“Was it too easy?”

“No. She’d already destroyed most of the guards. She was getting out of there, with or without us.”

“That’s our girl.”

Familiar voices float around me as my mind slowly wakes up.

“King wasn’t there…”

“Maybe he didn’t care anymore, or maybe he already got what he wanted. Whatever it is, I don’t give a shit. She’s back with us, and she’s never getting out of my fucking sight again.”

Blinking back the drowsiness, I slowly open my eyes.

“She’s awake… Hey, baby.” Jax’s smile is the first thing I see, then Luka’s sad yet hopeful eyes. Both are sitting on the bed in front of me.

Rion is leaning against the dresser to my left, while Axel and Kai are on my right, standing next to the large king-sized bed I’m in.

A mixture of emotions crosses their beautiful faces. From love, relief, and happiness, to worry and guilt. The last one being something none of them should feel.

“Tell me this is real.” It wasn’t a far stretch that I could be dreaming or that I could’ve jumped into another one of their links accidentally.

Gripping the black and white duvet in my hands, I feel its soft cotton touch as it grounds me, but I know the link feels just as real.

I glance over at the large window, seeing nothing but clear blue skies, but again, the same could be seen in the link.

Even with those things feeling similar to the link, there’s something inside me that knows that this time is different.

“It’s real,” Kai says, his eyes filled with a familiar warmth. “This isn’t the link. We’re right here, and we’re not going anywhere.”

Still feeling drained from the energy I expended, I slowly sit up, looking around the room.

We’re in a large bedroom with gray and white walls. There’s a large flat screen T.V. on the wall in front of me with a black chest of drawers beneath it. Beside it is a set of double doors with another one to my right.

Everything else in the room is a blank slate with no personal touches or designs, giving me no clues as to who sleeps here.

Kai rubs a hand down the back of his neck, looking unsure of himself as he speaks. “We didn’t know what you’d like…”

I frown, not understanding.

“We thought you’d like to add your own touches to your room,” Rion says, his eyes not leaving mine.

Wait… did they say… I glance around the large open room and back to my guys, who all wear hesitant smiles. “This is mine?”

“You can have any room you want,” Kai says. “Hell, if you don’t like it here, we’ll pack up and move. Once you’re happy, we don’t care where we are.”

The guys nod their heads, agreeing with Kai.

I blink back tears that are threatening to spill.

“Thank you. For not giving up on me and coming after me.”

“You don’t need to thank us for that, or anything else, Princess. You’re ours, and we’ll always come for you, no matter what.” Axel narrows his eyes on me. “No more running unless it’s from Jax. Then I’ll fucking help you get away from him.” He finishes with a smile as Jax’s eyes bug out.

“She’ll be running to me to get away from your stubborn ass.” Jax looks at me. “And I’ll be waiting with open arms. We’ll head off into the sunset and hide from all of these idiots.”

Luka elbows him in the chest. Jax sighs. “Fine… and Luka.”

Luka nods his head like he approves, while the rest of the guys just shake their heads.

“I can’t believe I’m finally here.” I feel a large smile spread across my face, and any lingering tension in the room disappears along with it.

Jax jumps on the bed beside me. “It’s real. I can always prove it… again. This time with a little more—”

Luka slaps the back of his head, giving him a frown. “Knock it off. She needs to rest.”

Jax rolls his eyes, kissing me on the cheek while whispering into my ear, “Later.”

Axel pulls him off the bed, standing in his place. “You’re here. You’re safe, and we’re never letting you out of our sight again.”

A laugh escapes my lips, thinking they’re joking; but with one look around the room, I can see each one of them is dead serious.

I narrow my eyes on them all. “I realize the past couple of weeks were hell…”

“You can say that again,” Jax mumbles, dragging a hand down his face, the exhaustion written all over it.

“But I’m also not some fragile doll you can keep locked up and away from anything that might be dangerous.”

I have plans. I meant it when I promised myself that I will never run from King again. He is going to pay for what he did to me and my family and all the years he’s taken from me.

Axel leans in, mad as hell. “Watch me—”

Kai gives him a sharp look, cutting off his threat. “We’re not suggesting that. We want you to live and enjoy everything this world has to offer, but we’re not losing you again. If you need to go somewhere, know that one of us will be there with you. If you want to go out, it won’t be alone.”

The others nod, backing him up.

I sigh, giving them a small smile. Maybe now wasn’t the best time to bring up my plans for revenge.

“I get it, okay. I’m not going anywhere, so drop the alpha act. But you all know I’m not some fragile little thing that needs to be handled with care.” Going through the last few years has proven that. “I like my independence and have fought like hell to get it—”

Axel opens his mouth to start again, but I narrow my eyes on him.

“But… I also realize what you all have gone through and what the last couple of weeks must have been like, so let’s move on and figure it out as we go.”

