prepared you. There will be many who will want to destroy you and many more to control you. Your power is great because it comes to you from both bloodlines, witches, and sorcerers. Your vampire friends are not immune to this, one will betray you. The stones are very powerful individually and dangerous together. Do not let anyone know you possess them or terrible things will befall this town.

Many years ago we let the super naturals get out of hand and there had to be a reckoning. It is your mother’s bloodline that is charged with hunting down those that cannot control themselves. That is, why you sense others. Study the spell books, but most importantly trust yourself. The real power is not spells, it is your belief in yourself.”

The rest of the night was peaceful. No crazy dreams just the soothing sound of Micah’s breath.

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