“Fuck,” Luka curses. Stepping back, he scrubs a hand down his face, narrowing his eyes behind him at some invisible annoyance.

“What is it?” I look around him, trying to see the source, but just like with Kai, there’s nothing there.

He looks at me and then Jax. “Another attack.”

Jax clenches his jaw, shaking his head at Luka. “Fuck them.”

“You know we can’t do that.” He glances at me, his eyes softening. “As much as I want to… I also want us to have a home to go back to.”

Frowning back at Jax, exhaustion settles over Luka, making him look a lot older than he is right now. “I want us to have the future we’ve worked hard for. We earned their respect, but leaving them to fend for themselves when we know they can’t handle it would make them lose faith in us just as fast.”

Luka gives me a sad look before looking at Jax. “I’ll go. You stay here.”

“No, I’ll do it.” Jax rolls his shoulders, giving me a savage smirk. “You know I can’t resist stirring up some chaos.”

Luka cuts him a look. “I’ve got this.”

“Brother…” Jax starts, but Luka gives him a sharp look, stopping him.

“I’ll do what I have to.”

Whatever they were up against was obviously dangerous. There was no need for them to stay here—wherever here was—and babysit me.

I could get pulled out any time, and then this would all be pointless.

“Both of you go, and I—”

They both turn and glare at me, their shadow wolves pushing to the surface.

“Not fucking happening,” they say in tandem.

“I’ll be fine. Stay with her. I’ll call if I need backup,” Luka tells Jax.

They go into a stare-down, sharing silent communication like when they were younger. I still can’t figure out how they’re able to have a whole conversation in a couple of looks, but Jax eventually relents. Sighing, he nods his head.

“You better,” Jax tells him.


Luka moves in front of me, taking my face in his hands. He leans down, resting his forehead against mine. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath.

“I missed you…so much.”

He swallows hard before pulling back. I catch the pained expression as it quickly flashes across his face. It’s gone before I know it, masked behind a tight smile.

“I missed you, too. All of you. When I thought—”

Luka stops me with a soft kiss to the lips. “Don’t think about it. We’re all alive, and when you’re back with us, we’re never letting you out of our sight.”

Giving him a small smile, I open my mouth to joke about not being able to keep me in sight all the time but stop when I see that he’s being completely serious.

He must see the thought run across my face because he narrows his eyes, yanking my body closer to his.

“You will listen to us this time. If I have to tie you down and make sure you can’t think straight, I will.”

A shiver of excitement runs through me as shadows begin to cloud his eyes, stretching out to slide down his shoulders and arms.

“Promise?” I watch the shadows as they reach out to me, and the excitement turns into something else.

Luka’s eyes darken at my words. He reaches a hand out to me but pauses when he notices the shadows. Cursing to himself, he squeezes his eyes shut.

Clenching his jaw, he slowly draws them back until they’re completely gone. Reminding me of my new ability and leaving me to wonder if there is any connection with it. Maybe I also got an upgrade from the bond.

I make a note to ask him about it next time. When he doesn’t look so completely lost and conflicted.

After a moment, he opens his eyes, the shadows now gone, but left behind is a cloak of pain and powerlessness. Any excitement I had is now gone with it.

He goes to take a step away from me, but I grip his shirt. “Tell me what’s wrong, Luka.”

“Nothing.” He flashes me one of his forced smiles, making me want to knock some sense into the idiot. He must see where my thoughts go, giving me a real smile this time. “You can kick my ass later. Right now, though, I have to go.”

He’s hiding something, something that’s making him worry. Maybe these attacks are a lot worse than they’re letting on.

“What about the attacks? You haven’t told me anything about them.”

Luka ignores my question, leaning in to give me another quick kiss. He leaves the taste of him on my lips, then steps back out of reach.

  “Luka?!” I growl, reaching out for him again. Another real smile crosses his face just before he backs up and disappears.

“Damn it.” Turning to Jax, I find him leaning against the kitchen counter, wearing a relaxed smile, as if he hasn’t a care in the world.

I move closer to him, wanting answers. “Jax, tell me what’s going on.”

Jax pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me. Instead of answering me, his smile grows, expanding to his eyes.

“Jax?” I push.

“I don’t want to talk about shit-ugly beasts with no fucking manners.”

