Francie was already in the conference room when Natalia arrived.

"Good morning,” Francie said in a loud, clear voice, sounding so happy to be where she was. Natalia flinched at the loudness of her voice.

“Good morning,” Natalia said in a louder than usual voice, but not so loud as Francie. This wasn't a competition.

Despite her loud voice, Natalia found herself laughing and enjoying Francie's company.

"You two sound like you're having a blast.” It was Ravi's assistant.

"Hi, Caidy,” Francie said.

“And you're Nattie?”

"Yes, we were never formally introduced.”

“I'll be at this week's meeting,” Caidy said using the quiet voice.

"Yes, we're having fun while we sort. Such a boring job, but someone has to do it,” Francie said, using the louder voice.

The conversation turned to food and they started comparing some of the worst things they had ever eaten. Natalia ignored anything Viperian and she noted the other two did the same. However, Ravi didn't make an appearance.

"See you later,” Caidy said, leaving them after an hour.

“Excuse me a moment,” Francie said after Caidy had left. She almost pranced down the hall toward Ravi's office.

"Oh, I am so sorry..."

Natalia heard her say.

“I turned the wrong way to the restrooms. Oh my, do you golf?”

Natalia stepped to the doorway and heard every word. No wonder Francie had been talking golf. Ravi was an avid golfer.

“Sherri’s done her research,” Natalia said while she listened to Ravi eagerly discussed some of the elite courses where he had played.

It was almost an hour before Francie broke away and returned to the conference room. She looked happy.

Lunch was again sack lunches that were delivered, but toward the end, Ravi strolled down the hallway.

“Making progress I see,” he said. “Nice to see you again, Nattie.”

"Yes, with the two of us, we're making quick work of these boxes.”

“I hear there are plenty more,” Francie said. “But I don’t mind. Did you have a good lunch?”

He nodded.

Francie started to sort files and Natalia followed suit.

"We're not bothering you, are we? As we talk? Makes the time go so much faster.”

He shook his head and stood there.

Francie continued to chatter. Natalia chimed in when she could and she put a smile on her face. Ravi stood there sometime watching before Uri came up behind him.

“Meeting,” Uri said, and they both left together.

Francie winked and smiled. She remained quiet until, Ravi walked past a few hours later. She resumed her chatter. However, it seemed like only a short time later...

"Oh my. Five already,” Francie said. “See you tomorrow, Nattie.

“Good night.”

Natalia walked down to Uri's office. He was finishing a phone call.

“Just one moment more,” he said.

Natalia waited by the elevators.

“I haven't seen Sophie in a while,” she said when Uri joined her to wait for an elevator.

“She's been working on a project and driving herself,” he said.

The elevator dinged. Natalia was actually thankful their conversation ended. She enjoyed the silence the whole ride home.

"You're quiet,” Uri said when he helped her out of the limo.

“I'm working with Francie, and she babbles all day. It's nice to have quiet.”

"We're having a guest for dinner, but we don't have to talk much,” he said.


“Grazie. He's going to go over a few more things with the knife.”

She nodded.

Mag was letting Grazie in when they came back down the stairs after they had changed. “Evening,” Grazie said.

He looked his usual happy self.

“Evening,” Uri said. “You tired out yet?”

Grazie laughed.

They sat down to dinner.

Natalia found herself looking forward to the raw meat.

"How many does that make?” Uri said after his first bite.

“Just four,” Grazie said.

"Even counting Tia's?" Uri said.

"Yes. I'm keeping count.”

"What are you talking about?” she said.

“Children,” Uri said.

“One on the ground, three in the oven,” Grazie said with a grin. “I'm betting there'll be two girls and another boy.”

“Sherri's is a girl,” she said.

“Yes, I know, Grazie said.

“I didn't think Viperian men cared,” she said.

Grazie looked up at her and for a moment he looked serious, then he smiled.

“I can only be a father to them when I'm allowed. Tia and Sherri won't let me. I know Corean wants me to. And I know Besa does as well. I'll be very happy to do so.”

“Was Besa out in a parking lot, too?”

She was somewhat surprised by what she had seen versus what Grazie just said on Viperian fathering.

Grazie laughed.

