Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 579 Distraction From the Real Target

All four men in the room stood up.

Once the illegal circle of Donghai was gone, then the other families were going to be so jealous when they split the benefits.

When that happened, they could go ahead and be jealous.

Many people in the north were surprised by this news. Nobody thought that the Song family would join hands with three other families to make trouble for Donghai. But wasn't Shenghai what they were after?

The second son of the Song family had died in Shenghai, but now they were making a huge announcement that they were going to Donghai.

They were bringing twelve highly skilled fighters, including four grandmasters!

What incredible team was this?

Never mind one Donghai - this was enough to sweep through the entire southeast region.

What was the Song family trying to do?

Some smelled something fishy. The Song family wouldn't suddenly want to touch Donghai, since nobody knew exactly what was going on in there. Nobody knew for sure if any powerful family was backing them.

Making a move rashly like that might cause even more severe consequences.

But four powerful families were joining hands, and this didn't sound quite right.

Were the other families in the dark too?

That was impossible. The only explanation was that they were confident that they could decimate Donghai's illegal circle and take it back at one go.

After all, twelve highly skilled fighters was really a terrifying team.

Morever, four of them were at grandmaster level, so who could stop them?

The news spread like wildfire and everyone knew about this matter almost instantly.

Everyone knew that Donghai was doomed.

"Donghai has been boasting about being a forbidden territory too loudly, so looks like it's going down after all."

"That's right, pride comes before a fall. Besides, they've also challenged the authority of the powerful families of the north. It's impossible that they don't perish this time round!"

There were some people gleefully hoping for Donghai to fall.


Jiang Ning wasn't worried at all and didn't even intend to return to Donghai during this time.

Huang Yuming was in charge and there were new batches of wolves being trained constantly. The reason why Donghai was a forbidden territory wasn't only because of Jiang Ning's presence alone. "Big Boss, are we going back?" Brother Gou and the other wolves were getting


They heard that twelve highly skilled fighters were headed for Donghai, so they couldn't wait.

"You guys can go back," Jiang Ning nodded. "Have fun."

"Those four grandmasters..."

Brother Gou was a little worried.

They weren't afraid to die, but they were afraid that even after they died, they were unable to protect Donghai. That would be letting Jiang Ning down.

"Don't worry," said Jiang Ning. "They won't go to Donghai."

Brother Gou's heart understood.

He wasn't good at using his brains, but as long as he went with Jiang Ning's arrangement, nothing would go wrong.

"Yes, Big Boss!"

The wolves didn't hesitate and immediately returned to Donghai to prepare for the fight.

There were too many people watching this fight, so what they needed to do was to make sure they gave those powerful families in the north a tight slap in the face.

They were going to beat them till they were scared!

They were going to beat them till they were fearful!

They were going to beat them till they didn't dare to covet Donghai anymore!

Donghai was their home!

"Distraction from the real target," murmured Jiang Ning calmly. "How childish."

The attention was now all on Donghai, and the Song family had joined hands with the three families to raze Donghai's illegal circle to the ground. But the truth was that while they had gathered twelve fighters, the four grandmasters were aiming for Shenghai.

To them, the other eight fighters who were close to grandmaster level were enough to take down Donghai, because Donghai was never comparable to a major city like Shenghai.

"Four grandmasters, was it..." Jang Ning didn't look worried at all and he actually seemed to be looking forward to it. "Since you've come, then forget about leaving."

Gao Yali and Gao Bin had arrived.

Shenghai looked calm and peaceful on the surface, but they were secretly making plans quickly.

Gao Yali was intelligent and guessed the Song family's real target was definitely not Donghai, because taking down Donghai would not benefit the Song family much. Even if they took the entire illegal circle for themelves, it wouldn't mean much to them.

But Shenghai!

That was still the city that the Song family wanted the most.

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