Axel clenches his jaw, not liking my reply, but he can’t expect me to stay by their sides every second of every day. I understand where they were coming from. If our roles were reversed, I wouldn’t want them out of my sight right now, but down the line, they’d also want their own time.

“We don’t think of you as fragile. We just can’t lose you, not again.” Jax’s voice breaks, as if pleading with me.


Before I get a chance to reply, Axel moves closer. “Don’t make us choose, because if we do, your ass is getting tied to the bed until you see fucking reason.” He leans in, lowering his voice, making me lose my train of thought at his enticing scent. “I’ll make every delicious minute worth it, though.” Axel’s eyes darken, a smirk growing the longer I stay silent. His eyes dart to my lips as I wet them, remembering Jax’s hands and fingers as they…

Rion clears his throat, shaking me from my heated thoughts.

I drop the previous conversation for now, knowing neither of us would get anywhere. “How did I get here?” The last thing I remember was the strange werewolf creatures and the guards attacking us.

“We found your location, but I think you had already saved yourself.” Luka smirks, looking proud.

“How? How did you find me?” I ask them as Luka takes my hand in his, running his thumb along it.

“Through Kane. Jazmyn and Kane’s demon brother, Draven, used their blood bond to find him and, in turn, you.”

Luka’s soft touch is so distracting that I almost miss what he is saying.

Kane’s face hovering over me flashes before me in distorted pieces of memories.

“Jazmyn? Kane? Are they okay?” The last time I saw Jazmyn was before the docks, and I still didn’t know if I had dreamed of Kane or not.

“Both are fine, baby.”

My tense shoulders relax until they stiffen back up remembering the rest of the escape. The creatures… the guards… my powers…

“I… I think I…” Memories of darkness as it explodes out of me, slamming the creatures and guards back, flashes before me, making my chest turn tight.

I think I killed them. At the time, I didn’t care, and some part of me is still glad that there are a few less monsters in the world, but the other part of me fears becoming just like them.


“Don’t.” Kai’s sharp voice breaks through the dread slowly building in the pit of my stomach.

“You don’t owe anyone anything, and you definitely don’t owe those guards a second thought. Whatever you had to do to survive and escape doesn’t change who you are, and it sure as hell doesn’t make us see you any differently. I would’ve ripped each and every one of them apart and enjoyed every minute of it.”

Kai’s words settle inside me, taking root. Not one of those guards cared what happened to me or anyone else there. They wouldn’t have thought for a second before slicing my throat or Malik’s.

My eyes widen, completely forgetting about the misunderstood demon.

“What is it, baby?” Jax frowns at me, leaning forward to check over my face.

“Malik. Where is he?” I glance around the room, each of the guys’ expressions going from worried to angry within a second.

“The demon?” Jax sneers, narrowing his eyes on me.

I roll my eyes at the possessive ass. “Yes, is he okay?”

Jax shrugs, grinding his jaw. “Who cares?”

“I do.” The temperature drops in the room.

“Guys, the possessive act is hot and all, but I need you to tell me if he’s okay?”

Jax smirks. “You think we’re hot?”

“You know damn well what I think about you, so let’s not make that head any bigger than it has to be.”

“Too late.” Jax gives me a wicked smirk, making a show of adjusting himself.


“Later, baby. Kai and the others will have my ass if I don’t let you rest, but I promise that ass belongs to me later.”

Luka groans beside him. “Shut up and let her finish what she was asking.”

I smile, thanking Luka. “Is Malik okay?”

“Why does it matter?” Jax asks, giving me the side-eye and looking put out.

“Why the hell do you think?” I ask incredulously.

Jax stays silent, but his whole body language has gone into defensive mode. I throw him a bone this time, knowing he’s exhausted and not thinking straight.

“He helped me, that’s all.”

Jax frowns, grinding his jaw. “He’s fine. Having a little reunion with his long-lost family as we speak.”

“Long-lost what?”

“Apparently, he’s Kane and Draven’s brother.”

Huh. I didn’t even know Kane had any family.

“Kane has a brother? And who’s Draven?” I remember the guys mentioning the name in their link.

Jax nods his head, playing innocent again. “Yeah, shocked us too. And two, he has two brothers. The demon leader of Staten Island, Draven, and that Maverick guy.”


Jax rolls his eyes. “Whatever, but it also turns out they’re Jazmyn’s mates.” Jax’s wicked smile returns.

“And you still got stroppy when I mentioned Malik.”

Jax looks at me like I’m crazy. “Having a mate means shit if you still don’t put the work in. You don’t count, though; I’ll happily do all the work.”

Another groan and slap before Jax is pulled out of view, making me laugh.

“How do you feel?” Kai asks, still looking for any type of outward injury. One we both know he won’t find.

“Tired, but good,” I admit. My body is drained, but I’m fine otherwise.

“We should let you get some rest,” Rion says, but no one makes an attempt to move, which I’m happy for. I don’t want any of them to leave my sight yet.