“No. We used her garage. I might have overdone it. She had to take Monday off of work. I guess she had a black eye. We needed a bigger garage.”

Uri chuckled.

"You can always use mine.”

"What about you? Just the one?” he said with a nod toward Natalia.

“What are the rumors?” Uri said.

She heard the hint in Grazie's voice.

“Mina is boasting a Uri baby. Besa told me. I guess we were one day after you.”

“I won't be nurturing that one.”

“l also heard it took three tries."

“Il have Nattie. Hard to look at another woman.”

Grazie almost laughed himself off his chair.

“Eat,” Uri said, pretending to be offended, but he ended up chuckling as well.

Dinner passed quickly, then they all went to the garage.

"Show me what you did,” Grazie said, handing her a short stick.


“When you dispatched your attacker.”

"Oh. He grabbed me by the waist, then one hand went up to fondle my assets.”

Grazie chuckled when he put his arms around her.

“I won't fondle the assets,” he said. “Then what.”

She stuck the stick in his side, twisted and repeated the same moves.

“So you stabbed him in the side, twisted the knife, then as he pulled away and you turned and gutted him out.”

“Then I back slashed across his face, and the knife ended here and then he lunged forward and grabbed me.”

"He lunged into the knife?”

“He was high on kite,” Uri said.

"Oh," Grazie said as if that explained everything.

“By the time Verle did clean up, he was bled out,” Uri said.

“Nice. And the knife was retrieved.”

“I retrieved it,” she said.

“You didn’t run?"


“Next time, you run. Never assume your attacker is dead or disabled. Even with a knife in him, he could have grabbed you again and used the knife on you.”


She swallowed hard, seeing what he meant.

“This is not a valuable knife. Don't ever fear losing it. It's easily replaced.”

“Besides, we have a good cleanup crew,” Uri said.

"Yeah, you should know,” Grazie said. “Okay, Uri. You grab her like this.”

Grazie demonstration how he wanted Uri to hold her.

“To get out of this hold, you go for weak points based on where the hands are. By nature you want to twist or flail arms backward to escape. For this particular hold, you move swiftly inward. His thumbs are the weak link, then you jab back out.”

Natalia did like he said with some force and was able to get out of Uri's hold.

“You're going to make my life in the bedroom more interesting after this,” Uri said, keeping a straight face.

Grazie doubled over laughing.

“Hey, focus here,” he said as he recovered.

“I'm focused,” Uri said. “And so is Nattie. What about you? Stud boy.”

Grazie smiled but regained his composure. Uri grinned back at him.

"Okay, next hold...”

The evening flew by. It was Mag who interrupted them.

“Cookies,” she said before turning and disappearing into the house.

"Gotta go,” Grazie said, but he followed them in and left through the front door.

“What's in the cookies?” Natalia said, picking one up.

Uri just laughed. Mag was nowhere in sight.

Natalia went to bed with no answer.

Wednesday morning was a repeat of Tuesday with the exception that Francie stayed quiet. Natalia wondered what was up especially since Ravi didn't make an appearance.

“Ravi not around?” Natalia said when they sat with their sack lunches.

“I was told he was in meetings all morning,” Francie said in a low voice.

They were almost done when Natalia felt the vibration from Caidy. Francie let loose a loud giggle. A moment later, Ravi walked by, glancing in at them. He smiled, but continued on his way.

"We'll give him an hour to settle,” she said in a quiet voice, then she upped her volume.

Her topics today were about about gardens and flowers.

An hour later, Fancie smiled and almost danced out of the room. She headed down toward Ravi's office.

"Oh, so sorry to bother you. Did you hear about that new restaurant?”

Natalia was awed by how bold she was and how well the topics she chose worked. In an instant, she had Ravi talking. About ten minutes later, she heard Caidy relieve the guard for his break. She heard him walk off, but she didn't hear Caidy’s footsteps so she peeked out. Caidy stood farther down the hallway, closer to Uri's office, with her back to Ravi's office. Natalia almost felt as if she was acting as a sentry, giving Francie the time she needed to work her charm.

Natalia took a few steps out and turned down toward Ravi's office. Ravi sounded pleased and was being quite talkative. She took a few more steps down the hall, listening while she went. Then she reached a point where she could just see into his office. Ravi and Francie were standing by his desk. “I best get back to work,” Francie said, touching Ravi on the arm.

