Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 440 Product Launch

At the product launch!

The time had come.

The product launch that everyone was looking forward to was already making waves online even before it began.

The voting competition Lin Group organized made many fans of various celebrities quarrel online and argue offline.

Everybody insisted that their favorite star was the one with the best poise and was most suitable to be the spokesperson for this equally classy product.

There was absolutely no leak about who the spokesperson really was, and everything was still kept under wraps.

At the event hall.

It was filled with people.

The massive crowd moved like the tide.

"Why are there so many people?" Lin Yuzhen looked down from upstairs with a look of disbelief. "You mean our product is so influential even before it has been released?"

"You're thinking too much," Jiang Ning laughed. "They're here to see their favorite stars and the hope to win the prize money."

He looked over at the next hall also having a product launch. Sun Ling had arranged it like that.

One of the reasons why there were so many people was that Sun Ling had invited them here, so that it became more crowded.

The crowd made him seem more powerful, but he also wanted more people to watch Lin Group embarrass themselves.

He was really a disgusting fellow.

"Qingwu, you just need to appear for a while later," Jiang Ning turned to Ye Qingwu. "I'll arrange for men to protect you, don't worry." "Ok," Ye Qingwu nodded. She just needed to go along with Jiang Ning's arrangements.

Since both companies were doing their product launch at the same time, many reporters would take photos on one side, then quickly run to the other side to take photos.

It was obvious that the two companies intended to compete with one another.

This promotional ad reveal was already so tense!

Ye Qingwu glanced at Jiang Ning to find that he still looked very calm and confident. She was still a little worried, but she had already said everything she could, and Jiang Ning knew what to do. It wasn't appropriate for her to say anymore.

"I hope we can get off to a good start!" Lin Yuzhen said excitedly while clenching her fists.

This was the best chance for Lin Group to enter the southeast market. The moment this one went well, then it would be easier in the future.

Once the path into the southeast was clear, that would prove that the direction Lin Group chose to expand into was not a problem.

This was a good chance to boost the company's morale!

"Let's go, it's time to watch a good show," Jiang Ning said as he led them downstairs.

At the same time.

Sun Ling was on the other side looking down at the two halls.

"CEO Sun, we've invited a lot of people and almost everyone in the media is here. We've also instructed them to write their articles as truthfully as possible and release them immediately after the launch." "Good."

Sun Ling nodded satisfactorily.

He had reviewed the ad that Huang Fang passed to him and he was very satisfied with it.

His post production skills were much more detailed than Guo Sange. It was practically perfect.

He even thought that he might not even need to do anything extra and Lin Group would still lose.

But he was still worried, so he made Huang Fang prepare another ad. That way, Lin Group wouldn't just lose, but they would also embarrass themselves greatly in front of all these people! "Come along, let's go watch the show!" Sun Ling laughed loudly and went downstairs.

He really couldn't wait.

The atmosphere downstairs was so heated, the security guards had trouble holding the crowd back.

"Everyone, please stand back, stop pushing!"

"Please watch from here!"

"The celebrities will come out in a while, please be patient!"

The security guards continued to shout and they had helpless expressions on their face.

"It's got to be our goddess, Tian Mimi! Her poise is just like the ad copy!"

"Tsk, how could it be? It's definitely Yang Chen! She always acts as a fairy!"

"Stop making wild guesses, I've got insider information that it's a singer!"

A huge group of people started arguing.

The lights came on and everyone quietened down.

Lin Yuzhen walked out from the backstage and walked to the podium. The entire crowd was in a daze.

"Who is she? Is she a celebrity?"

"But I've never seen her before. She's so elegant, but I don't know who she is."

Many of them were confused. They didn't know who the beautiful lady on stage was, and they didn't remember this face among the current popular artistes either. "Hello everyone, I'm the CEO of Lin Group, Lin Yuzhen," Lin Yuzhen introduced herself with a smile. "I'm not the star of the ad, but we'll reveal who she is in no time."

Everyone was even more shocked by this. They didn't expect the CEO of Lin Group to be so poised.

Was it because she used her own company's products?

The product launch on the other side started too!

Sun Ling walked up to his podium and there was a bright smile on his face, but his eyes were staring straight at Lin Yuzhen on the other side.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect to have a product launch on the same day as Lin Group," he quickly waved his hands. "CEO Lin and I didn't arrange this beforehand, don't make any guesses."

"Lin Group is a famous company in Tianhai, so my humble company cannot be compared to them." He purposely sighed and continued in a very helpless voice, "I actually wanted to change the date of my launch, because doing this on the same day as Lin Group makes me very anxious and very nervous!"

The expression on Sun Ling's face was clearly meant to butter Lin Group up and kept putting them on a pedestal.

That was because he knew very well that the higher they rose, the harder they would fall!

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