Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 530 Lin Group? Never Heard of Them Before

"Heh heh, Mr Gao knows me best. I saw her at the entrance just now and saw that she was in a Benz C-Class car. That man next to her is her driver. Look how ordinarily he's dressed. I think she's probably not from some upper class family after all."

Judging a person by their car was something that this bunch of guys were best at doing.

Gao Cheng didn't care. With his current status and identity, he had plenty of women around him and didn't have to snatch with Qin Mu. He preferred to just enjoy the feeling that came with his elevated status. "Yup, not from one of the wealthy families."

Once Gao Cheng had confirmed this, Qin Mu knew what to do.

He laughed and raised his glass. "Alright, thanks so much Mr Gao. I'll see you at our usual place someday, my treat. I heard that they've got some new things for us to play with, I'm sure you'd like them." Gao Cheng laughed and didn't say anymore. He left to continue greeting other guests.

Meanwhile, Qin Mu cleared his throat, got a server to refill his glass of wine and then made his way towards Lin Yuzhen.

"Good evening, Miss," Qin Mu looked as gentlemanly as he could as he bowed slightly and seemed fairly polite. "Could I know your name and which family in Shenghai you're from? My name is Qin Mu, I'm from the Qin family."

Lin Yuzhen was watching Jiang Ning and Su Yun discuss what they should eat first when she heard a voice next to her. She turned and realized it was someone she didn't know.

Since he was so polite, she had to be polite too. She nodded slightly and replied, "Hello, my surname is Lin, and I'm the CEO of Lin Group." "Oh."

Qin Mu was even more certain in his heart now.

Lin Group?

He had never heard of them before. Shenghai didn't have any major corporation called Lin Group, so she definitely wasn't from some rich family.

"Lin Group? Oh I've heard of them before," he said with a smile anyway. "My father doesn't have a very high position in Shenghai, but most businessmen have to come into contact with him. Miss Lin, we could get to know each other so if you need anything in the future, you can look for me directly."

Jiang Ning and Su Yun heard what Qin Mu said and turned to look.

They exchanged glances and immediately understood what this Qin Mu was trying to do.

"Thanks, but we don't know each other, so it's a little awkward for me even though you've offered," Lin Yuzhen smiled back.

She was pure hearted but not stupid.

"We're strangers at our first meeting, a little familiar on our second meeting and we'll be friends on our third meeting," Qin Mu smiled as he walked closer and was only one step away from Lin Yuzhen. "Miss Lin, could I invite you to dance with me?"

Qin Mu's methods of picking girls up was really smooth. He kept closing the gap between them until the two of them would be touching each other slightly, and any closer would seal the deal.

This had never failed on him before.

Just when Qin Mu had reached out to take Lin Yuzhen's hand, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.

"No," Jiang Ning said directly. "If you want to dance, find someone else."

Did Qin Mu think Jiang Ning was invisible?

Qin Mu looked up and frowned as his face fell a little. A mere driver dared to block his way?

"A driver should just concentrate on being a good driver. You're not qualified to interfere with what your master does," Qin Mu laughed quietly and his voice was filled with contempt. "If you end up causing problems for Miss Lin's business in the future, can you bear that responsibility? Get lost!"

He then reached out to push Jiang Ning aside.


Jiang Ning didn't bother talking to him and just slapped him across the face. Qin Mu staggered four or five steps backwards before steadying himself.


Qin Mu was furious as he clutched his face and stared at Jiang Ning in disbelief. He never imagined that a lowly driver would dare to hit him!

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