Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 447 False Accusations

Sun Ling's expression was very nasty.

The position of the head of the family was almost in his hands, and now he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

He had spent so much time and energy and he was nearly there. In the end?

One Jiang Ning had ruined all his plans!

But since Sun Qi was so angry, there was no point in explaining. Any defense from the one who failed would only look like a cover up, and he would only make his father even more disappointed in him. Then again, the position as the head of the Sun family was his sooner or later.

But Sun Ling was still unhappy because he had received such a painful slap in the face!

Even if his father still gave him the position now, he wouldn't dare to take it. He would be laughed at.

The head of the Sun family broadcast an obscene movie in a public space - that would be a spot on his reputation that he would never be able to get rid of!

"Why are you still standing there? Go and reflect on your actions!" Sun Qi started shouting again when he noticed that Sun Ling was still daydreaming in front of him. "You can't even take this amount of testing, so embarrassing!"

Sun Qi scoffed and left.

Sun Ling didn't say anything. His expression darkened.

He walked back to his room with that dark expression and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Jiang Ning, Lin Yuzhen, I'm going to make you two pay for this!!"

Nobody had ever dared to embarrass him like this. Not even Yang Luolin back then!

"Guo Sange, have you arranged everything?" Sun Ling gave Guo Sange a call. "Remember, blow up the matter as much as you can. I want both Lin Yuzhen and Lin Group's reputation to go down the drain!” After hanging up, he threw the phone aside and started thinking of what else he could do.

What he wanted wasn't just to destroy this new product. He wanted to trample on Lin Group and he wanted both Lin Yuzhen and Jiang Ning to pay a painful price for doing this to him.

Did they think they could leave Jianzhou in peace after offending him?

Dream on!

At the same time.

Lin Group had reached their busiest and most tense time.

The orders couldn't stop coming in, and both their online and offline sales channels were flooded.

There were even other companies who requested to partner with them to come up with a new product. Many of them came from cities much further out from Jianzhou.

The news really spread too quickly.

Lin Yuzhen was drowning in work.

"That's right, we'll go according to what we've planned. Remember, go according to the procedure and don't be anxious. No matter what happens, quality is the most important thing to us."

Lin Yuzhen had emphasized this many times.

She would rather make a loss than to earn money from cheating others.

She turned to look at Jiang Ning enjoying himself. He was the most relaxed out of all of them.

Lin Yuzhen wasn't angry. In fact she was quite proud of herself now.

Humph! I can earn enough to feed you!

I'm not going to let other women snatch you away!"

"Wifey, I've peeled some grapes for you, have some?" Jiang Ning looked up to see Lin Yuzhen looking at him. But the way she looked at him was a little different from usual and he didn't know what on earth this girl was thinking about now.

He picked up the plate and it was full of peeled grapes.

"Hubby, you're so nice to me!"

Lin Yuzhen walked over quickly and her eyes sparkled brightly. Jiang Ning hadn't just enjoyed the grapes by himself. He had actually peeled so many for her.

"Are they sweet?"

"Yeah they are."

"I don't believe you."

"You can have a taste." "Muuuac..."

"I meant taste the grapes!"

The new product hit the shelves!

Lin Group's new product hit the shelves on time!

The various major retailers had made preparations early to make sure they had enough stock and also enough part timers because they were afraid the crowd might be too much for their regular staff to handle.

But even so, the queues outside the stores shocked some of these merchants anyway.

"There are so many people! That's crazy!"

"The other stores look like this too! It's just a skincare product!"

"Apparently the production can't keep up, so if they don't get it today, they might have to wait quite a while for the next batch. Nobody wants to wait!"

On top of that, Ye Qingwu was the spokesperson, plus the price was reasonable, so most people could afford it, and they could even afford to keep a few bottles at home.

There were also clearly some people who were buying the product in order to resell them at a higher price later.

Did that sort of thing happen to skincare products too?!

"Everyone, calm down, please line up to buy, there's enough for everyo..." The salesperson had to swallow her words when she saw the line outside the store. There really might not be enough for everyone.

"Move aside, move aside!"

Some men cut the queue and squeezed in front, causing others to be unhappy.

"Why are you cutting the queue!"

Not happy? I dare you to say another


The expression of the leader of the men darkened immediately. His face had some frightening scars on it, so nobody dared to say anymore.

"Give me ten bottles! Make sure you write me an official receipt, otherwise I don't know if it's genuine goods or not. What if it's fake?"

"Don't worry, these were all purchased through proper channels from Lin Group and they carry Lin Group's seal, so they're all genuine."

"That's the way! I want only genuine goods from Lin Group! Hurry up! Get the stock and write the receipt now!"

It wasn't just in Jianzhou. The product was being sold in the entire southeast region at the same time, and the first day's sales were already beyond Lin Yuzhen's expectations.

The retailers were selling while trying to get more stock because they didn't want to miss this current rush to buy.

Ye Qingwu's ad continued to play everywhere, while the consumers continued to pass the word on about this product, so the demand remained very high.

There were several stores that already ran out of stock and ordered more, but Lin Group really didn't have any for them.

The factory was trying its best to keep up with the demand, but it really couldn't because the product was way too popular!

This was good sign of things to come!

Sun Ling watched expressionlessly as the news continued to report about how well Lin Group's new product was selling. It was like he had no emotions and was just staring into the air. Suddenly he started laughing. His laughter was sinister, with a hint of madness and he seemed to be laughing at them.

Lin Yuzhen, Jiang Ning, you guys must be very happy now, right?"

"You must be thinking that your position in this region is stable, right?"

Sun Ling laughed coldly. "If I don't bring you all the way up, then you wouldn't know how painful it is to fall all the way down!"

Lin Group's new product was at the height of its popularity now, so if there were any bad reports on this product, it would spread far and wide instantly.

Sun Ling made a call. His voice was sinister and low. "You can act now!"

After hanging up, he started laughing maniacally like a lunatic.

The next day.

Outside one of the stores.


The people were queueing on one side of the store, when someone suddenly kicked open the door on the other side.

The terrible sound made some girls in the queue shriek.

"AHH!!! This store's products have a problem! They have a problem!"

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