Big Boss?

This man here was the Big Boss that Brother Gou was referring to the night before?

This was the real leader of Shenghai's illegal circle!

And they had come here to break the limbs of this Big Boss?!

Qin Kangsen was trembling all over. He couldn't feel anything in his legs anymore and they felt even more numb than his broken arms.

But Song Cheng and Sun Linlin still hadn't realized what was going on.

"Humph, Big Boss, huh? You're pretty good at putting on airs, but what's the use of that?" shouted Song Cheng. He only wanted to vent his anger now. "Attack them now! Break their legs!" "Oh really now."

Before the two bodyguards could do anything, there was yet another cold snort from behind them.

Qin Kangsen spun around violently and gulped. He nearly stopped breathing.

He opened his mouth but his throat was too dry to speak. That voice was from the Gao family!

Gao Yali and Gao Bin walked right in front. There were twenty or thirty men behind them walking neatly behind them. Every step they took felt like a step on Qin Kangsen's heart and he felt like puking blood. "The Song family is realy domineering huh?" Gao Yali scoffed coldly. "Did you think you could do just anything you wanted in Shenghai?"

Clang! Clang!

Gao Bin was already holding his steel bats tightly.

The Song family was really too bold and actually wanted to break Jiang Ning and

Lin Yuzhen's limbs?

Where did they get this sort of confidence from?

Song Cheng's expression changed slightly while Sun Linlin didn't know what to do. What was happening?

They were here just to teach Ye Qingwu and Lin Group a lesson. Why were there so many people here and who were these people?

"The Gao family!"

Song Cheng's expression was extremely nasty now. His men had died the night before while Qin Kangsen had returned with severe injuries. The Gao family had told them to get out of Shenghai, but now they had come looking forthem already.

Gao Yali didn't even look at Song Cheng and wasn't worried about him at all.

She walked straight to Jiang Ning and spoke politely, "Mr Jiang, Yuzhen, I'm so sorry that these people came to make

trouble for you. I'll handle it from here."

Jiang Ning nodded. His expression hadn't changed at all.

He glanced at Song Cheng. "The Song family is a little too domineering for their own good and will have to pay the price for this." He then turned and brought the ladies upstairs.

After that...

Brother Gou, Gao Bin and all their men surrounded Song Cheng.

"You...what are all of you trying to do?! I'm from the Song family! The Song family in the north!" shouted Song Cheng loudly

"Qin Kangsen! Protect me!" he yelled loudly.

But there was no reaction from Qin Kangsen.

Song Cheng turned to see Qin Kangsen fall to his knees with a loud thud. His lips were trembling, "Spare me...spare me, please!!"

Brother Gou had led a whole group of ordinary men last night and already beat them to a pulp. But today, the ten odd men with Brother Gou...were just like Brother Gou!

On top of that, the men from the Gao family also looked like they were going to gobble them up!

"Have we...have we offended the gods...?" wondered Qin Kangsen in fear.

"What's going on? What's happening, hubby? Who are these people?"

Sun Linlin hid herself behind Song Cheng and was terribly frightened.

She didn't think things would turn out like this.

Wasn't it just one Ye Qingwu and one measly Lin Group? Why...why were so many people protecting them?

Song Cheng finally figured it out now.

That Jiang Ning was the real leader of Shenghai's illegal circle. He was the terrifying grandmaster level fighter that had killed off the highly skilled fighters from both the Su family and the Zuo family! And he had brought his men to break this grandmaster's limbs?

He spun around violently and saw that Sun Linlin was still holding onto his arm. He suddenly lifted his arm and brought it down hard to slap Sun Linlin's face.

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