For once her voice was quiet. Seductive?

She took a step away, but he reached out and gently grabbed her arm.

“We should have dinner tonight,” he said.

She smiled and looked coy, but moved a step back toward him. He didn’t remove his hand.

“That would be wonderful,” she said, with a slight movement that put her even closer to him. Natalia noted more seduction in her voice.

Then, Francie reached out to touch under his suit coat. It wasn't an erotic area to touch, but the reaction was as if she had. He pulled her closer and bent over to breath into her ear, but that allowed her to do the same.

Got him, Natalia thought. Three days and they got him

Francie now put both hands under his jacket, almost around his waist. He leaned into her, and she withdrew her hands, sweeping them across the front of his pants while she laid back on his desk. Natalia could already see his bulge. Francie helped him pull up her skirt and take off her panties, then she undid his belt. His pants dropped to his knees while he gently worked his way into her, stroking in a gentle manner. He looked to be in total ecstasy.

Francie gave a groan, looking as if she had had an orgasm, but Natalia knew she hadn't. The whole act appeared to take seconds and Ravi was done.

Natalia spun around, returning to the conference room. She had a sip of sanguine tea before sorting through a new box. Fifteen more minutes passed before Francie came down the hall, but she passed. Natalia figured she was going to the restroom to cleanup.

Ten minutes later, Francie joined her with a sly smile on her face.

“Please let Sherry know. I won't be going to the meeting this evening.”

"Already figured that. Enjoy.”

Francie giggled in her loud voice and her chatter turned to favorite vacation spots.

Natalia was ready, and waiting when Tia came to the conference room.

“You two ladies ready?” Tia said.

Francie shook her head.

“I have a dinner date,” she said in a quiet voice.

“Enjoy,” Tia said.

“I'm ready,” Natalia said, finding herself looking forward to the gathering, especially since Lisa was to be attending as well.

Once in Tia's car, she remembered Uri's mention about driving.

“I need to learn how to drive,” she said, paying more attention to where Tia turned as well as what the street names were.

“That can be arranged,” Tia said.

“When will I see my class schedule for this fall?"

“This week.”

They pulled up to the gates of Viperia. She felt Tia's vibration.

“That's the word for open,” Tia said.

She repeated the vibration.

“In time, you will be able to discern the difference between words. Right now they might all sound the same.”

Natalia, for the first time, noticed lights around the gate, but didn't quite recognize a pattern. “Thanks. I'll listen more closely.”

Just like last Wednesday, there were cars behind them that followed them all the way to the lot. When she got out of the car, she recognized some of the women.

"Hi, Kareen.”

“Hi, Nattie. Tia.”

Natalia took a step and paused. Across the entire building was a lit up sign. The sign read Women's Center in thin spidery lettering.

“When did that go up?”

"What?" Tia said, locking the car.

“The sign.”

“You can see it now?"

"Yes. Women's Center."

“It's always been there.”

“No, it hasn't. It wasn't there last time.”

"Always been there. You'll start seeing more signs,” Tia said. “Your eyesight is improving.”


“Your hearing has probably improved too.”

"Yes, that I've noticed. Feels like people are yelling at work.”

"As you interact with more people, they'll be asking you to speak up. Unless of course, they're Viperian.”

Natalia kept looking at the sign while they walked to the building. There was no way that sign was there last time, she thought.

Sherri greeted them a few steps inside the building.

"Evening, Tia. Nattie.”

“Nattie is starting to see signs,” Tia said.

“Already? Nice. Lisa is in here somewhere with Anna.”

“Thanks,” Natalia said.

“She's adjusting quite well,” Tia said.

Natalia wasn't surprised that Tia knew about Lisa. She followed Tia to get tea and food.


“Hey, Lisa. How are you doing?” Natalia said, feeling happy to see her.


Lisa looked like her usual happy self.

The night went by quickly. Things were extra fun having Lisa around. Natalia was also introduced to more women. She saw Mina, but there was no talk of a Uri baby. And Natalia received an answer to one of her questions.

