The air immediately froze.

Ye Qingwu was rooted to the spot and she thought her ears were broken. What did Jiang Ning just say?

He wanted the notorious Su Mingquan to apologize to her? And she even got to choose how?

Was he...was he joking?!

Su Mingquan was equally stunned by this. He immediately used a finger to dig his ears, as if he had heard the most hilarious joke in the world.

"You want ME to apologize? You can go to hell!" Su Mingquan roared loudly. "Liu Xiaodao! Hack him to pieces!"

There weren't many people in Shenghai who dared to demand an apology from him, never mind someone like Jiang Ning who had just popped out from nowhere. What was this about apologizing to Ye Qingwu?

Jiang Ning must be tired of living!

On Su Mingquan's orders, Liu Xiaodao immediately waved a hand. "Attack!"

In an instant, a huge wave of men surrounded Jiang Ning. Their gaze was wary, but extremely aggressive.

"Tear his mouth off!" Su Mingquan laughed coldly. "Who the hell does he think he is? How dare he talk to me like that!

Knock all his teeth out!"

The men rushed over immediately.

Jiang Ning stood where he was without moving. Ye Qingwu's face was already drained of color and her body trembled.



Brother Gou and Number 2 made their move!

This sort of trash didn't need Jiang Ning to throw them out personally!

Both of them were like furious wolves since someone had dared to disrespect Jiang Ning! That itself deserved death!


It was as if someone had planted explosives in the ground. The ground was cracked from their feet and they soon dashed into the incoming crowd. One punch each!




Their fists were not as overpowering as Jiang Ning's, but they were way too powerful for these ordinary men.

The fighters flew out like shooting stars, howling in pain and crashing hard onto the floor without any way to fight back. The howling and screaming made Su

Mingquan tremble and move back. He didn't think that these men could fight this well!

There was a glimmer in Liu Xiaodao's eyes as he suddenly realized what was that feeling he had about Brother Gou.

The forbidden territory of Donghai!

Those men he met in Donghai!

When he was sent flying by Number 13 with a slap, it was exactly this feeling!

That gaze that wasn't bothered by anything and that violence that was filled with insanity and ferocity!

Why were they here?

"Liu Xiaodao!" Su Ming roared loudly. "Why the hell are you still standing there and daydreaming? Kill them!!"

Liu Xiaodao was the best fighter among Su Mingquan's men, and he was the only one left standing now.

Liu Xiaodao's heart was filled with fear. How was he going to even fight these men?

If he had the ability to fight these men, he wouldn't have been walking along the highway for an entire afternoon in barely any clothes to the point where his feet wore out. But since Su Mingquan had given orders, he couldn't not do anything either.

"I'll kill you guys!" Liu Xiaodao shouted loudly in hope of pumping himself up.


But just as he reached Jiang Ning, he was sent flying. He didn't even know when Jiang Ning made an attack. His face was still flying and trembling when his bones cracked.


That howl agitated Su Mingquan and made him really panic.

He turned to find that none of his men in the house were still standing. All of them had collapsed on the floor and were clutching either their limbs or their stomachs and groaning in pain. "Who...who the hell are you people?!" Su Mingquan was in shock. "How dare you touch me! I'm from the Su family!"


Jiang Ning slapped him across the face. "I don't care who you are. If you've done something wrong, then you have to apologize. How do you wish to apologize?" "'re asking for it!"

Su Mingquan clutched his face and yelled, "Where are the people outside! All those outside had better come in right now!"

He had left at least twenty to thirty men outside the house. If they all came in, they would be able to crush Jiang Ning and his men.

But after shouting and shouting, there was no response from outside.


Jiang Ning slapped him again and some of his teeth flew out. "Answer my question. I don't have that much patience."

"So? How do you intend to apologize?"

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