What? I push the mention of beasts to one side for now and focus on Luka.

“What about Luka? There’s something going on with him.”

Jax sighs. “The last couple of weeks have brought up some… unwanted memories for him.”

The pain slashed across Jax’s face at the mention of these memories, tells me it’s not only Luka who’s involved.

“And you?” I run my hands up his back, trying to soothe the pain from it.

Jax gives me a soft smile. “All good, baby. Let’s just focus on getting you home to us.”


“Shush.” He smirks as I narrow my eyes on him.

My mind keeps turning back to Luka and how lost he seems. “Maybe you should go after him. He might need the backup, and I don’t—”

Jax places his finger over my lips. “He’s got this, baby. You gave us a pretty big upgrade. He’ll be back soon.”

I open my mouth and bite his finger, watching his eyes darken and breath quicken.

Jax raises a brow, giving me a wicked smirk. “Baby? You better know what you’re doing, because if you start this… we’ll be testing out that little theory of yours quicker than you think.”

I press a kiss to his finger before pulling back with a wicked smile of my own. “What type of upgrade?” As much as Jax draws me in, I’m not going to be so easily distracted, not if there is something wrong with Luka.

Jax’s smirk widens, turning carnal. The glint in his eye tells me I just gave him a challenge

“Well, it looks like we’re just as indestructible as you are now.”

“Really?” The thought that they could heal like me eases some of the knots in my stomach.

“Really. Come here.” Jax leans in, nudging his nose up my neck, breathing me in.

“What’s really going on?”

“A lot, but I’ve missed you like crazy, so I’m not wasting time talking about shit that doesn’t matter.” Jax kisses my forehead. His lips linger there for a moment.

“Everyone just left to go fight off some attacks and look stressed as hell. I’d say that matters,” I tell him.

“Nothing matters but you. The rest can wait.” He grabs my hand and pulls me over to one of the white lounge chairs, tugging me down onto his lap.

I watch his smirk grow as I raise a brow. “Comfortable?”

Jax runs his hand up my thighs and hips to around my back. Looking straight into my eyes, he gives me one of his sinful smirks. “Extremely.”

I shift in place, trying to distract myself from the feel of his hands roaming my body and the large bulge growing against my ass, but all it does is turn me on more.

Jax gives me a knowing look as he places soft kisses up my neck.

Clearing my throat, I grasp at anything to try to stay focused. “How am I still here? It feels like I’ve been gone a long while.”

Jax kisses my chin. My pulse beats rapidly as he works his way to my lips. “Time works differently in here. A few minutes out in the real world could feel like hours, if not days, in here.”

I glance around at the beautiful modern decor full of neutral colors, making the place feel airy and warm. The high-rise ceiling and amazing view adds to it, making me feel like I’m not trapped.

What I wouldn’t have done for a place like this to escape to over the years with King.

“Tell me what’s been going on?” There is something big happening with these attacks, and I need to know they are safe, even with their new ability to heal. I can’t lose them again.

He pulls back slightly. “We’ve been searching for you.”

“I kind of figured that part out.” I bump his nose with my finger, making him smile.

“And Jazmyn?” His eyes narrow, losing some of their warmth.

“Annoying as hell, but safe.”

Laughing, I kiss the spot I bumped to thank him. Pulling back, I catch him staring at me. “What?”

He shakes his head, smiling at me.

“What about these attacks? What’s happening?” I push again.

“How about we talk about that when we get you back? For now, just let me hold you for a bit longer.”

I sigh, relenting and dropping the conversation for now.

Reaching up, I run my fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes briefly and when he opens them, his whole focus is on me, his eyes filled with a tenderness I’m not used to seeing in Jax. He swallows hard, searching my eyes.

“I fucking love you, Kiarra.”

A smile spreads across my face as my chest fills with warmth. “I love you too.”

With my reply, his smile turns wicked. “Of course you do.”

I laugh at his reply, feeling lighter than I have in a while.

Leaning back, he positions me so I’m straddling him, a leg on each side, before yanking me closer, lining my core up with his hardened length and dragging a moan from us both.

“Jax… we should focus on everything else going on,” I breathe. But my own focus becomes muddled the more he touches me.

He runs his hands up my sides, his eyes following them as they slowly drag up my body.

A delicious shudder follows his touch, leaving a hot trail behind.

