Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 577 Four Powerful Families


The two men from the Song family couldn't even fight back since they were surrounded by a dozen wolves.

They never imagined that Huang Yuming would reply them this way. They didn't expect such a fierce and vicious reply!

After the two men were dragged away, Huang Yuming calmly instructed, "Send them back to the Song family, and pack some souvenirs from Donghai as well. Tell them that Donghai is all prepared to welcome our guests from afar."

They wanted control of Donghai? Did these people in the north have a death wish?

There were actually such greedy people in the world. If they found out that the real person behind Donghai was Jiang Ning, Huang Yuming wondered if those so called powerful families would be so frightened they would rather kill themselves first.

After going to the north and following Fei around, he realized how huge this world really was, and how powerful Jiang Ning really was. What he saw within the country was only the tip of the iceberg. As for how powerful Jiang Ning really was, even Fei didn't know.

"If you dare to set foot into Donghai, then we're going to kill you till you regret it!" shouted Huang Yuming.

This forbidden territory of Donghai was a place they guarded with their very lives, and nobody was to make any trouble here!

Two dead bodies lay outside the Song house. The Donghai souvenirs that Huang Yuming prepared were placed on top of them - ten sets of grave clothes.

That was exactly the number of people in the Song family.


Song Gang used one palm to swipe all the tea cups on the table to the floor.

Everything clattered to the floor and shattered to pieces.

"How dare they!" he roared furiously. "This is an insult to the Song family! This is an insult to the powerful families of the north!"

"They actually dared to say that if we dare to go, he will kill us?! Huang Yuming, you're a really bold one!"

Song Gang hit the roof and clenched his teeth. He was burning with rage.

He got even angrier when he saw the Donghai souvenirs that Huang Yuming had purposely sent along as well. Could you even call those ten sets of grave clothes bloody souvenirs?!

This was clearly a warning to the Song family to say that if the Song family dared to go to Donghai, then the entire Song family would be wiped out!

"Young Master Gang, everyone already knows about what happened. If we don't give any reaction, we'll be deeply embarrassed."

The subordinate was also frustrated and angry. He didn't expect Huang Yuming to be so bold and even spread the word while welcoming the Song family to go to Donghai. This was an outright challenge to the Song family.

Song Gang originally did not intend to do anything. After all, if he could get everything he wanted without doing anything, that would be a sure sign of his intelligence.

But now he didn't have a choice.

The news had reached the entire region already. If he didn't do anything, it would mean that the Song family was afraid.

And why would he be afraid of a mere city like Donghai?

"Talking big, eh? Do you think I really don't know what you're actually made of?" Song Gang smiled coldly and the murderous look on his face deepened. "Since you want to die, then don't blame me for getting nasty!"

"I wanted to take over all of Shenghai, but it looks like I might have to give some away. But that is a small matter!" Song Gang gave instructions, "Tell the other families that I'm agreeable to their conditions!" "Yes, Young Master Gang!"

Four powerful families of the north!

Besides the Song family, there was the Tie family, the Luo family and the Qi family.

The Song family and Tie family based themselves in Shenghai. One supported the Zuo family and the other supported the Su family, but in the end the one who got Shenghai was the Gao family. Their families had suffered great losses and lost all of Shanghai's illegal circle and its resources.

The Song family even lost their second son, Song Cheng, in Shenghai itself.

As for the Luo family, the loss of Shengcheng in Tianhai had dealt them a terrible blow. On top of that, Broken Sword went crazy and killed so many members of the Luo family, so they weren't able to recover from that in a short time.

As for the Qi family, the eldest daughter of the Sun family in Jianzhou, Sun Xiaoxiao, had married into this family, so they were related by marriage to Song Gang and wouldn't give up such a rare opportunity. Since four powerful families had joined hands to kill off Donghai's illegal circle, wasn't that an opportunity?

These resources were practically given into their hands!

If they didn't take it, that would be doing themselves a disservice.


The representatives from all four families were gathered together.

It was extremely rare for all of them to sit together. That shitty place called Donghai should be proud of themselves.

Song Gang looked around at the heads of each household. He had clearly already regarded himself as the head of the Song family and spoke to them like they were of equal status.

Tm sure all of you know about this Donghai."

"During this time, Donghai has been going around saying that it is a forbidden territory and asserting its authority."

Song Gang looked at Luo Yongqian, the head of the Luo family. "Mr Luo, Shengcheng in Tianhai should have been in your family's control. But now Master Fu is dead and you've lost Shengcheng's illegal circle. Also, your family has suffered tremendous losses. Are you going to take revenge or not?"

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