This was an outright threat!

Yang Luolin didn't care about what others thought. He just stared coldly at them and didn't hold back at all.

"Choose between the Yang family and Lin Group. Once you're done choosing, you'll see the result."

How audacious!

"I said that I can make sure you have to stay within Shengcheng, and the Yang family is really powerful enough to do this!"

Nobody doubted the Yang family's ability to do this. The Yang family was the industry leader in the southeast region, so even though Lin Group was expanding quickly, they were still a long way off from the Yangs.

They didn't really need to think too hard about this.

If they chose the Yang famiy, they would only have betrayed the Lins and lose some in Shengcheng. But the Yang family could provide entry into the rest of the market.

But if they chose Lin Group, then that was almost as good as choosing bankruptcy!

The Yang family would definitely make sure they couldn't set foot outside of Shengcheng at all.

Many people started hesitating.

This was a matter of keeping their businesses alive, so they couldn't be swayed by any sort of attachment or tacit agreement.

"Young Master Yang, aren't you going too far by doing this?" Someone suddenly stood up among the crowd and looked angry.

"You want all of us to pick a side just because you have a personal feud with Lin Group? But I don't think any of us have offended you, right?"

Yang Luolin looked up at this man, but he didn't seem to have any impression of him.

"What are you even? You dare to question me?"

"I'm the chairman of Hui Group, Li Long!"

Li Long's face and ears were all red because he was furious.

His factory had been revived only because Lin Group had been willing to open the market and expand its model.

But the Yang family was now asking him to betray Lin Group.

How could he betray the company that saved his?

If he betrayed Lin Group, then how was he going to answer to all his grateful workers? They would think that Hui Group was a company that was ungrateful and even caused harm to the company that helped them so much.

"Hui Group?" Yang Luolin said with disdain. "I've never heard of it, and I think I won't need to hear about it ever again."


Li Long was furious and pointed a finger at Yang Luolin, but he couldn't get a single word out.

"It's too late for you to choose the Yang family now, I won't count you in," Yang Luolin laughed coldly. "Get lost. Since you support the Lins, you can die with them."

Li Long was so angry that he was shaking all over, but there was nothing he could do.

Compared to the Yangs, he was just a tiny ant and the Yangs could squash him very easily.

He angrily clenched his fist, then left without saying a word.

"Who else?" Yang Luolin stood up and slammed the table. "Whoever still wants to support Lin Group can get out of here as well!"

Then he picked up his phone and made a call.

"Cut off all the retailers who work with Hui Group from Tianhai. I want them to go bankrupt and close down within one day!"

He purposely spoke very loudly so as to shock everyone in the meeting room.

Anyone who dared to go against him was going to end up bankrupt!

"I...I choose the Yangs."

"I choose the Yangs too."

"I hope Young Master Yang can help us."

All these big bosses quickly nodded and made this choice with awkward smiles even if they weren't willing to.

They didn't have a choice!

It was already tough to survive with such a big player in the industry.

At least if they offended Lin Group, Lin Yuzhen was kind and would not kill them

off. But the Yang family?

They would really use all means and ways to force them to close shop!

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