I lick my bottom lip as our eyes lock.

“I’m not playing anymore. It’s no secret that I don’t give a shit about being an alpha leader. I do my part, but I’m not giving up any more time with you than I have to. I’m going to make every fucking moment with you count. Every minute I can hold, kiss, or touch you, I will. I don’t care if the fucking world is burning around us. I will lay you down and leave my mark on every inch of your skin while it burns to ashes.”

Warm shivers travel across my whole body at his words and the vow behind each one.

I don’t get a chance to process everything he said before he leans in, slamming his lips to mine and silencing any reply I have.

I sink into him, consuming every sinful taste and touch. Jax kisses me like he’s hungry, like he can’t get enough. He deepens the kiss, drawing me in, making me melt into him.

And I fucking melt. I let myself fall into the kiss. I wrap it around me and willingly drown in it.

Lifting my arms, I wrap them around his neck, letting the tips of my fingers drag through the bottom of his hair, pulling a throaty moan from his lips.

His hands move up my back, pulling me tight against him. I can feel the hard thump of his heart against my chest.

Pulling back, I trail my hands down his chest and under his shirt, needing to feel him. His muscles tense as soon as I touch him.

His lips leave mine; the harsh, uneven rhythm of his breath brushes my cheek and sends a delicious shiver of heat down my back.

“Baby… this is about you… but if you keep touching me, it’s going to be about us, and all I want to do right now is make you feel good.


He silences me with a kiss, tracing his tongue in a path across my lips before he bites down hard. A bolt of lust shoots straight to my heated core, dragging a moan from my lips.

He sucks my injured lip before working down my chin and neck.

“Jax…” I plead, my heated body throbbing with the need for more.

I feel his cock twitch beneath me. It’s thick, hard length sits right at my core. I grind on it, making him groan.

“Fuck,” he breathes. “Baby. I need to feel you.”

Flashes of heat rush across my body as he places wet, open kisses down my neck.

Jax trails a hand down my body, over the curve of my breast, down to my stomach, and into the front of my leggings.

I gasp and arch into his touch, needing more. I feel his smile against my chest as his hand slides beneath my pants towards my slick folds.

“You’re so fucking wet for me.” His ragged breath drags along my skin and shoots straight to my core.

My mind turns numb, pleasure taking over every one of my senses. I crave the feel of his touch.

As if answering my silent plea, he slowly slides a finger inside me, then drags it out and pushes back in again. I suck in a startled gasp as pleasure starts to build.


He adds another finger, the slight pressure and stretch delicious. Each push and pull makes me gasp and moan for him.

I bite my lip, holding in any further embarrassing sounds.

Seconds later, a hand wraps around my neck and chin, pulling my lips apart.

“Each of those delicious sounds are mine. Don’t you fucking dare keep them from me.” His harsh breath runs along the side of my neck, making me shiver.

The dark look in his eyes calls out to something inside me, making me crave more of it.

“Please,” I beg, my whole body trembling in need, as he keeps up his agonizingly slow pace until I’m panting.

“Fuck, baby.” His warm breath fans across my cheek as he pulls his fingers out and holds the tips at my entrance.

“I think I like it when you squirm on me. Reminds me of all the things I’m going to do to you when I get you back. But for now… I want to see you come apart for me.”

And then he starts to move. His fingers thrust into me over and over in a relentless pace. He takes my lips, swallowing each gasp and moan that leaves my mouth.

The new position is deeper. I tilt my head back and close my eyes, feeling the pleasure inch closer and closer.

He curls his fingers, making me gasp and roll my hips.

“That’s it. Ride me, baby. Ride my fingers like you would my cock.”

The thought of his cock in place of his fingers as it thrusts inside me, stretching me, makes me lose my damn mind. I can’t think or focus on anything but his touch, his scent. It overwhelms each of my senses as the heat builds and builds to new heights.

I grind into his hand as he thrusts into me; the pleasure becoming all-consuming.

He tilts his fingers, reaching deeper and making the mind-numbing pleasure spread across my entire body.

Using his thumb, he circles the bundle of nerves that is about to explode.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me.” Along with his touch, his words are my undoing. His mouth comes down on mine just as I explode, swallowing my cry.