"Why is there only one woman present on club nights?” she said to Tia during a lull in meeting new women.

“Moralis is the general manager of Viperia. He handles the influx of goods and services. On those two nights, meetings are held regarding business needs of Viperia. Uri is assistant manager, but Moralis often lets Uri make the decisions because of his business savvy. A representative of the Council must be there for these meetings. An auxiliary member is commonly chosen. Reaha usually handles this.”

"Are you sure she’s not babysitting the guys? I mean if there's a squabble, she just has to stand, and the boys back off.”

Tia chuckled.

“That goes with the territory. All women will make sure the men behave. You've seen a breeding now. If the woman was really pissed, the man wouldn't be able to push her around. She's allowing him to throw her around.”

“Wow. I don't think I want to see a Viperian woman mad.”

Lisa joined them and the conversation changed. Natalia noticed certain things weren't discussed when Lisa was around.

“Nine o'clock. We have to head out,” Tia said. “Where's my daughter? Ah, there she is.”

"See you this weekend, Lisa. Have to head out,” Natalia said, following Tia.

“Goodnight,” Lisa said.

She was happily in a discussion with Anna and a couple of other women talking about recipes. Natalia stepped out of the building. The night air felt cool and fresh. Theresa skipped ahead of them.

“What's in her hair?” Natalia said. She could see glowing stands in Theresa's hair.

"You can see that?”

“Yes. Can you?"

"Of course.”

“Wait,” Natalia said, stopping in her tracks. “You have glowing strands in your hair. And... and your tattoo glows.”

"Everyone glows," Tia said.

Someone else left the building. Natalia turned to look. That woman's tattoo also glowed as well as most of her hair.

“Do I?" she said, catching up with Tia at her car.


“But... but why?"

Tia got in the car, forcing Natalia to get in.

“It's called bioluminescence,” Tia said, driving the car out of the lot. “You glow because of your diet. It's a foolproof way to prevent anyone from pretending to be a Viperian.”

“I glow all the time?”

“Yes, but only a Viperian is going to see. Just like you can now see the signs.”

Natalia switched to look out the window. Viperia had changed from dark buildings with no signs to brightly lit up buildings with signs. She caught the sign for Mud's Cafe. Street signs glowed. House numbers appeared where there had been no numbers. A billboard flashed, advertising a job expo for new college graduates.

“This has been here the whole time?"

Tia laughed.

"Yes, but you couldn't see it. This is a city for Viperians and only Viperians can see this. You can consider yourself one of us now.”

Tia pulled out of Viperia. Natalia looked back to see the sign that she hadn't quite seen when they had entered the city. The sign read; Welcome to Viperia. No Curfew in Force.

“No curfew?”

“That means anyone can roam the streets at night without getting in trouble, unless they're looking for trouble. Really means, our security is holding and that anyone who shouldn't be in the city is being locked out.”

Natalia turned back to the front. The city in front of her had changed. She leaned forward. There were signs and symbols that she had never seen before, despite she had been this way many times before.

“What do those mean?”

"What are you seeing,” Tia said.

"A red 'V'. Sometimes there's a “'V' but with a line across the top.”

"A 'V' designates a Viperian friendly business. When there is a line across the top that means the business is run by Viperians.”

“And the red X'?"

"Avoid at all cost if you are Viperian. They are non-friendly.”

“Do you go around the city and install all those?”

The thought was mind blowing to Natalia.

"Any Viperian business makes sure one is installed. Those that are friendly may not realize one gets installed. Nor the businesses we try to avoid.”

“What is the tilted 'V'?"

“Means we have Viperians working there. So may be friendly. Or not, depending on the day or time.”

“But these are only visible at night.”

Natalia noticed Tia smile.

"As your eyesight improves, you will start to see them during the day.”

“In broad daylight?”


"Am I going to start hearing things too? Viperian music?”

"What do you hear, Theresa?” Tia said with a smile.

"Just the car telling us that there are no police cars within a four block radius.”

"Why is that important?” Natalia said.

She could hear nothing.

“Road blocks. Check points. If the car tells me there is one around, I make sure my mark is covered,” Tia said.

Natalia realized she had never peeled off the skin covering her mark, but Tia had.

"Does everyone's car talk?”

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