Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 584 Where's The News?

The eight fighters from the north were immediately uncovered the minute they stepped into Donghai.

With Butler Zhao's information network at work, it was as if they weren't wearing any clothes and were completely exposed.

Their abilities, weaknesses, habits and all sorts of information was all in Butler Zhao's hands. He didn't keep any of it secret and gave all the information to Brother Gou and the other men. There was murder in the air.

The rain got heavier as the night wore on.

Nobody went out and the blood stains on the ground were washed away quickly.

The eight highly skilled fighters didn't cause an uproar. They didn't even cause a ripple.

It was as if they had walked into a mysterious whirlpool and disappeared without a trace.

It was nearly dawn.

"This rain isn't stopping," remarked Butler Zhao.

It had been a long time since the rain in Donghai lasted an entire night.

This rain could wash away some dirt so that Donghai was all refreshed and everyone could see how powerful Donghai truly was under the disguise of being small and weak.

"That's right. Once the rain on our side stops, it will be the north's turn to start raining," replied Huang Yuming quietly. "After drinking an entire night of tea, I'm not sleepy at all."

"Then forget about sleeping. Aren't you going for a ribbon cutting ceremony later? Now that the sewage system in the countryside is all fixed up, the residents there will finally no longer be affected by the stench of filthy water."

Huang Yuming's eyes lit up at this.

"I should get ready and go over earlier. What abou you?"

"We've caught too many criminals and there aren't enough prisons. Governor Zhang says he wants to build another one and I have to help him to design it," said Butler Zhao with a cheeky smile.

"That might not be necessary. The bad guys in Donghai will eventually all disappear."

The two of them looked at each other and burst out laughing.

These two middle aged men seemed to have found where their interests lay.

Song Gang and the others didn't sleep either.

They were waiting.

They were waiting for news from Shenghai. Shenghai was way more important than Donghai to Song Gang and the Tie family, so they weren't concerned about Donghai at all.

Of course, they were also going to settle Donghai at the same time. Eight highly skilled fighters were enough to sweep through the entire southeast region!

"The sun has risen."

Luo Yongqian looked up and saw that the sky outside was bright. So the result of what happened the night before should come to them soon.

After the whole night, he had finally calmed down and sorted his thoughts out.

The Song family and Tie family must have gone through several possible plans when they joined hands, so they would make sure that this plan was watertight.

Shenghai's illegal circle would be split between the Song family and Tie family, while Shengcheng would return to him, so the Luo family could resurrect itself and rise to glory once more.

He could also take this chance to become closer to the Song family and Tie family. The future was bright indeed.

"Congratulations, Mr Luo and Mr Qi," said Song Gang with a smile as he clasped his hands. "From now on, the resources of Tianhai will belong to the both of you. You two can go ahead and discuss how to split it among yourselves."

The head of the Qi family stood up immediately. "This is all thanks to you, Young Master Song!"

"The Qi family will always be grateful that you remembered us. When you become the head of the Song family, my family will definitely send you a big gift!"

Song Gang waved his hands, "No need to be so polite, no need."

"I'm still young and there are still many things that I have to learn from all of you. When I become the head of the Song family, I hope everyone can continue to work with me so that all our families can become even better than efore!"

He was filled with great pride, and was already filled with the charisma of one who was the head of the family.

"Congratulations," the head of the Tie family also started laughing and clasped his hands together. "Song Gang, your energy is admirable and with you leading the Song family in the future, I'm sure the future will be bright and the family will advance further. When that happens, don't forget the Tie family."

"Mr Tie, I'm one generation younger, so there are many things that I still have yet to learn," said Song Gang with humble words, but he could not hide the smugness on his face. "Since we've gotten Shenghai back, then we'll stick to the agreement we had before and split the city 50-50, what do you think?"

The head of the Tie family narrowed his eyes and fell silent as he stared at Song Gang.

He had hoped to fight for more. After all, he had come out personally to form this alliance, and he had been helpful in making it a success.

Otherwise the Luo family and Qi family might not have entrusted all their fighters to Song Gang if he acted alone.

"That's good with me."

After a moment of silence, Song Gang continued to smile and clearly wasn't allowing any room for negotiation, so the Tie family agreed.

The four powerful families had already split the spoils of this battle.

Luo Yongqian was quite excited and his face reddened slightly.

The last few months had been really tough on the Luo family. They had suffered attack after attack and lost so much. On top of that, they had become the laughingstock of the north.

But this time, if they could get Shengcheng back, even half was enough!

He was glad that he had managed to hang on. Cooperating with the Song family was a smart choice.

"We'll just wait for the news now." Song Gang sat back down and closed his eyes slightly. "We'll just wait for the good news now!"

All of them sat back down.

Song Gang and the head of the Tie family both looked fairly calm, as if this victory didn't count as much to them. They had put in so much and shocked the powerful families of the north, so what was this? The list of supremely wealthy and powerful families would include the Song family and the Tie family in the future!

Luo Yongqian and the head of the Qi family on the other hand, had trouble sitting still.

They couldn't hide the glee on their faces.

They couldn't wait for the news to come so that they could send their men out to harvest the fruits of their victory!

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