I grip his shoulders hard and arch into him, riding out each wave of pleasure as it pulses throughout my body.

It feels endless. The ripples of ecstasy all-consuming as they spread out from my core.

I clench around him, dragging out the delicious feeling.

“Fuck.” He grunts, leaning forward, his lips a breath away from mine.

“I can’t wait to feel your tight pussy clenching around my cock.”

His grip around my waist tightens as I sag into his warm body. Sliding my hands down to his shoulders, I pull back, opening my eyes. Our short, heated breaths are the only thing I hear as I stare into his possessive gaze.

“You’ll always be ours, but right in this fucking moment, you’re mine.”

His fingers slide out of me, leaving me feeling empty but sated. How that’s even possible in here makes no sense, but the pleasurable ache left behind feels more than real.

He brings his fingers to his lips and sucks. The heated look in his eyes makes me want to taste him, too. To run my tongue along the thick length I still feel under me.

“You taste like fucking perfection.”

I lick my lips, wanting to taste him too.


Jax scans my face.

“What about…” I roll my hips, feeling every inch of his thick length, making us both shiver.

His hungry eyes blaze with need as he shakes his head, a small smile on his face. “That was about you. When we get you back, I’m going to bury myself inside you and never let you go.”

“But I could—”

“Another time. Let me just hold you.” Jax tugs me closer to him.

“I’m going to make you happy, Kiarra. Fucking deliriously happy. So much so that you won’t be able to fucking walk straight for a week. And that’s only because the others would try to kick my ass if they didn’t see you.”

“Try?” I run a finger down his chest, wearing a wicked smile.

“Yes, try. We both know I’d kick their asses if I wanted to.”

I roll my eyes at him, laughing under my breath. I don’t even care if it isn’t real. Physically, it sure damn feels like it, though. My whole body is so at ease, so content, and at peace. I never want to leave this place.

“Can we stay like this?” Moving a hand up his chest, I lean my head on his shoulder.

His grip tightens on me before he releases a harsh sigh.

He kisses the top of my head. “Yes, you can be my little koala, and I’ll carry you everywhere.”

I lift my head and look at him, seeing the twinkle in his eyes.

“Why the hell would I want to be carried everywhere?”

“Why the hell wouldn’t you?” His smile grows. “You get easy access to—”

I give him a light thump in the chest.

“Oh, you wanted to play rough?” Jax grabs my hand before it lands another punch. Kissing my fist, he opens my hand and leans down. Looking me straight in the eye, he takes a finger into his mouth and sucks it, watching as I melt in front of him.

He nips my finger before leaning back into the seat, thrusting his hips up as he does, making me gasp.


He knows exactly what he’s doing. I wiggle on him, hoping it makes him just as frustrated.

He chuckles, leaning back into me and brushing his lips against mine. Drawing out the kiss in long, languid strokes that makes my senses spin.

He pulls back, his breath lingering just above my lips. “We will get you back to us, baby. Even if I have to go to Hell myself and bargain my dark soul for you.”

I brush a hand down his cheek. He closes his eyes, leaning into it.

“Nothing about you is dark, Jax, nor would I want you to give up anything for me, especially that beautiful soul of yours.”

Jax opens his eyes. Giving me a sad smile, he shakes his head. “I don’t give a fuck about my soul if you’re not part of it. Whether you think it’s dark, light, fucking multicolored… It doesn’t matter, because it’s yours. Always has been.”

I look at Jax. “How did I get so lucky?”

Jax gives me one of his wicked smirks, telling me that whatever comes out of his mouth next isn’t going to be sweet or innocent.

“Well… when the powers that be decided to create such a perfect specimen, they knew he’d need a mate to—”

I lightly slap him. “Don’t ruin it.”

His deep chuckle surrounds me as he pulls me into him. I breathe in his woodsy scent that wraps around me and settle into his warmth.

A slight tug in my stomach makes me pause. I glance down at it, expecting to see something there, pulling on it, but find nothing.

Another one sharper this time and my hand goes through the chair that I try to grab onto.

“Jax? I think I’m…”

Jax looks at me, his smile dropping when he sees my expression.

“What’s wrong?” He tries to grab my waist.

“I think I’m—”

“Kiarra, baby, stay with me. Just a little longer.” Jax’s panicked eyes follow me as I’m yanked out of the room.

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