I change the subject, hoping they’ll forget about it altogether. “What about the attacks?”

“We’ve got them under control for now. Don’t worry about that. Just focus on getting some rest,” Kai tells me.


“But nothing. Right now, we just want you to rest and get healed up.”

I give him a deadpan look, knowing he knows damn well I can heal from pretty much anything. “I’m healed.”

He narrows his eyes on me. “Then rest.”

Resting was the last thing I wanted to do. I was finally free and out from under King. I had my mates around me, and I wasn’t in the Cardinal Three anymore. I wanted to go explore the city and do normal things, like go for a walk and visit a park. Maybe they’ll have one like the one across from King’s tower.

“Another thing we need to talk about… What you went through when…” He sighs, a look of devastation and guilt crossing his face.

A heavy sigh leaves my lips. I want to spend time with them and not waste it thinking about what King and those guards did to me. There will be time to focus on that sick psycho soon enough. Besides, they are all in a good mood. I glance over at a pouty Jax.

Well, most of them, and I didn’t want to ruin that.

“Later?” I plead, my voice soft, hoping he’ll take the bait. “I’m hungry, like, really hungry.”

Kai’s eyes soften, then a heated spark darkens them. Wolfish grins make their way around the room, making me smile and shake my head at their antics.

Jax pushes Axel out of the way, leaning forward. “I’ve got something for you.” He bites his lip, making the rest of the guys groan. He ignores them, the heat in his eyes expanding. “But after you’re done, I get to eat you.”

I hear a sigh, followed by a slap. Jax whips his head around just as Luka gives me a look of apology.

“Hey! We’re supposed to stick together. Where’s your twin code gone?” Jax says in mock outrage.

Luka gives him a deadpan look. “It disappeared the minute you opened your mouth.”

Kai shakes his head, smiling at me before narrowing his eyes on Jax. “Let’s get you some proper food.”

Axel leans in, kissing my forehead. “I’ll go get you something.”

“Fine, if we’re not going to have any real fun, then let’s make a pillow bed and all sleep in here with you tonight,” Jax says, making me smile.

Luka thumps Jax on the shoulder.


Luka sighs, shaking his head before looking at me. “What he meant to say is, do you mind if we stay with you?”

“Please.” One word and the guys get moving, grabbing some blankets and pillows. Within minutes, they have piles of bedding all spread out around the bed.

Axel comes back with a large plate and an assortment of food, from small sandwiches to cakes and crackers.

I thank him before tucking in.

Jax gets into the bed beside me while Luka stares daggers at him. “Jax!”

Jax gives him an innocent look. “What?” Jax looks from me to Luka and then to the others. “I never said I was going to sleep on the floor.” Jax’s smile widens. “Someone needs to keep our mate company.”

Luka’s eye practically twitches. “And that needs to be you?”

“Someone has to take one for the team, brother. I’m more than happy to do it.” Jax settles himself under the blankets and starts to play footsie with my feet.

He leans in, his eyes dipping to my lips when he’s yanked out of the bed, a large thump following him.

Luka and the others chuckle at the glare Axel and Jax give one another. “Let her fucking eat.”

“Apart from Kiarra, no one sleeps in the bed tonight,” Kai declares.

“We just need a bigger bed. A couple of those super king-sized ones should work,” Luka says, settling his covers beside me on the floor. Realizing what he just said, his head whips up to me, his eyes wide. “I mean…”

A bubble of laughter escapes my lips at the look on his face. “We should definitely get a bigger bed.”

Luka smiles, dropping his tense shoulders.

“I need to clean up first.” I glance down at my dirty leggings and top from the facility and cringe.

“There’s a shower in your en suite, but if you’d prefer a bath, there’s one down the hall,” Luka tells me.

“A shower sounds good.” I thank Luka with a kiss and head straight to the door he pointed out.

Heading inside, I’m stunned by how beautiful a bathroom can look. There’s black marble with gold veining on the floor and a white and gray marble sink and counter. A large mirror hangs over the sink, making the room look even bigger. I turn around and check out the shower. It’s huge, with the black and gold tiling design continuing on through it.

Not wanting to make the guys wait too long for me, I strip and get into it, turning up hot water before finding the perfect pressure.

I take a quick shower and change into the shorts and a tank top set one of the guys must have got for me and head back out.

The guys have already set up their make-shift beds all around mine.

Getting into bed, I share a smile with all of my guys. Having them around me feels like coming home.

We spend the rest of the night watching movies with Jax’s commentary throughout each one. It’s funny as hell. I don’t remember laughing so much in my life.

Each of them makes sure to hold and touch me every chance they get, sneaking kisses in and making me feel like we were never separated to begin with.

It’s not until later on, when the guys are all soundlessly sleeping around me, that it hits me that I’m free. Even with the colossal mess in front of us, we have each other, and that’s all that matters right now.

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